
  • 网络Tyr;tyre;Till;Týr
  1. 提尔,公正之手,正义之神。

    Tyr , the Even-Handed , God of Justice .

  2. 在公元前1500年以前,西顿和提尔在非洲海岸上都已经开辟了居留地。

    Already before 1,500 B. C. both Sidon and Tyre had settlements upon the African coast .

  3. 今年4月,帕兰提尔技术公司与汤森路透合作,创建了一个名为QA工作室(QAStudio)的财务数据分析平台。

    In April , Palantir partnered with Thomson Reuters to create a financial data analytics platform called QA Studio .

  4. 克尔斯滕•邓斯特(KirstenDunst)凭借在拉斯•冯•提尔(LarsvonTrier)的影片《忧郁症》中的表演获得最佳女演员奖。

    The best actress award went to Kirsten Dunst for her performance in Lars von Trier 's film Melancholia .

  5. 提尔城据说是紫色颜料的诞生地。

    According to legend , purple dye was invented in tyre .

  6. 那根本就是疯狂之举,布兰登当时已经二十岁,培提尔才不过十五。

    It was madness . Brandon was twenty , Petyr scarcely fifteen .

  7. 帕兰提尔技术公司目前拥有两套主要的软件套件。

    The company currently has two main software packages .

  8. 最后,赫华勒的儿子安根提尔被他的兄弟所杀。

    Eventually , Hervor 's son Angantyr was killed by his brother Heidrek .

  9. 为什么开车的不是卡喷提尔?

    Why isn 't Carpentier driving ?

  10. 提尔锋早已成了她父亲的殉葬品,他的坟墓在一个常有鬼魂出没的小岛上。

    It had been buried with her father , and his grave was on a haunted island .

  11. 拉斯•冯•提尔上周曾因为开玩笑说他是纳粹分子而被排除出这次电影节。

    Von Trier was thrown out of the festival last week for joking that he was a Nazi .

  12. 因此从提尔到贝鲁特来来往往的车辆一直都在使用这临时性的,劣质性的公路。

    But cars and trucks had been using a makeshift crossing to get from Tyre to Beirut and back .

  13. 提尔锋是北欧神话中的另一件神兵,由两个分别叫做杜华林和杜林的矮人打造而成。

    Another magical Norse weapon , Tyrfing was a sword forged by a pair of dwarves named Dvalinn and Durin .

  14. 这些人性的关键特质受到了里昂•维瑟提尔所称的“主观数字化”的威胁。

    These key traits of our humanity are threatened by the " mathematization of subjectivity , " as Leon wieseltier calls it .

  15. 提尔·市里契是这个两里高的洞穴中的最高点,可以鸟瞰整座魔索布莱城。

    Tier Breche was the highest point on the floor of the two-mile cavern , affording a panoramic view to the rest of Menzoberranzan .

  16. 狄多成功地带着一大批男女朋友和侍从逃出了提尔。

    Dido , with a numerous body of friends and followers , both men and women , succeeded in effecting their escape from Tyre .

  17. 一个名叫亚伦格林的狂战士使诅咒的最后一句话得以应验,他砍掉斯瓦弗尔拉梅的一只手,然后用提尔锋杀死了他。

    A berserker named Arngrim ended up fulfilling the last part of the prophecy by cutting off Svafrlami 's hand and killing him with Tyrfing .

  18. 赫华勒没能找到可靠的同伴,只好孤身踏上险程。她不停地召唤父亲的灵魂直到他交出提尔锋。

    Unable to find reliable companions , Hervor ventured on her own , binding and summoning her father 's spirit until it gave her the sword .

  19. 提尔说,他希望“尽可能地把音乐中的美与舒适带给更多物种”。接下来就轮到狗狗了。

    Mr. Teie said he wants to bring " the beauty and comfort of music to as many species as possible . " Next up : dogs .

  20. 养牛农夫凡妮莎‧桑切斯在其牛只伴随下表示:「将畜牧群从北方高原赶往卡斯提尔牧场的畜牧群季节性移动,仍流传至今。」

    " Transhumance is still practiced by herds coming down from the north heading towards the fields of Castile ," cattle farmer Vanesa Sanchez said as she accompanied her cows .

  21. 除了一次由于躲避希律王的屠杀而逃到埃及,还有去提尔和西顿的短暂旅行外,福音书的所有其他事件都设置在古代以色列。

    Aside from a flight to Egypt in infancy to escape Herod 's Massacre of the Innocents and a short trip to Tyre and Sidon , all other events in the Gospels are set in ancient Israel .