
  • 网络Continuing decline;steady decline
  1. 是目前的现状让欧洲人民陷入经济危机和经济持续衰退的。

    It is the status quo which condemns the people of Europe to an ongoing economic crisis and continuing decline .

  2. 由于欧盟经济的持续衰退,欧盟的贸易保护倾向越来越严重,这意味着针对中国发起的反倾销调查将会越来越多。

    Due to the continuing decline of the EU economy , EU trade protection tendency is getting more and more serious , which means that the anti-dumping investigations initiated against China will be increased .

  3. 制造业持续衰退。

    The manufacturing economy remains on a downswing .

  4. 北部天然荒漠森林则持续衰退,天然林加速消亡,仅额济纳和民勤两地减少林地34.31×104hm2。

    However , natural desert forest in the northern part of the corridor continuously degraded and rapidly disappeared , only in Minqin and Ejin counties about 34.31 × 10 4 hm 2 of woodland have disappeared .

  5. 自1998年下半年起,阿根廷处于经济持续衰退之中。

    Since the second half of 1998 Argentina 's economic situation has been deteriorating .

  6. 到1930年末期,一场持续衰退一直到1933年的3月达到了谷底。

    By late in 1930 , a steady decline set in which reached bottom by March 1933 .

  7. 二十世纪七十年代以来,随着渔业经济的快速发展,我国海洋渔业资源持续衰退。

    With the development of fisheries economy , marine fisheries resources have been declining since 1970s ' in China .

  8. 持续衰退和加剧竞争正在迫使推行跨国的生产合理化和共同承担技术开发研究和市场销售的风险。

    Continuing recession and intensified competition are exerting pressures for transnational rationalization of production and for joint research and selling ventures .

  9. 欧洲在2012年中期开始陷入衰退,而且在今年大部分时间可能会持续衰退。

    In Europe , a recession started in the middle of 2012 and is likely to persist for most of this year .

  10. 这不应该是让亚洲吞下的一颗“苦丸”,尤其是如果另一条出路是全球持续衰退的话。

    This should not be a bitter pill for the region to swallow , especially when the alternative is a prolonged world recession .

  11. 如果2009年持续衰退,危机将对许多公共和私人公司产生经营上的影响。

    In 2009 , if the recession goes on , we will have the operational impact of the crisis on many public and private companies .

  12. 由于经济持续衰退造成美国需求疲软,加拿大加快了这个转变,加拿大企业也纷纷转而寻觅新的市场。

    But weak demand from a prolonged economic downturn south of the border has accelerated the move , sending Canadian companies looking for new markets .

  13. 毕竟全球经济仍在持续衰退,求职时,海外文凭同国内文凭相比,并无优势可言。

    After all , with the global recession still ongoing , job applicants with a foreign diploma have no edge over their domestically trained peers .

  14. 金融危机爆发以来,各国政府均积极推出各种救市措施,化解经济全面持续衰退的风险。

    Since the outbreak of financial crisis , governments have actively taked various rescue measures to reduce the risk of comprehensive and sustained economic recession .

  15. 在全球经济持续衰退的情况下,中国当然无法继续保持每年20%的出口增长。

    It is certainly true that China cannot keep expanding exports at 20 per cent a year in the face of a prolonged global recession .

  16. 20世纪末以来美国经济持续衰退,大学校长的薪酬却稳步增长。

    In contrast to American economic recession , the income of the presidents in leading universities is increasing steadily since the end of the 20th century .

  17. 人们问伯南克:当今的金融危机是否相当于上世纪三十年代大萧条时经济持续衰退的早期阶段。

    Bernanke was asked about the parallels between today 's financial crisis and the earlier period of sustained economic decline in the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  18. 简言之,预计后泡沫世界将在2009年全年持续衰退,在最好的情况下,于2010年出现疲弱的复苏。

    In short , look for a post-bubble world to remain in recession throughout 2009 , followed by an anaemic recovery , at best , in 2010 .

  19. 意大利经济的持续衰退导致这个家庭陷入困境。他们被迫关闭了纺织厂,回来耕种田地。

    Italy 's enduring recession has brought the family to its knees and , forced to close their textile factory , they 've come to work the land .

  20. 受此次金融危机的影响,美国、日本等经济大国的经济严重衰退,欧盟经济也陷入了持续衰退之中,欧洲部分国家更是出现了主权债务危机。

    Affected by the financial crisis , United States , Japan stand from serious economic recession , the EU economy has fallen into a prolonged recession and parts of Europe appears sovereign debt crisis .

  21. 近年来,随着松花江污染的日益严重,渔业资源持续衰退,哈尔滨松花江段的鱼类数量大量减少。

    In recent years , with increasingly serious pollution of the songhua river and the continuing decline of fishery resources , a significant reduction in the number of fish in Harbin section of Songhua River are happening .

  22. 坝地和梯田绝大多数土壤物理、化学和生物学质量指标随着经营时间的延续均经历了先逐渐升高后缓慢降低的演变过程,现已处于衰退并将持续衰退的状态。

    The overwhelming majority of soil physical , chemical and biological quality indicators increased incipiently and decreased subsequently with the increasing of dam land and terrace use years . They have been degenerate state and degradation will be lasted .

  23. 对全球持续衰退严重程度以及复苏萌芽'可持续性的担忧重新显现,加上伊朗和朝鲜不断显现的不稳定局势,为投资者情绪增加了一丝悲观气氛。

    Renewed concerns about the extent of the ongoing global recession and the sustainability of the green shoots ' of recovery have combined with the instability unfolding in Iran and North Korea to lend an air of pessimism to investor sentiment .

  24. 短期而言,拖累亚洲复苏的可能因素包括:西方持续衰退(这将进一步削弱对亚洲出口的需求),或者世界各国实施的非常财政及货币支持措施过早收回。

    In the short term , the Asian recovery could be undermined by a prolonged recession in the west , which would further reduce demand for exports , or by a premature withdrawal of the extraordinary fiscal and monetary support measures implemented around the world .

  25. 叶利钦时期经济持续衰退并陷入全面危机,而普京时期经济快速增长、政治经济形势全面好转。

    The Yeltsin period witnessed the continuous slump in economy and the occurrence of full-scale crisis , whereas in the Putin period , the economy has grown at a rapid speed , the political and economic situations have taken a favourable turn in an all round way .

  26. 持续的衰退突出了紧缩措施带来的影响。

    The continued recession highlights the struggles brought on by austerity measures .

  27. 鉴于财政重组的必要性,较弱小的欧元区国家可能会经历一段持续接近衰退的时期。

    Given the need for fiscal restructuring , the weaker eurozone countries are likely to experience a sustained period of near recession .

  28. 日本持续经济衰退与30年代的经济大萧条都表现出零利率加通货紧缩的特征。

    The protracted economic recession of Japan and the Great Depression of the 1930s are both characterized by zero interest rate plus deflation .

  29. 然而,70年代中期开始的二十多年中,教育学院或教育系中的教育史研究进入持续的衰退之中,教育史在教师培训课程中的地位丧失殆尽。

    However , since the middle of 1970s , the studies on history of education in education colleges or departments of education encountered a long-standing declining .

  30. 几乎所有发达国家的制造业都经历了持续的相对衰退。

    Manufacturing has experienced a steady relative decline in just about all advanced economies .