
  • 网络faust;Faustus;Faustian;Doctor Faustus;Dr. Faustus
  1. 从靡非斯特看《浮士德》的辨证思想

    A View to the Dialectical Thought of Faust through Mephistopheles

  2. 墨菲斯托菲里斯浮士德传说中的魔鬼,浮士德将自己的灵魂出卖给了这个魔鬼

    The devil in the Faust legend to whom Faust sold his soul

  3. 这位在HBO奇幻电视剧中饰演雪诺的明星目前正在伦敦约克公爵剧院参演舞台剧《浮士德博士》,在这台剧中,哈灵顿大部分时间都只穿着内裤,到最后还会露得更多。

    The star - who plays Jon Snow in the HBO fantasy series - is currently appearing in Doctor Faustus at the Duke of York Theatre in London , in which he spends most of his time in his pants and eventually shows rather more .

  4. 帖木儿和浮士德是具有这一精神的典型。

    Both Tamburlaine and Faustus are typical in possessing such a spirit .

  5. 古诺歌剧《浮士德》中玛格丽特的人物分析

    The Elementary Analysis on Margaret of Faustus , the Opera by Gounod

  6. 论《浮士德》的分裂人格

    Talk about " splitting personality " of " Faust "

  7. 这就是我自己的“蔬菜版”浮士德。

    What is the meaning of life , President Faust ?

  8. 译为现在象一层朦胧的薄雾逼迫浮士德。

    Now draw up Faustus , like a foggy mist .

  9. 他的最著名作品有《浮士德》,《少年维特之烦恼》等。

    His famous works include Faust and The Sorrows of Young Werther etc.

  10. 再则,“浮士德”的女巫歌队唱道:

    cf. the chorus of wizards in Goethe 's Faust :

  11. 论《浮士德》情节结构的狂欢化特色

    On Carnivalesque Feature of the Faust 's Plot Structure

  12. 《浮士德》&歌德的精神自传

    Faust : An Autobiography of Goethe s Inner World

  13. 浮士德是一位受启蒙运动思想影响的资产阶级知识分子。

    Faust was a bourgeois intellectual influenced by the thought of the Enlightenment .

  14. 接近歌德的天才思索&《浮士德》的艺术、哲学和宗教

    A Genius Thinking of Goethe : Arts , Philosophy and Religion in Faust

  15. 《浮士德》与《比目鱼》中契约之比较

    The Motif of Contract : A Comparative Study of Faust and The Flounder

  16. 西方文学中的神话传统与《浮士德博士的悲剧》

    Myth Tradition in Western Literature and The Tragical History of Dr Faustus ;

  17. 突然间,你成了浮士德精神的化身,对现实不满,要实行世界性的改革。

    Suddenly a Faustian spirit of discontent and universal reform descends on you .

  18. 歌德《浮士德》的悲、喜剧精神之辨

    The Dispute on the Spirit between Tragedy and Comedy in Goethe 's Faustus

  19. 《红楼梦》与《浮士德》灵肉母题的文本对话

    On Context Dialog between Red Chamber Dream and Faust

  20. 既是乐观的,也是悲观的,最终是乐观的。这就是《浮士德》文本的核心思想。

    These are the core meaning of Faust .

  21. 《浮士德的沉沦》从文学到音乐转换的变异

    The variations of La Damnation de Faust in the transformation from literature to music

  22. 传承借鉴再造&《大师和玛格丽特》与《浮士德》比较

    Inheritance , Reference and Reproduction & A Comparison between Master and Margaret and Faustus

  23. 文章所揭示的正是歌德在《浮士德》里小心翼翼隐藏在精神背后的身体图景。

    The paper reveals the body metaphor that has been hidden behind the spirit .

  24. 灵的内涵在于浮士德一生的精神需求及其满足。

    The connotation of Soul lies in Faust 's spiritual demands and their fulfillment .

  25. 浮士德将其灵魂献给魔鬼。

    Faust mortgaged his soul to the devil .

  26. 又是《浮士德》,但是这一次由拉·卡洛塔演唱玛格丽塔。

    It was Faust again , but this time with La Carlotta singing Margarita .

  27. 《浮士德》人物形象浅析

    PERSONAGE Elementary Analysis of Character Images in Faust

  28. 歌剧《浮士德》是古诺最著名的作品之一。

    Faustus , the opera , is one of the most famous works of Gounod .

  29. 她们一边笑谈着一边穿上她们的红黑的《浮士德》歌剧服。

    They talked and laughed and put on their red and black dresses for Faust .

  30. 肉身的悲剧&解读歌德《浮士德》的身体图景

    The Tragedy of Human Body & Interpreting the Picture of Human Body in Goethe 's Faust