
  • 网络persistent information
  1. 在一个会话中保持持续信息

    Keep persistent information in a session

  2. ServiceComponentArchitecture广泛应用于构建SOA系统,并且组件之间的持续信息(业务对象)交换可能会导致出现问题。

    Service Component Architecture is widely used to build SOA systems , and the persistence of message ( business object ) exchanges between components can result in problems .

  3. 境内企业海外上市持续信息披露法律问题研究

    On Continuous Information Disclosure by Offshore Listed PRC Companies

  4. 中国跨境上市公司持续信息披露监管法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Issues about Supervision over On-going Disclosure of Cross-listed Entities from China

  5. 第三节持续信息公开

    Section III. Continuous Dissemination of Information

  6. 而在上市公司的持续信息披露体系中,会计报告扮演着最重要的角色,会计的目标就是要提供满足使用者需要的会计信息,会计报告是达到这一目标的直接手段。

    It is important to set up the valid system of publishing listed company accountancy information .

  7. 该部分首先对中国跨境上市公司持续信息披露监管现状进行研究。

    First , the part studies on the status quo of supervision over on-going disclosure of cross-listed entities from China .

  8. 阐述了美国、日本、法国和我国在初次信息披露制度和持续信息披露方制度的差异。

    It is described the United States , Japan , France and China in the initial information disclosure system and continuous system of information disclosure between parties .

  9. 在数据集成系统中,如果数据源具备智能化持续信息支持能力,则可以充分满足集成端的复杂需求,提高数据传输和集成维护效率。

    In data integration system , if the information sources have the capability of continuous intelligent information support , the complicated demands of integration-end can be well meet and it will increase the efficiency of data propagation and integrating .

  10. 以美国证券市场为例分析了中美对中国跨境上市公司的监管主体和法律制度。第二,分析了中国跨境上市公司持续信息披露监管中存在的主要法律问题。

    Take the United States stock market as an example , an analysis is about the subject of supervision and legal systems in both China and the USA. Secondly , there are legal matters in the on-going disclosure of Chinese cross-border listed entities .

  11. 为使数据源具备智能化持续信息支持的能力,着手对已有监视器的实现做以下改进:1、将监视对象范围从基表扩大到源视图;避免报送那些不必要的数据源变化。

    As to make the information sources capable of continuous intelligent information support , we meliorate the implement of monitor as following : 1 . The monitored objects are changed from base tables to source views as to avoid propagating the unnecessary source data change ;

  12. showpersistentSessions-summary命令可以查看持续性信息。

    The show persistentSessions-summary command displays persistence session information .

  13. 通过持续的信息服务实现业务流程转换。

    It enables business process transformation with continuous information services .

  14. 添加音素持续时间信息到频谱模型的说话人辨认研究

    Adding Phoneme Duration Information to Spectral Model in Speaker Identification

  15. 侵权法的救济理论虽可以有效解决持续性信息披露中投资者权利的救济问题,但在适用一般侵权行为准则时,原告必须承担沉重的举证责任;

    However the plaintiff has to assume the quoting duty during asking for remedy according to Tort Law .

  16. 在文中,音素持续时间信息被添加到传统模型上,以提高说话人辨识率。

    In this paper , phoneme duration information is added to the conventional model to improve the recognition rate .

  17. 同时,还要建立持续的信息披露制度,通过信息的持续披露,减少交易中的信息不对称性;另外,应加强信用档案和现代商业伦理道德的建设,充分有效地发挥社会舆论宣传和监督职能。

    Meanwhile , will set up lasting information announcing system , will strengthen the construction of the credit file and modern commercial ethics .

  18. 当前,国内外企业出现了大面积持续会计信息失真现象,严重危害市场经济秩序,也使会计行业面临前所未有的信誉危机。

    Nowadays , much of the false accounting information has affected market economic order , also made the accountancy face the unprecedented reputation crisis .

  19. 这份报告给健康保健专业人员提供长久持续的信息,教会他们如何给产前、怀孕中和产后的妇女们在体重方面提出建议。

    The new report gives health care professionals consistent information about how they should advise women on their weight , before , during , and after pregnancy .

  20. 为政府提供有效的土地持续利用信息,帮助政府制订促使农户采用持续性土地利用方式的政策,以实现我国土地资源的持续利用。

    With the kind of information , it is much more helpful for the government to make decision on the policy choice to promote the sustainable land use system .

  21. 提高信息注意技能的方法有全面搜集各种类型的信息、努力提高信息质量、持续积累信息、及时反馈信息等。

    The methods to improve the skill of information-attention are collecting all kinds of information , managing to enhance the quality of information , continuing to accumulate information , having the feedback in time .

  22. 上市规则中持续性信息披露的一般准则包括:重要性(实质性)信息准则、平等披露准则、法定披露渠道准则和鼓励自愿披露准则。

    The essential rules of continuing disclosure in the Listing Rules include : material information , equity of rights in disclosing , disclosing through official channels and promoting disclosure of his own ac - cord .

  23. 在下面的截图中,你可以看到关于源地址10.102.3.108这个IP的持续性session信息。

    In the following screen capture , you can see persistence session information for source IP10.102.3.108 .

  24. 异常事件相关信息主要有:IP、端口、包大小、字节大小、发生时间、持续时间等信息。

    Abnormal event-related information there are : IP , port , packet size , byte size , timing , duration and other information .

  25. 基于此,在Viterbi解码中引入持续时间模型信息。

    This paper applied duration information into Viterbi decoding to overcome these errors .

  26. 主承销商声誉与IPO公司持续督导期间信息披露质量&来自深交所的经验证据

    The reputation of the principal underwriter and the quality of IPO companies ' information disclosure during their consistent supervision sessions-Empirical evidence from Shenzhen Stock Exchange

  27. 我们帮助客户规划、设并持续地支持信息系统的基础构架。

    The company helps clients plan , build and support their IT infrastructures .

  28. 波动率持续性基于信息到达过程的成交量解释

    Persistence of the Volatility : Interpretation of Trading Volume Based on Information Arrival

  29. 土壤资源持续利用与信息技术

    Sustainable soil resources use and information technology

  30. 企业持续发展与信息战略

    Enterprise Continuing Development and IT Strategy