
dī lā mǐ sū
  • Tiramisu;Italian Tiramisu;Tiramisu Cake
  1. 提拉米苏是我最爱的甜点,很好吃。

    Tiramisu is my favorite dessert . It 's so delicious .

  2. ::喝格纳帕跟吃提拉米苏你觉得怎么样?

    Drinking grappa and eating tiramisu So what do you think ?

  3. 如果你能做得一手好提拉米苏,你就能获得真爱。

    If y can make good Tirmisu , u 'll get love !

  4. 在香榭丽舍大道的咖啡店休息下,还有好吃的提拉米苏;

    Take a break in a coffee shop on Champs-Elysees within Tiramisu .

  5. 我是一块提拉米苏只在晚上两点的时候好吃。

    I am a Tiramisu , only delious at2 am .

  6. 我昨晚在一家餐馆吃饭,甜点是提拉米苏。

    We went to a restaurant last night and ate tiramisu for dessert .

  7. 京晶:嘿,提拉米苏的价格好像和别地儿都差不多呢。

    Hey , the tiramisu is about the same price as anywhere else .

  8. 我是说格纳帕跟提拉米苏。

    I meant about the grappa and the tiramisu .

  9. 你有像之前所说的,把戒指藏在她的提拉米苏里吗?

    Trish : Did you hide the ring in her tiramisu like you said you would ?

  10. 甜点部分,我们选择了意大利人历来最爱的焦糖鸡蛋布丁和提拉米苏蛋糕,味道都非常棒!

    For dessert we went for the all time Italian favorites creme brullee and tiramisu , both perfectly executed .

  11. 提拉米苏酱是来源于意大利的独特风味,由咖啡、苦杏仁酒及奶酪混合而成。用量为每升冰淇淋混料加入提拉米苏酱60~80克。

    T & G Tiramisu Paste is special from Italy , manufactured with coffee , amaretto and mascarpone.For1L ice mix60 ~ 80g Tiramisu Paste .

  12. 提拉米苏,是一种来自意大利的小点心,它是一种口味独特的咖啡芝士,和咖啡的亲密犹如情侣般。

    Rowing motion rice Soviet , is one kind comes from Italy 's small dessert , it is one kind of taste unique coffee cheese , with coffee intimate like lover .

  13. 在起司蛋糕和各种各样的甜点比如巧克力慕斯,提拉米苏,香草布丁,以及超市所有冷藏的食物里,都添加了明胶来保持食物美观。

    And in cheesecake and all kinds of desserts , like chocolate mousse , tiramisu , vanilla pudding , everything that 's cooled in the supermarket , there 's gelatin to make it look good .

  14. 一个国际范围的甜点,包括乳酪、提拉米苏、山核桃派、面包和奶油布丁是派随时准备好的的烹煮,经销商的烤箱里。

    An international range of desserts , including Cr è me Brul é e , Tiramisu , Pecan Pie , Bread and Butter Pudding are sent ready-prepared by our mother company to be cooked in the franchisees'ovens .