
xiǎng bǎn
  • castanets;castagnetta;knacker;speculum;rattle
响板 [xiǎng bǎn]
  • [castanets] 一种乐器,原是用绳连接两片贝壳形的木片,套在拇指和食指上演奏。现改用木柄装置,摇动发声

响板[xiǎng bǎn]
  1. 他答道:听不到西班牙响板声吗

    He said : " can 't you hear the castanets ?"

  2. 一种西班牙舞蹈以三拍子的节奏伴随着吉他和响板。

    A Spanish dance in triple time accompanied by guitar and castanets .

  3. 空包弹太昂贵了,军校学员不得不用足球比赛时助威用的响板来模拟枪声。

    Cadets are having to use football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly .

  4. 终于海格从雅典娜女神那里得到了一些能发声的响板。

    Finally Heracles resorted to some castanets given to him by the goddess Athena .

  5. 埃德蒙老师,我可以拍响板吗?

    May I please play the castanets ?

  6. 墨西哥舞蹈家新力亚'阿梅利奥在国际音乐界和舞蹈界被公认为世界最好的响板舞演员。

    The international circles of dancers and musicians consider Sonia Amelio as the best Player of castanets in the world .

  7. 拍板或响板是由两片或更多的木头片或其他可以合击的材料制成。

    Clappers or castanets are a toy made of two or more piece of wood or other material which is driven together .

  8. 不过这个声响太过轻微,每次振动响板只消耗极少电量,因而人耳几乎听不到。

    The bell " rings " so quietly it 's almost inaudible , using only a tiny amount of charge with every motion of the clapper .

  9. bright:亮的blinds:窗帘,帘子clapper:[常用复数]响板不觉得这里有点太亮吗?

    Dan : It 's kind of bright in here , don 't you think ? uh , maybe get some blinds or a. .. a clapper . -

  10. 现代风格通常是跳舞时拿着一些花,一只手拿着一种会发出咔嗒声的乐器。你是说响板吧。

    the modern style is usually danced with flowers and a kind of musical instrument , those things you hold in one hand , they make a clicking soud . You mean castanets .

  11. 乔一边急切地说着,一边死劲儿甩着手里的蓝色军袜,直甩得编织针像西班牙舞蹈女郎手中的响板叮当作响,而毛线团则在房间里滚过来,滚过去。

    And I can only stay home and knit , like a poky old woman ! 'And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets , and her ball bounded across the room .