
  • 网络monsoon system
  1. 新生代亚洲形变,也使得亚洲季风系统在早中新世形成,又在约8Ma与约3Ma时强化。

    The Cenozoic deformation of Asia was also responsible for the initiation of the Asian monsoon system during the early Miocene and its further strengthening at ~ 8 Ma and ~ 3 Ma .

  2. 其后,季风系统在晚第三纪又经历了巨大变化,包括15~13Ma前、8Ma、3Ma前干旱气候的加剧和季风系统的加强。

    Since then , the Neogene has witnessed significant variations of the monsoon system , including enhancement of aridity and monsoon intensity at about 15 ~ 13 Ma , around 8 Ma and 3 Ma .

  3. 而准2a振荡(QBO)则主要与印度洋海洋-季风系统的低频振荡和东亚大槽的强度变化有关,并且都表现为最大滞后相关关系。

    QBO is related to the variation of the Indian Ocean-monsoon system and the East Asian trough , which is always shown as a maximum lag correlation .

  4. 赤道太平洋暖池区的异常热源性质,强度和位置是决定中国夏季降水准两年模态的主要因素,而该异常热源的特征与太平洋-亚澳季风系统TBO的强度和状态等密切相关。

    Moreover , the character , intensity and location of the anomalous heating resource of the warm pool in the tropical Pacific are key factors controlling the major mode of the TBO of summer rainfalls in China .

  5. 所获得的新资料并不支持亚洲季风系统起源于约8Ma前这一观点,而认为东亚大约是在晚渐新世向季风气候转变这一假设更为合适。

    The new data do not support the onset of the Asian monsoon system around 8 Ma . Rather , the new data led to a hypothesis that the transition to the monsoon climate system in East Asia occurred in the latest Oligocene .

  6. 全球季风系统的稳定性与年代际变化

    The Stability and Interdecadal Variability of Global Monsoon System

  7. 季风系统振荡与地震预报

    Oscillation of Monsoon and Earthquake Prediction

  8. 高原地表的感热和潜热通量在亚洲季风系统中有很重要的作用。

    Sensible and latent heat fluxes from the plateau surface are of great importance in the Asian monsoon system .

  9. 亚洲季风系统的起源和发展及其与两极冰盖和区域构造运动的时代耦合性

    Initiation and evolution of the Asian monsoon system timely coupled with the ice-sheet growth and the tectonic movements in Asia

  10. 首先两个季风系统的季节推进及强度均与各自半球的副热带高压的位置、移动密切相关。

    The seasonal march and strength of the two monsoon systems are both closely attached with the position and shift of the subtropical high in each hemisphere .

  11. 结果表明,模式成功模拟出对流层低层的季风系统,包括经典的热季风以及副热带季风和温寒带季风。

    The result indicates that the model successfully simulates the monsoon system in the lower troposphere including the classic tropical monsoon , the subtropical monsoon and the temperate-frigid monsoon .

  12. 发现全球季风系统的地理分布和斜压结构具有很好的稳定性,但强度存在明显的年代际变化。

    The results , although still preliminary , show that the geographic patterns and the baroclinic structure of global monsoon system are stable , while the monsoon strength undergoes clearly interdecadal variation .

  13. 热带海洋温度具有显著的年际异常,热带海温的变异不仅可以通过改变海陆热力差异,而且也通过热带地区强烈的海气相互作用,对季风系统产生重要影响,造成季风区天气和气候的异常。

    The prominent interannual variability of sea temperature in tropical oceans can affect the monsoon both through altering the thermal contrast between land and sea and through strong air-sea interaction in the tropics .

  14. 东南亚地区的夏季风在亚洲季风系统中首先爆发后,通过风场与对流场的变化对周边地区造成影响。

    After it first breaks out over the Southeast Asia in the Asian summer monsoon system , summer monsoon over the Southeast Asia affects the peripheral area with varied wind field and convection field .

  15. 机制的主要内容是:(1)南亚季风系统的双周振荡以澳大利亚高压为启动系统,通过两条途径影响北半球;

    Its main opinions are as follows :( 1 ) In southern hemisphere , the oscillations of Australia high not only affect South China sea monsoon trough , but also affect the actions of Mascarene high by propagating westward .

  16. 结果表明:准定常的平均季风系统的形势受太阳辐射日变化的影响不明显,其主要的影响可能来自海陆和地形分布。

    The results show that the diurnal variation of the solar radiation does not have very large influence on the mean monsoon system in the quasi equilibrium state , the main influences may come from the land sea and the topography distributions .

  17. 现代季风系统的一个明显特征,在于它打乱了行星气候系统纬向分布的带状模式,因而地质记录中季风气候地理模式的出现,就应当意味着季风系统的建立。

    A distinguishing feature of the modern monsoon system is its geographic distribution which disturbs the zonal pattern of indigenous to the planetary climate system , and the appearance of the monsoonal climate pattern in the geological records should signify the onset of the monsoon system .

  18. 敏感试验也表明,对应于暖池偏暖(冷)状态,季风槽系统位置偏西(东),从而使得TC的平均生成位置偏西(东)。

    The sensitivity simulations show that the shift westward ( eastward ) of monsoon trough , which corresponds to the warm ( cold ) state in the WP , can cause the mean location of TCs genesis westward ( eastward ) .

  19. 利用ECMWF高度场资料,详细分析了1985年(旱年)和1991年(涝年)5月主要季风环流系统的旬平均和旬距平特征。

    In the context of ECMWF height data , investigation is conducted of the decadal mean and anomaly characteristics of major summer monsoon systems in May , 1985 ( of drought ) and 1991 ( severe flood ) .

  20. 孟加拉湾深对流加热对东亚季风环流系统的影响

    Effect of Bob deep convection heating on East Asian monsoon circulation

  21. 指出它们与夏季印度季风环流系统之间存在着密切的联系。

    They are closely related with the Indian Monsoon Systems .

  22. 揭示出东亚季风环流系统及其成员;

    The monsoon circulation system in East Asia and its members are revealed .

  23. 对印度季风环流系统而言,非洲大陆的影响远大于印度大陆。

    For the formation of IMS , the impact of Africa is greater than that of Indian subcontinent ;

  24. 夏季印度季风环流系统与我国长江上游区域性持续暴雨的关系

    The relationship between Indian monsoon systems in summer and the continuous heavy-rain over upper reaches of the Changjiang

  25. 中南半岛对东亚季风环流系统形成起着关键作用,同时对印度季风系统也能产生一定的影响。

    Indochina Peninsula not only has key effects on the formation of EAMS , but influences IMS to some extent ;

  26. 三条波包大值带的不同配置和维系可能反映了副热带高空急流、季风环流系统的维系的过程。

    Different collocation and maintenance of these three wave packets zone with great values may reflect the course of maintenance between subtropical upper-level jet and monsoon circulation .

  27. 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了1948&2002年澳大利亚高压(简称澳高,下同)的年际变化及其对亚澳季风环流系统的影响。

    The interannual variation of Australian high and its effect on the Asia-Australia monsoon circulation system for 1948 & 2002 are analyzed , in the context of NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data .

  28. 亚太季风各子系统的准两年变化特征及其比较

    Features and comparisons of the quasi-biennial variations in the Asian-Pacific Monsoon Subsystems

  29. 目前发现对流层中温度、气压、风场、降水以及季风、副高等系统都存在TBO变化;

    Many phenomena of TBO are discovered , such as variations of TBO in tropospheric temperature , pressure , winds field , monsoon and subtropical high etc.

  30. 东亚季风区夏季海气系统位相关系的特殊性南黄海、东海海域夏季表观耗氧量的分布特征

    The Specific Characteristics of the Phase Relationship of Air-Sea System over East Asian Monsoon Region in Summer