
It was not until the reign of Emperor Shengzong when the Liao managed to institute feudal reform , its economy attained some distinct progress .
After " the alliance of Chan Yuan ", Liao Sung relation is tended to stabilization , get along in the peace of under the great environment , two national capitals welcomed the opportune moment of restoring the shape .
Song Tai Zong 's Countermeasure against Liao after the Loss of Northern Expedition
After his victories in Ningjiang and Chuhedian , Aguda assumed the imperial title in the 5th year of Tianqing ( 1115 ) . He named his regime the Great Jin and used Shouguo as his reign title .
In the 4th year of Tianqing ( 1114 ) , Wanyan Aguda , the leader of the Nuzhens , performed a ritual with his armies on the bank of the Lailiu River ( present-day Jianlalin River between Heilongjiang and Jilin ) and declared war on the Liao .