
huā shì
  • floriation;palmette;paraph;fal-lal
花饰[huā shì]
  1. 本公司主要经营亚克力饰品,亚克力花饰,各种插支、插针,各种节日礼品等。

    Our company mainly engaged in acrylic jewelry , acrylic floriation , support a variety of plug , pins , various gifts , such as festivals .

  2. 通过对东北野生藤本铁线莲的考查、态详述以及特种花饰的具体应用效果,阐述了藤本铁线莲作为特殊切花材料的开发价值。

    Through investigation , recount of configuration and specific application effect of special floriation type of the northeast wild liana clematis , the article expounds exploitation value of liana clema-tis as a special cut flower material .

  3. 让建筑师大为懊恼的是,我们搬进去最先做的事情之一就是换掉了花饰铅条窗。

    One of the first things we did when we moved in , to the chagrin of the architect , was to replace the leaded windows .

  4. 此件雕刻精美,背面有花饰图案

    It was prettily engraved with flowers on the back .

  5. 甚至塞丽娜林莉(serenalinley)头上的毛球,或者起源于新娘母亲的丁香花饰?

    Or even the fur ball on Serena Linley , or the lilac curlicue sprouting from the mother of the bride ?

  6. Twitter的早期用户们可能还记得,奥克斯利的小鸟更纤细、安静,只装饰着一只艺术化的眼睛,栖息在树枝上,那个树枝分裂成一个优雅的日式花饰。

    As early adopters of the platform may recall , Oxley 's bird is a slender , serene fellow , adorned only by a stylized eye and perched on a branch that splits off into an elegant Japanese & influenced gathering of curlicues .

  7. 我要一件没有精美花饰的朴素的黑色套衫。

    I want a plain black jumper with no fancy trimmings .

  8. 她正准备把连衣裙上的花饰改一改。

    She was about to alter the trimming of the dress .

  9. 粗节花饰纱的形成探讨梨形虫病的分子生物学研究进展

    Study of slub fancy yarn advances in molecular biology of piroplasmosis

  10. 花饰大写,通常配合斜体小写使用。

    Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters .

  11. 图案和花饰也有显著改进。

    The design and decoration also showed a marked improvement .

  12. 超高层建筑屋顶钢结构花饰施工

    Construction of Steel Structured Decoration for the Roof of Super High-Rise Building

  13. 历史保护建筑石膏花饰制品的修复技术

    Rehabilitation Technology of Gypsum Decoration Products for Historic Conservation Building

  14. 衣着花饰:鞋花,帽花,胸花,领结。

    Ribbon ornament : shoes ornament hat ornament corsage flowers , bow tie ;

  15. 锻钢或锻铁制花饰(不包括室内装饰品和珠宝)

    Flower of wrought iron or steel ( excl. indoor ornaments and jewellery )

  16. 还有带着花饰的吸管呢她使用优惠券

    with the curlicue straws . She takes coupons .

  17. 欢迎来到花饰餐馆,你们大家好吗?

    And welcome to the Curlicue Restaurant , how are you guys doing ?

  18. 钢模板在仿古罗马式混凝土花饰柱施工中的应用阿尔勒的古罗马和罗马式建筑

    Steel Formwork Applied to Construction of Ornamental Concrete Column Imitated with Ancient Roman Style

  19. 这是一个古色古香的白色小瓷瓶,上面有精美的釉彩花饰。

    This is a small white antique vases , there are exquisite glaze decoration .

  20. 盘花饰扣,非针织或钩编印花粘合法非织造布

    Frog , not knitted or crocheted print-bonded non-woven

  21. 非洲亚洲热带地区多年生观赏性高草,有低垂的长花饰。

    Tall perennial ornamental grass with long nodding flower plumes of tropical Africa and Asia .

  22. 垂吊式、环式花饰的好材料&铁线莲

    Good material of dangled and looped floriation-clematis

  23. 我喜欢带有阿拉伯式花饰的地毯。

    I like carpets with arabesque patterns .

  24. 最棒的是,它的单肩设计有圆形花饰,完美衬托你的姣好面容。

    Best of all , it has a spectacular rosette on the shoulder to frame your face .

  25. 林冲常常被刻画成一个女性化的形象,同时一些男性角色佩戴起花饰,而且有很多纹身。

    Lin is habitually described with female imagery and the men wear flowers and sport various tattoos .

  26. 全球化的百事球星设计中纹章的盾和花饰具有一种欧洲风格。

    The global Pepsi Star Image design had a European flavor , with heraldic shields and flourishes .

  27. 花饰上釉陶器模仿这种陶器制作的陶器他一味模仿教师的风格,毫无创意。

    Pottery made in imitation of this earthenware . His style is a slavish imitation of his teacher 's.

  28. 带在帽子上的装饰品(比如缎带的节或园花饰)。

    An ornament ( such as a knot of ribbon or a rosette ) usually worn on the hat .

  29. 在本世纪初,詹姆士乔伊斯都柏林人在都柏林(爱尔兰共和国首都)提供生活上的一些难以忘怀的花饰图案。

    James Joyce 's Dubliners offers some unforgettable vignettes of life in Dublin at the turn of the century .

  30. 受精孔区的花饰由15~16个小叶组成,小叶长约25~35毫米。

    The ornamental design of micropylar area consists of 15 16 leaflets with a length of 25 35 μ m.