
  1. 荀子认为法先王与法后王并不对立。

    Law after the king of kings and the law , in his minds , is not contrary .

  2. 此外,先王与后王之间的分别,也是荀子明分思想的一个重要组成部分。

    In addition , it is also an important part of Xun Zi ' sMing Fen thought to clarify the difference between the previous king and later King .

  3. 避免把兵移到王车易位后的王前,使那儿成为你的软弱部位。

    Avoid moving pawns in front of your castled king and creating weaknesses there .

  4. 经理退休后,王先生递补为经理。

    After the manager retired , Mr. Wang filled the vacancy in the proper order .

  5. 此文先阐述其《创作论》的创作契机,再解读其《讲疏》文本结构的三个环节,后解读王元化研究《文心雕龙》的治学方法。

    This paper examines the textual structure and research methodology adopted in Wang Yuanhua sA Study of The Book of Literary Design .

  6. 我把手表从当铺里赎回来了.国际象棋有车、马、象、后、王和卒。

    I redeemed my watch from the pawn shop . Chess includes rook , knight , bishop , queen , king and pawn .

  7. 在被贴上全美最幸福的人的标签后,王说他有一种责任感,这种责任感让他对幸福和好运有了更深入的思考。

    After being given the label of the country 's happiest man , Wong says he felt a certain responsibility to be more introspective about his happiness and good fortune .

  8. 王某不服,双方协商未果后,王某与游戏运营商上海第九城市信息技术有限公司对簿公堂。

    Wang Mou refuses to obey , both sides talks things over not after fruit , the9th city of Wang Mou and Shanghai of game operation business IT limited company litigates .

  9. 武帝的这些措施的确改变了魏时皇子没有实权的局面,但他却没有意识到这同时也给日后诸王争权埋下了祸根。

    The practice of Emperor Wu did change the situation prevailing in the kingdom of Wei , in which the various cesses were mere figurehead . However , Emperor Wu did not foresee that he also left the foreshadows for the future power struggle after his death .

  10. 那位女王于加冕礼后脱去了王袍。

    The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony .

  11. 王下3:5亚哈死后、摩押王背叛以色列王。

    But when Ahab died , the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel .

  12. 赵襄子听说后,让王于期教他驾车的本领。

    When Xiang Zi of Zhao heard of this , he asked Wang to teach him to drive a carriage .

  13. 亨利一世即位后,随着王田岁入的的折钱征收及王权对国库控制的加强,财政署兴起并取代了国库的地位。

    After it , Treasury and Exchequer were seperated from the Household in order to control finance for the kingship .

  14. 加冕服在国王或女王加冕典礼时,英国国王穿的有宽大衣袖的衣服那位女王于加冕礼后脱去了王袍。

    A wide-sleeved garment worn by an English monarch at his or her coronation . The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony .

  15. 在杰弗里对亚瑟王传说的解释几乎达到畅销书一样的效果后,亚瑟王的故事发展出了自己的特色。

    Certainly , the story of Arthur developed a life of its own after Geoffrey 's account became the medieval equivalent of a bestseller .

  16. 王上10:23所罗门王的财宝与智慧、过天下的列王。王下3:5亚哈死后、摩押王背叛以色列王。

    So King Solomon became greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom . But when Ahab died , the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel .

  17. 他能在其兄长退位后加冕成为英王。

    He would ascend to the throne after his brother abdicated ( see following slide ) .

  18. 刘发来到长沙后,筑定王台以望母,宣扬了孝道;并在安定和发展长沙国及保护南越属国等方面做了较多的努力。

    He built Platform Dingwang for filial piety and made a contribution to the stability and development of Changsha and the protection of south domains .

  19. 而耐奥祖,由于先前的躯体支离破碎后成为巫妖王,也对兽人种族不再有什么特殊的感情。

    Ner'zhul , his former identity all but shattered upon being transformed into the Lich King , has no special interest in the orc race anymore either .

  20. 在其古怪的想象当中,蚂蚁象人一样,变成聪明而有创造性的动物。他的“祖父,死后变成了蚁王”(《也许是寓言》)。

    In his whimsical imagination the ants become wise and creative creatures like people , and his " grandfather after his death has turned into the King of ants (" Perhaps It Is a Parable ")" .