
chí jiǔ xìng
  • persistence;durability;vitality;constancy
持久性[chí jiǔ xìng]
  1. 我们应该如何处理XML持久性存储呢?

    How should you handle your XML persistence ?

  2. 例如,只需稍作修改,就可以为state模式引入持久性,以跟踪会话状态。

    For instance , with slight modification you can introduce the state pattern with some persistence to keep track of conversational state .

  3. 口头之言便捷,但缺乏持久性。

    The spoken word is immediate but lacks permanence .

  4. 根据数据,我们推测在两针之后,达到两年的免疫持久性。

    Based on available data , we estimate two shots can provide protection for two years .

  5. 真正的问题是:是否有足够的政治意愿和公众支持,来确保这种变化的持久性。

    The real question is whether there is sufficient political will and public support to make these type [ s ] of changes permanent .

  6. 随着健康危机逐渐消退,政府决策者需要着手解决疫情的持久性影响,采取措施促进绿色、有韧性和包容性的增长,同时维护宏观经济稳定。

    As the health crisis eases , policymakers will need to address the pandemic 's lasting effects and take steps to spur green , resilient , and inclusive growth while safeguarding macroeconomic stability .

  7. 它显示了对持续性事件使用持久性消息传递的示例BusinessEvents场景。

    It shows the relative throughputs for an example Business Events scenario using persistent messaging with durable events .

  8. 迁移持久性层和应用层之后,现在您可以将注意力转向其余Web层了。

    With the persistence and application layer migrated , you can now turn your attention to the remaining Web layer .

  9. 该头定义应用程序的逻辑内容;在本例中是Web捆绑包和持久性捆绑包。

    This header defines the logical contents of the application ; in this case , the Web bundles and the persistence bundle .

  10. J2EE工程中持久性存储技术的比较

    A Comparison Between Some Persistence Store Technologies in J2EE Engineering

  11. Java持久性体系结构API:为持久性定义新实体Bean模型。

    Java Persistence Architecture API : Defines the new entity bean model for persistence .

  12. 实体bean,它提供健壮的数据持久性。

    Entity beans provide robust data persistence .

  13. 在Hibernate会话的生命周期中,Session接口管理持久性。

    The Session interface manages persistence during the lifecycle of a Hibernate session .

  14. 下个月,我们将通过比较实体bean和Java数据对象(JavaDataObject)来继续研究J2EE数据持久性机制。

    Next month we 'll continue our exploration of J2EE data persistence mechanisms as we compare entity beans with Java Data Objects .

  15. 这可确保满足事务的原子性、一致性、隔离和持久性(ACID)标准,且保证引用完整性。

    This ensures that the atomicity , consistency , isolation , and durability ( ACID ) criteria for transactions are met and that referential integrity is enforced .

  16. 高级选项包括配置消息、启用会话持久性和激活WebSphereApplicationServer环境中的全局安全性

    The set of advanced options include the ability to configure messaging , enable session persistence , and activate global security in the WebSphere Application Server environment

  17. 无论使用哪一种底层机制(即关系型或Google的BigTable),数据持久性始终需要涉及

    Data persistence , regardless of the underlying mechanism ( that is , relational or Google 's Big Table ) still requires the notion of a

  18. 与BMPbean不同的是,它还要求开发人员编写持久性逻辑。

    Unlike BMP beans , it also requires the developer to write the persistence logic .

  19. 非持续性、非持久性事件或动作在大多数情况下被储存在内存中,因此在BusinessEvents或底层消息提供程序重启时不会得到恢复。

    Non-durable , non-persistent events and actions are stored ( in most cases ) in memory , and are not recovered if Business Events or the messaging provider restarts .

  20. 在创建一个实体bean时,容器管理的持久性会将其信息保存在数据库中。

    With container-managed persistence , when an entity bean is created , its information is saved in the database .

  21. 象BMP实体bean一样,该解决方案要求开发人员编写持久性代码。

    Like BMP entity beans , this solution requires the developer to write the persistence code .

  22. Logistic回归分析提示:活动水平和持久性两个气质维度是ADHD的危险因子。

    Logistic Regression analysis showed that activity level and persistence were the risk factors of ADHD .

  23. 在开发健壮的Java应用程序时,用逗号分隔持久性实现的详细说明通常是一个好主意。

    When developing robust Java applications , it is often a good idea to isolate the specifics of your persistence implementation behind a common API .

  24. 有没有一种持久性存储方法可以在磁盘上生成易于读取、使用并能发送给其他应用程序的XML文档呢?

    Does one form of persistence result in XML documents on disk that are easier to read , use , consume , or send to another application ?

  25. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)的环境问题与修复技术研究

    The review of environment problem of POPs and remediation techniques

  26. OO中另一个有趣的主题就是对象持久性。

    Another interesting subject in OO is object persistence .

  27. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)及其危害

    Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs ) and the Harm

  28. 《斯德哥尔摩公约》与持久性有机污染物(POPs)

    STOCKHOLM CONVENTION and Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs )

  29. 还有实体bean的问题,它具有自己的优点&主要是持久性和高速缓存方面。

    And then there 's the issue of entity beans , which have their own advantages & mostly surrounding persistence and caching .

  30. 我可以更加简单地使用远程控制、事务、安全、持久性和MVC代码,因为Spring确实做到了“减负”。

    I can use remoting , transactions , security , persistence , and MVC code much more easily because Spring does the heavy lifting .