
xiǎnɡ yìnɡ xìnɡ
  • responsiveness
  1. 移动学习是一种移动计算环境中的WEB服务,可采用复制WEB服务器的策略提高响应性。

    Mobile learning is a WEB service in mobile computing environment , so it can be improved responsiveness by replicating WEB sever .

  2. 与传统Web应用程序相比,基于Ajax的应用程序可以提供更好的响应性和交互性。

    Compared with traditional Web applications , Ajax-based applications make it possible to provide much more responsiveness and interactivity .

  3. 介绍了智能纤维的研究和开发现状,包括pH响应性凝胶纤维、光敏纤维、温敏纤维等;

    The research and developing status of intelligent fiber were introduced .

  4. 壳聚糖和甲壳素接枝丙烯酸功能膜的pH刺激响应性研究

    Studies on pH-STIMULUS responsibility of chitosan and chitin grafting acrylic acid membranes

  5. 双亲水性超支化接枝共聚物的pH响应性药物释放

    Drug release property of a pH-responsive double-hydrophilic hyperbranched graft copolymer

  6. 这种客户机调用web服务方法使客户机更具响应性、更动态。

    This approach of the client to invoking a web service makes the client more responsive and dynamic .

  7. 胆固醇疏水改性葡聚糖聚醛的pH响应性自组装

    PH-Sensitivity Self-Assembly of Cholesterol Hydrophobic-Modified Dextran Polyaldehyde

  8. 体外释放结果表明了该纳米凝胶具有pH和还原双敏感响应性。

    In vitro release studies show that the release of doxorubicin is pH and reduction-responsive .

  9. pH响应性聚氨酯薄膜的制备

    Preparation of pH-Sensitive Polyurethane Films

  10. 同时在不同的pH条件下,得到的凝胶颗粒具有完全不同的溶胀性能,表明该微凝胶具有明显的pH响应性;并且其在水和丙酮等溶剂中都具有良好的溶胀性能。

    Also , the PEG-g-PAAc microgel has excellent pH-responsive and exhibit a swelling behavior in acetone or water .

  11. pH响应性高分子凝胶作为一类重要的智能材料已引起国内外材料界的关注。

    As an important smart materials , pH-sensitive polymer gels have received increasing attention in materials research communities .

  12. 我们发现这种膜具有pH响应性溶胀,且模型药物从膜中的释放也呈现pH响应性能。

    And it was found that citrate / chitosan film has a good pH-sensitive swelling and drug release behavior .

  13. 然而,Ajax应用程序应该比传统应用程序有更好的响应性。

    However , Ajax apps should be more responsive than traditional apps .

  14. GWT可以帮助Java开发人员构建功能丰富、响应性的桌面风格应用程序,尤其是大型Web应用程序。

    GWT can help Java developers build rich and responsive desktop-like applications , particularly large-scale Web apps .

  15. 然而,如果您需要最大化的响应性并乐于迎接挑战,WebSphereRealTime的非堆特性将帮您实现目标。

    However , if you need maximum responsiveness and enjoy a challenge , the nonheap features of WebSphere Real Time will let you achieve it .

  16. 然而,通过综合利用这些技术交付响应性好、面向数据的富Web应用程序,甚至还能实现更大的价值。

    However , an even higher level of value can be realized when these technologies are combined to deliver rich , responsive , data-oriented Web applications .

  17. pH敏感性水凝胶具有pH响应性的原因是聚合物网络中含有可离子化的酸性或碱性基团。

    The polymer net work of pH - sensitive hydrogels has ionizing basic or acidic group which causes pH responding behavior .

  18. ZeroResourceModel通过与DB2Express-C集成提供了丰富的前端体验,该前端由轻量级的高效、高响应性后端所支持。

    The Zero Resource Model integrated with DB2 Express-C is utilized to provide a rich front end experience fueled by a lightweight yet efficient and responsive back end .

  19. 这使UI的响应性变得很好。

    This makes your UI very responsive .

  20. Ag纳米粒子含量越高,杂化纳米水凝胶的温度刺激响应性越弱。

    Their temperature stimulus responsiveness is weakened with increase of the content of the loaded Ag nanoparticles .

  21. pH与温度快速响应性P(NIPA-co-AA)凝胶的制备与表征

    Preparation and characterization of fast responsive thermo-and pH-sensitive p ( nipa-co-aa ) hydrogels

  22. 如果暂停时间值较高,则应用程序响应性就低,因为应用程序活动将在GC暂停期间停止。

    If pause times are high , application responsiveness can suffer because application activity is halted during GC pauses .

  23. 您可以使用Ajax来显著的提高portlet程序的响应性和可用性。

    You can use Ajax to increase the responsiveness and usability of a portlet application significantly .

  24. 为了进一步提高纳米药物载体治疗肿瘤的效果,我们提出以双重pH响应性的纳米颗粒作为药物输送载体的概念。

    To further improve the drug efficacy for cancer therapy , we propose the concept of tailor-made dual pH responsive nanoparticles as drug delivery carriers .

  25. 处理完可用性后,就需要处理Ajax应用程序的响应性了。

    Once you 've tackled usability , you 've got to deal with the responsiveness facet of Ajax applications .

  26. 聚电解质刷不但具有一般聚合物刷的所有特性,而且具有更突出的性质,例如pH响应性、温敏性、反离子吸附等。

    Polyelectrolyte brushes not only have all the natures of general polymer brushes , but also contain more prominent properties such as pH-responsive , temperature-sensitive , anti-ion adsorption .

  27. Web服务是一些实现SOA的技术,而SOA正在成为开发响应性好、可适应的新型应用程序所选择的体系结构。

    Web services is a set of enabling technologies for SOA , and SOA is becoming the architecture of choice for development of responsive , adaptive new applications .

  28. 因此出现了GWT:它让我们能够使用Java编程而不是Ajax构建功能丰富的响应性的Web界面。

    Here 's where GWT comes into play : It lets you build rich and responsive Web interfaces using Java programming instead of Ajax .

  29. 但正像其他数据库技术一样,原生XML数据库将让那些知道如何优化系统以提高效率和响应性的公司获得最大的收益。

    But just like any other database technology , native XML databases will provide the most benefit to those who understand well how to optimize their systems for efficiency and responsiveness .

  30. 其中,刺激响应性聚合物微球可以在特定条件下通过其自身物理化学性质的改变而对外界刺激,如温度、pH和磁场等变化做出敏锐的应答。

    Under specific circumstances , stimuli-responsive polymeric microspheres can response to external stimulus , such as temperature , pH , and magnetic field via adjusting their physical and chemical properties .