
huā lán
  • Flower basket;a basket of flowers;floral basket;gaily decorated basket
花篮 [huā lán]
  • (1) [a basket of flowers;floral basket]∶盛满鲜花的蓝子,庆、吊仪式中用作装饰品

  • 向贵宾敬献花蓝

  • (2) [gaily decorated basket]∶制作精美的篮子

花篮[huā lán]
  1. 你可是一只温存的枕头,一只花篮?

    A caressive pillow , a basket of flowers ?

  2. 不知您能否为我做一个生日蛋糕和一个花篮?

    I wonder if you can get me a birthday cake and a basket of flowers .

  3. 她的婚礼花篮包括玫瑰和长春藤。

    Her wedding bouquet consisted of roses and ivy .

  4. PVDF太阳能电池硅片花篮的研制

    Development of PVDF Wafer Carriers for Solar Cell

  5. 详细介绍了花篮原材料选择、模具设计、收缩率的确定、可熔融性氟塑料PVDF注射加工工艺及产品性能控制等影响因素。

    Detailed introductions are made on the factors , such as material selection , mold design , determination of shrinkage rate , injection molding process and property control for the melt processible fluoroplastics PVDF .

  6. 今年清明节适逢周末,成百上千万人来到墓地陵园,用烧纸钱、献祭品,送纸糊的iPhone和塑料花篮的方式表达哀思。

    Over the Qing Ming holiday weekend , millions of people flocked to the nation 's cemeteries to burn paper money , arrange dishes of food and deliver trinkets ranging from faux iPhones to plastic flower boas as a way to express their devotion to the departed .

  7. 花篮源的排布及其剂量场参数测定

    Distribution of Basket Source and Determination of Parameters of Dose Field

  8. 为甚麽说这个花篮能够代表我的人生呢?

    Why do I say this flower basket symbolizes my own life ?

  9. 我的花篮空着,花儿我也没有去理睬。

    My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded .

  10. 能否和你们签个合同每日送花篮?

    Do you also supply flower baskets daily by contract ?

  11. 我收到了一个大花篮,里面有很多手工贺卡。

    I received a big basket with greetings cards handmade .

  12. 我不需要吊唁花篮,我了解杰克·拜斯。adj.慰问的,吊唁的

    I don 't need condolence flowers , I know Jack Bass .

  13. 他正在精编花篮,真是认真仔细啊。

    He is knitting a flower basket most carefully .

  14. 慰问绯闻女孩第3季第7集难道杰克也给你送了吊唁花篮?

    Did Jack send you condolence flowers , too ?

  15. 他们送来了可爱的花篮。

    They sent a lovely floralarrangement to theouse .

  16. 采用金相检验、力学性能测定等方法,对断裂花篮螺杆进行了分析。

    The fracture of Turn Buckle was investigated by means of metallography and mechanical testing .

  17. 病人可以使用手工编制的花篮、劳动力交换或小树来支付医疗费。

    Patients can pay with things like handmade baskets , labor exchanges or young trees .

  18. 花篮螺丝的弹塑性有限元分析及试验

    Elastic - plastic finite element analysis and experiment of a petal basket - like screw cap

  19. 其余16个花篮藏在右边面对着孝天的花篮;

    The rest of the16 flowers were hidden on the right side facing Ken 's flowers ;

  20. 说着,他笑嘻嘻地从花篮里挑出两束专供妇女佩带在前胸的鲜,多少钱?

    He said , smiling , and picking out two corsages , how much are they ?

  21. 孝天的花篮则排在右边,路人都看得到的地方。

    Ken 's flowers were paraded on the right side visible to the people on the road .

  22. 花篮螺杆断裂分析

    Fracture analysis of turn buckle

  23. 接着她每天出去时把尘土弄到一个大花篮里带出去一些。

    Then she began taking some of it out each day in a large covered flower basket .

  24. 对于超大型、高强度花篮螺丝,根据客户要求给予特殊制作。

    We can supply you especially big or high strength turmbuchles , produced according to your demand .

  25. 在科罗拉多州丹佛市,志愿者已经开始收集捐赠食品来填满1500个感恩节花篮。

    In Denver , Colorado , volunteers have been collecting donated items to fill fifteen hundred Thanksgiving baskets .

  26. 我今天提早到达会场就开始检视他们的花篮。

    I arrived at the venue early and begin to inspect all the flowers for each of them .

  27. 新手项目:鲜花盛开的花篮&以多彩多姿的各种鲜花充满花篮。

    NOVICE CLASS : BLOOMING BASKETS & Create a basket and fill it with lots of colorful flowers .

  28. 那一张原木的椅子,如同一只花篮,只是里里面躺着一支灰色的玫瑰。

    It logs a chair , as a basket of flowers , just lying there in a gray roses .

  29. 专业设计师选用丝带蝴蝶结装饰新娘花篮,花材包括缤纷玫瑰、荷兰衬花及绿叶等,清雅怡人。

    Our professional designers create a fresh bridal basket with colourful roses , other varieties in tender pinks and greenery .

  30. 我找到了个折“家”券,你可以送给你妈,一个可自选的花篮当生日礼物

    Oh , and I found a coupon for you to send your mom an edible arrangement for her birthday .