
  • 网络Technical capabilities;Skills;technical competence;technical ability;technical skill
  1. VHDL新体系教材风格各异,更适合进行教学与先进技术能力的培养。

    The new system VHDL textbooks with different styles are more suitable for teaching and cultivating students ' advanced technical skills .

  2. 除了了解统一建模语言(UML)外,Richard不需要任何技术能力就可以自定义现有过程。

    Richard was able to customize an existing process without any technical skills , like having to know Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) before he could begin .

  3. 它们的科学知识、革新和技术能力对于保持本国的竞争力和生产率来说都是至关重要的

    Their scientific know-how , innovation and technical capability are critical to maintaining the nation 's competitiveness and productivity .

  4. 如同经济全球化一样,跨国公司的RD本地化同样是一把双刃剑。技术能力成长对企业技术创新的双刃影响

    Comparing the economic globalization , the localization of RD is a double-edged sword as well . Technological capability : The double-edged sword for technological innovation in firms

  5. 我国在价值链模块化背景下基于技术能力构建的产业升级的路径,总共分为三个阶段:技术积累的OEM阶段、从OEM到ODM再到OBM、以OBM为最终目标。

    Our country in the value chain modularization based on the background of the path of technological capability building of industrial upgrading , is divided into three stages : technology accumulation phase of OEM , from OEM to ODM to OBM , with OBM as the ultimate goal .

  6. 采用什么标准评价?建立软件评测实验室一元化技术能力标准的方法

    Method of Establishing Unified Technique Capability Standard for Software Evaluation Laboratory

  7. 产业集群技术能力增长机理研究

    Exploring the enhancement mechanism of technological capability of industrial cluster

  8. 提升技术能力实现企业可持续发展

    Enhancing Technological Ability and Realizing Enterprise 's Sustainable Development

  9. 企业技术能力发展研究

    Research on the Development of Enterprises ' Technological Capabilities

  10. 对产业集群技术能力体系的探讨是本研究的起点。

    The research begins with the discussion of capability system of industrial cluster .

  11. 从中国大学的技术能力看发明家和他们的母校

    Understanding the technological capacities of China 's universities from inventors and their alma maters

  12. 企业核心竞争力主要表现为制度能力、技术能力和市场能力。

    The firm core competence mostly reflects institution capability , technology capability and market capability .

  13. 组织技术能力增长轨迹研究

    On growth trajectories of organizational technology capability

  14. 人本视角企业核心技术能力研究

    Research on Human-centered Core-tech Capability of Enterprises

  15. 而事实证明企业的资本战略对企业的核心技术能力有必然的制约作用。

    The enterprise 's capital investment strategy directly affects the core technical ability of the enterprise .

  16. 作为即将成为教师的高师院校师范生,其教育技术能力的培养尤为重要。

    So , it is important for the normal school students to have education technical capability .

  17. 基于技术能力提升的理论研究基础,本论文指出技术能力的提升实质上是知识动态、静态积累和知识更新的过程。

    The upward of technological capability is mainly relying on the static and dynamic accumulation of knowledge .

  18. 尤里卡技术能力名录

    EUREKA Technological Capabilities Directory

  19. 第四部分是中小学教师教育技术能力培训资源的开发,介绍了培训资源的案例及资源和网络学习环境开发的技术方法。

    We introduced the training resources case and the technical method . The fifth part is the summary .

  20. 组织学习能力及信息技术能力对中小企业业绩的影响分析

    Analyzing on the Effect of Organizational Learning and IT Capability on the Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  21. 经验表明知识丰富、技术能力较强的人不一定是绩效优秀者。

    Experience shows that the excellent person are not always people who have good knowledge and technical ability .

  22. 高校师范生作为未来中小学教师的生力军,其教育技术能力的培养却没有一个具体的参考标准。

    But there is not a specific standard for cultivating the ability of educational technology of normal students .

  23. 并且发展中国家企业技术能力的提高是与其对外直接投资的增长直接相关的。

    And the developing country enterprise technology ability 's enhancement is and its foreign direct investment growth direct correlation .

  24. 规范奶农和加工企业行为,提高生产技术能力,保证安全生产,提高我国原奶及乳制品质量;加强奶业行业协会的作用,确保原奶及乳制品质量安全;

    To strengthen the function of the dairy industry association and guarantee the quality of the raw milk and dairy products ;

  25. 在这一过程中,新的技术能力已成为影响企业产业转型成功与否的关键因素之一。

    In this course , the new technological capability has become a key factor influencing success or not of industry conversion .

  26. 在《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》制定的大背景下,中小学教师教育技术培训成为日益关注的焦点。

    The educational technology training of the K-12 teachers is becoming the focus against a background of the issuance of the CETS .

  27. 从以上三个层次汲取营养,作为培训的主要指导理论。第三章,分析中小学教师教育技术能力培训现状,并提出了确保教育技术能力有效落实的培训新思维。

    The third chapter analyzed present situation , and proposed the new concept of training educational technology ability to ensure the effective implementation .

  28. 歌唱发声能力虽然是一项技术能力,但在进行歌唱发声训练过程中,知识同技能相互联系。

    Although the ability of singing articulation is a kind of technique during the process of the training , knowledge is related to skills .

  29. 变电站运行人员的个人技能是影响电力系统安全可靠运行的重要因素之一,而良好的培训则能够显著的提高操作人员的技术能力。

    The personal ability of substation operator is one of the most important factors that affect the security and reliability of electric power system .

  30. 高职教育应将素质教育放在首位,加强教师的职业技术能力的培养。高等职业技术学院学生词汇能力的研究

    Higher vocational education should pay attention to the quality teaching and market economy . A Study of Lexical Competence of High Vocational College Students