
tiān qióng
  • the vault of heaven;firmament;zenith;vault
天穹 [tiān qióng]
  • [vault of heaven] 从地球表面上看,像半个球面似的覆盖着大地的天空;天空

  • 一颗流星划过蔚蓝的天穹而陨落

天穹[tiān qióng]
  1. 我们活在地上,仰望天穹。

    We live in ground , looks up to the vault of heaven .

  2. 上帝把日月星辰置于天穹之中以照亮大地,司昼夜、分明暗。上帝见如此很好。

    God put these lights in the vault of heaven to give light on earth , to govern day and night , and to separate light from darkness ; and God saw that it was good .

  3. 宇宙图式中的天穹之花&柿蒂纹辨铃木SKYWAVE250型摩托车

    Flower of the Sky - the Lotus Pattern Suzuki SKY WAVE 250 Motorcycle

  4. 虽然我现在离开了,但我也不会忘记你们的,我更不会忘记我在BAXTER的天穹成长了4个月的。

    Although I left now , but I cannot forget you , I cannot forget I grew for4 month-long in the BAXTER vault of heaven .

  5. 文章按照视觉生理学原理,利用统计方法,并参照扁平天穹归算模型,对古籍中95条黑子大如X记录的17种比体进行了面积和实际大小的归算。

    The author uses the principle of seeing physiology and statistical method and the model of the plane vault of heaven to reduce to the area the scale of 17 comparative objects that come from 95 records of big as X of sunspots in annals .

  6. 结果显示,未经退火处理的样品其PL谱为一覆盖整个可见光区域的展宽发光谱线,主峰位置在520nm附近;再对可见天穹积分,得到瞬时来自可见天穹的散射辐射总量。

    The results indicate that PL spectra of samples without anneal treatment are the broadening luminous spectrum lines covering the whole visible area , whose main peak position is near 520 nm , while PL spectra of samples with fast anneal treatment show a strong peak near 450 nm position ;

  7. 天穹分为一块顶板、八块侧板,用玻璃铜制做,装在1.2米高的钢支架上,用I7只18瓦荧光灯、16只500瓦强光灯和8只100瓦射灯照明。

    The skydome consists of a cap and 8 side boards made of glass fibre reinforced plastic , supported by 1.2m steel frame , illuminated by seventeen 18W fluorescent lamps , sixteen 500W flood type PAR lamps and eight 100W spot type reflector lamps .

  8. 从天穹的最遥远而模糊的边沿。

    Of some fierce maenad , even from the dim verge .

  9. 人工天穹的计算机模拟方法研究

    The Research on Computer Simulation Method of Artificial Sky Hemisphere

  10. 尔后,天穹高挂虹彩。

    Later , there is a rainbow on the sky .

  11. 似细雨初洒,阳光降自天穹。

    Sweet the rain 's new fall sunlight from heaven .

  12. 父星与母星在天穹上排成一线。

    Mother and father aligned in the heavens as one .

  13. 黑夜的阴影,渐把天穹遮盖。

    Shadows of the evening , steal across the sky .

  14. 他以他的智慧创造天穹,因为他的仁慈永远常存。

    In wisdom he made the heavens , his kindness endures forever .

  15. 广阔的地平线上,树木显得被天穹压低;

    On the horizon wide , trees appear lowered by the sky ;

  16. 他带着漠漠的天穹和广阔的空间的气息来到了她身边。

    He came to her breathing of large airs and great spaces .

  17. 紫色天穹镶边的银色高跟鞋?

    Silver jig heels on the purple sky rim ?

  18. 山包、黑夜的天穹、光秃的头顶。

    The dome of a hill , the night sky , a bald head .

  19. 银灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最后一抹玫瑰色的余辉。

    The sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver .

  20. 从天穹的最遥远而模糊的边沿直抵九霄的中天,

    even from the dim verge Of the horizon to the zenith 's height ,

  21. 我们的星星总是高挂天穹

    Our star is always burning bright

  22. 主要讨论三个问题:天穹散射各向异性下的坡地散射辐射计算;

    Three main problems are discussed : Computation of diffuse sky radiation toward a tilted plane ;

  23. 在阴暗的天穹下,一叶小舟在海上航行。

    Under the cloudy vault of heaven , a small boat was sailing on the sea .

  24. 随便什么东西,艾莱柯都能点石成金,金光闪闪的财富越堆越高,直逼天穹。

    Everything Aleck touched turned to fairy gold , and heaped itself glittering toward the firmament .

  25. 阴沉的天穹是他的墓室,

    His crypt the cloudy canopy ,

  26. 她是一座永远绽放花朵的花园,一群永远翱翔天穹的天使。

    But rather a garden forever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight .

  27. 突然、在这擎接着天穹的地方传来了一连串意想不到的声音。

    Suddenly an unexpected series of sounds began to be heard in this place up against the sky .

  28. 再对“可见”天穹积分,得到瞬时来自“可见”天穹的散射辐射总量。

    Then integral the whole visible vault of heaven to get the amount of diffuse radiation at one moment .

  29. 这样一道落自天穹的闪光竟会引起如此惊天动地的声响,简直有些令人难以置信。

    It hardly was credible that such a heavenly light could be the parent of such a diabolical sound .

  30. 在马提尼克岛上的圣安妮镇,被映出侧面剪影的一个男孩走过一条桥墩,远处是在紫红色天穹下从海面上升起的火山。

    A boy 's silhouetted figure walks along a pier as volcanic mountains rise against a mauve-colored sky in St.