
huā yànɡ yóu yǒnɡ
  • synchronized swimming;water ballet
  1. 女子花样游泳的表演很精彩,让我们大饱眼福。

    The Women 's Water Ballet performance was very wonderful . it was a feast for our eyes .

  2. 少年女子花样游泳运动员的力量训练

    On Strength Training of Juvenile Girl Water Ballet Swimmers

  3. 不那么主流运动的爱好者可以通过Oxygen频道收看花样游泳比赛,或从MSNBC频道常见的口舌之争转到其它形式的摔跤比赛。

    Fans of less mainstream sports could find synchronised swimming on Oxygen , or segue from the usual verbal tussles on MSNBC to other forms of wrestling .

  4. 技术录像在花样游泳训练和比赛中的作用

    The Function of Skill Kinescope in Training and Competition of Synchronized Swimming

  5. 花样游泳包括规定动作和自选动作两项。

    Synchronized swimming includes the technical routines and free routines .

  6. 对花样游泳屏气训练的探讨

    Discussion on the holding Breath Training in Synchronized Swimming

  7. 爸爸告诉我水上芭蕾又叫花样游泳。

    Daddy has told me that water ballet is also called Synchronized Swimming .

  8. 垂直冲动动作是花样游泳运动中具有一定代表性的专项特有技术动作,它是完成高难度动作前所必须掌握的一种最基本的技术动作。

    The motion of barracuda is a basic and key skill in synchronized swimming .

  9. A双人花样游泳。我也喜欢。

    Synchronized swimming . I like that too .

  10. 例句下星期在这个游泳池里将举办花样游泳表演。

    There will be a synchronized swimming performance next week at this swimming pool .

  11. 浅谈花样游泳自选动作中踩水的技术与训练

    The Study on the Skill of Treads Water of Figure Swimming and its Training

  12. 2008年中国花样游泳发展思考

    Pondering on to Develop Chinese Synchronized Swimming 2008

  13. 花样游泳运动员最重要的物品是鼻夹。

    The nose chip is the most important piece of equipment for synchronized swimmers .

  14. 花样游泳于1984年洛杉矶奥运会上成为奥运会正式比赛项目。

    In 1984 , synchronized swimming was added to the Olympics at Los Angeles .

  15. 九运会花样游泳比赛技术分析

    The Technical Analysis of Synchronized Swimming Competition in 9 ~ ( th ) National Games

  16. 对花样游泳新规则的分析

    Analysis on New Rules of Synchronized Swimming

  17. 花样游泳运动员的经期训练

    Training of synchronized swimmers during menstrual period

  18. 浅谈花样游泳垂直冲起动作的教学训练

    A Talk about the Teaching and Training for the Motion of Barracuda of Synchronized Swimming

  19. 花样游泳运动员水感问题探析

    Synchronized swimmers ' feel for water

  20. 更稳:体操、马术、花样游泳、艺术体操、跳水、现代五项。

    More stable : gymnastics , equestrian , swimming , gymnastics , diving , modern pentathlon .

  21. 我的建议是:开除花样游泳和艺术体操,加入女子拳击。

    My suggestion : Get rid of synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics and bring in women 's boxing .

  22. 在奥运会的3个只有女子项目的赛项里,花样游泳就是其中一个。

    Synchronized swimming is one of only three Olympic disciplies in which only women are allowed to compete .

  23. 水感是花样游泳运动员必备的重要运动感觉之一,不同于水性。

    Feel for water , the most important sense of synchronized swimmers , is different from ability in swimming .

  24. 在花样游泳里

    In synchronised swimming

  25. 丹尼尔:那就是了,爸爸告诉我水上芭蕾又叫花样游泳。

    Daniel : There you go ! Daddy has told me that water ballet is also called Synchronized Swimming .

  26. 本届锦标赛共设游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球和长距离游泳5个大项。

    The championships include 5 categories of swimming , diving , water ballet , water polo and long distance swimming .

  27. 俄罗斯在花样游泳团体赛中夺冠,包揽花游两枚金牌,获得奥运三连冠。

    Russia has won the team event and swept both gold medals in synchronized swimming for the third consecutive Olympics .

  28. 参加花样游泳世界锦标赛必须经过以下几个项目的角逐:规定动作比赛,自选动作预赛及自选动作决赛。

    For synchronized swimming world championships , the competitions shall be : technical routines , free routines and free routines final .

  29. 由于花样游泳是较年轻的奥运项目,所以竞赛规则的变化多而频繁。

    Synchronized swimming is a relatively young event of Olympic Games and its competitive rules accordantly change a lot and frequently .

  30. 井村雅代所训练的日本女子花样游泳队为日本赢得6面奥运会奖牌。2006年他受聘训练中国女子花样游泳队。

    MASAYO IMURA , who coached Japan to6 Olympic medals , became the coach of China 's synchronized swimming team in2006 .