
xiǎnɡ mǎ
  • bandit
响马 [xiǎng mǎ]
  • [robber] 旧称放出响箭拦路抢劫的强盗

  1. 外面的世界新鲜陌生,单纯的响马结交了亲切热情的朋友、也遇到了心怀不轨的家伙。

    Strange to the outside world fresh , pure Xiang Ma made a warm and cordial friend , also met with evil guy .

  2. 清代后期,青城山作为中国道教的圣地,又是绿林好汉侠客响马出没的地方。

    At the end of Qing Dynasty , Qingcheng Mountain was not only the holy land of Taoism , but a place with many robbers appeared here .