
  • 网络Seasonally frozen ground;seasonal frozen earth
  1. 季节冻土层对房屋地震破坏的影响

    Influence of Seasonally Frozen Ground on the Seismic Damages of Buildings

  2. 季节冻土区公路路基细粒土冻胀敏感性研究

    Study of Frost Heaving Susceptibility of Fine-Grain Soil of Highway Subgrade in Seasonally Frozen Ground Regions

  3. 20世纪90年代的气候变暖使得多年冻土区的季节冻土深度萎缩了大约14cm,冻土区的冬季径流水文响应比气温更快、更显著。

    The hydrological response from winter flow in a permafrost basin is more sensitive and quicker than that of air temperature .

  4. 通过对兰州地区4个不同地貌单元季节冻土的现场声波波速测试,获得了0~1.5m深度范围内冻土和融土的纵、横波波速.实测了相应的黄土的密度、含水量及地温资料。

    By using soniscope , the wave velocities in depth of 0 to 1.5 m of seasonally frozen ground at four geomorphic units in Lanzhou are obtained during the winter and the soil density , moisture content and ground temperature are measured respectively .

  5. 季节冻土区挡土墙抗冻结构设计方法

    Design of antifreezing structure for retaining walls in seasonal frost regions

  6. 季节冻土区公路桥涵地基土冻胀性的研究

    Subsoil Frost Heave Susceptibility of Highway Bridge in Seasonal Frost Region

  7. 季节冻土区渠道防渗结构型式的研究

    Research on Structure of Anti-Seepage Channels in Seasonal Frozen Soil Region

  8. 季节冻土对土钉支护的影响

    Soil Nailing Under the Influence of the Seasonal Frozen Soil

  9. 张掖地区季节冻土场地上的地震动效应

    Seismic response analysis of seasonally frozen ground of Zhangye area

  10. 在季节冻土区渠系水工建筑物基础的保温防冻措施

    Freeze-proof measure of water conservancy buildings in the freezing zone

  11. 季节冻土区寒土土体温度场的计算模型

    Model to Calculate Temperature of the Seasonally Frozen Soil

  12. 海北高寒草甸的季节冻土及在植被生产力形成过程中的作用

    Seasonal Frozen Soil and Its Effect on Vegetation Production in Haibei Alpine Meadow

  13. 关于季节冻土最大冻深的讨论

    A Discussion on Maximum Seasonal Frost Depth of Ground Big and Good Matter

  14. 桩基础约束条件下季节冻土场地冻胀量的二维数值求解

    Calculation of frost heave in seasonal frozen soil under piled foundation restrain condition

  15. 季节冻土区直埋供热管道非稳态热损失计算

    Unstable Heat Loss Calculation for Buried Heat-Supply Pipeline in Seasonal Frozen Earth Area

  16. 我国分布着面域广大的多年冻土和季节冻土。

    Large area of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground are distributed in China .

  17. 季节冻土区公路桥涵基础最小埋深的研究

    On the Minimum Depth of Bridge and Culvert Foundations in Seasonal Frost Region

  18. 季节冻土区灌区水工建筑物冻害破坏原因及防治措施

    Prevention method and freezing damage of hydraulic structures at season freezing soil irrigation areas

  19. 季节冻土区桩基础抗冻拔稳定计算的探讨

    Discussion stability calculation against frozen uplift for pile foundation in seasonal frozen soil areas

  20. 季节冻土区扩大式基础上冻胀反力的计算

    Calculating the Counter-Forces of Heaving in the Foundation of Piles in Seasonally Frozen Regions

  21. 季节冻土区高速公路路基土中的水分迁移变化

    Water Migration and Variation in the Subgrade Soils of Expressway in Seasonally Frozen Ground Regions

  22. 季节冻土区夏季轨道结构振动反应现场监测高原反映,高山反映

    Field monitoring on vibration response of railway structure in the seasonally frozen region in summer

  23. 论季节冻土的冻胀沿冻深分布

    On the Frost Heave Distribution Along Depth

  24. 兰州地区季节冻土声波现场测试研究

    A test study on wave velocity determined by using soniscope in seasonally frozen ground in Lanzhou

  25. 1961&2002年新疆季节冻土多年变化及突变分析

    Annual Change and Abrupt Change of the Seasonal Frozen Soil in Xinjiang , China during 1961-2002

  26. 季节冻土区挡土墙水平冻胀力设计取值

    The Valuation for Designing of Horizontal Frost Heaving Force in Retaining Wall in Seasonally Frozen Soil

  27. 季节冻土区防水卷材防渗渠道的特种衬砌方案研究

    Researches on the Special Scheme for Canal Liners with Rolled Waterproof Pad in Seasonal Frozen Regions

  28. 分析了季节冻土区渠系水工建筑物冻害的原因;

    This paper introduces the causation of freezing damage of hydraulic structure at season freezing soil area .

  29. 小型水工建筑物的组合式消能工在季节冻土区的应用

    An Application of Composite Constraction For Dissipating Water Energy to Small Hydraulic Engineering in Seasonally Frost Regions

  30. 季节冻土层影响下冻土墙温度场模型试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Temperature Field in a Frozen Wall Influenced by a Seasonal Frozen Soil Layer