
chí xù xìng
  • Sustainability;continuity;persistence;steadiness;constancy
持续性[chí xù xìng]
  1. 我国基金业绩的没有明显的业绩持续性,好手(HotHand)现象并不存在。

    Funds performance persistence is no obvious , " hot hand " phenomenon does not exist in China .

  2. 在下面的截图中,你可以看到关于源地址10.102.3.108这个IP的持续性session信息。

    In the following screen capture , you can see persistence session information for source IP10.102.3.108 .

  3. 科克希尔女士和同事对60名自我报名称患有持续性疼痛的患者进行项研究,她们报告称编织使患者们能够重新调整自己的注意力,减少对疼痛的意识。

    In a study of 60 self-selected people with persistent pain , Ms. Corkhill and colleagues reported that knitting enabled them to redirect their focus , reducing their awareness of pain .

  4. 持续性伤害的效果将会与队友相加。

    Predator : Intoxication-Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies . Predator : Intoxication ,

  5. 一天下来也许你觉得眼睛干涩,视力模糊,或者感觉持续性头痛?

    Maybe your eyes are dry , your vision is blurry headache that just won 't quit ?

  6. 它显示了对持续性事件使用持久性消息传递的示例BusinessEvents场景。

    It shows the relative throughputs for an example Business Events scenario using persistent messaging with durable events .

  7. 金融波动持续性及多元GARCH建模研究;

    Persistence of financial volatility and multivariate GARCH modeling ;

  8. 成年大鼠持续性脑缺血后TGFβ1蛋白表达与凋亡的关系

    The relationship between the expression of TGF β _1 protein and neuron apoptosis in adult rats following permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion

  9. 目的:探讨氯硝西泮对持续性TD的临床作用。

    Objective : To study effect of clonazepam on persistent tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .

  10. IGF-I的降糖效应具有一定的持续性和稳定性。

    ⑷ its hypoglycemic effect had persistence and stability .

  11. CD4~+CD(25)~+调节性T细胞抑制持续性丙型肝炎病毒感染患者CD4~+T细胞反应

    CD_4 ~ + CD_ ( 25 ) ~ + regulatory T cells suppress CD_4 ~ + T cell responses in patients with persistent hepatitis C virus infection

  12. 目的探讨持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)相关性腹膜炎发生的影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the factors effecting CAPD related peritonitis .

  13. 结论:ADHD各亚型儿童存在明显的听觉持续性注意能力损害。

    Conclusion : The present study suggests that children with ADHD are significantly impaired in auditory continuous attention .

  14. 结论EST术后出现持续性出血多为动脉性出血,保守治疗无效者及时外科手术是必要的。

    The two patients recovered after operations . Conclusions Surgical management is necessary for EST-caused massive bleeding should conservative treatment fail .

  15. 结论miRNA参与了持续性AF的调节作用,提示miRNA是抗心律失常药物作用的新靶点。

    Conclusion miRNA is a new target of antiarrhythmic drug since it is involved in the modulation of continuous AF.

  16. 高危型HPV的慢性、持续性感染被确认为宫颈癌及其癌前病变的主要原因。

    The chronic and persistent infection with high-risk HPVs has been identified as the major cause of cervical cancer and its precursor intraepithelial lesions .

  17. 结果:治疗前CON组与VAS组比较,室性心搏总数与持续性室性心动过速次数两项指标差异无显著性。

    Results : Prior to the treatment , there was no significant difference in either total ventricular beats or occurrence of ventricular tachycardia .

  18. 水泡状胎块较强表达MMP-2,伴持续性滋养细胞疾病MMP-9和TIMP-1、2(+);

    In hydatidiform mole , the expression of MMP-2 was stronger . MMP-9 and TIMP-1,2 were positive in the cases with the persistent trophoblastic disease .

  19. 目的探讨持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍(persistsomatoformpaindisorder,PSPD)患者的生命质量及相关因素。

    Objective : To explore the quality of life of patients with persist somatoform pain disorder ( PSPD ) and its relative factors .

  20. 12例病情较重者给予持续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT),平均治疗时间50h。

    Twelve severe cases received CRRT . Average treatment duration was 50 h.

  21. 方法在12只山羊的左房游离壁及左上肺静脉外膜缝合电极片,心房快速刺激,诱发维持时间超过24h的持续性房颤。

    Methods Twelve female goats were instrumented with epicardial electrodes patches on the left atrium ( LA ) and left superior pulmonary vein ( LSPV ) .

  22. 方法对158例心电图持续性ST-T改变的患者进行选择性平板运动试验和冠脉造影。

    Methods 158 cases of ST-T continuous changes of ECG were treated with selective plate exercise tests and the coronary arteriography .

  23. 目的:观察大剂量静脉应用胺碘酮治疗急性心肌梗死(AMI)并持续性室性心动过速(sustainedventriculartachycardia,SVT)的临床疗效及安全性。

    Objective : The efficacy and safety of large-dose intravenous amiodarone therapy for sustained ventricular tachycardia ( SVT ) in patients with acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) were observed .

  24. 目的初步探讨持续性早期肠内营养(EnteralNutrition,EN)联合肠屏障保护合剂对重症急性胰腺炎(severeacutepancreatitis,SAP)患者肠屏障功能障碍的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the influence of early enteral nutrition ( EN ) combined with the use of gut barrier protection mixture on gut barrier function of patients with severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .

  25. 更换了高管人员的公司,高管显著提高了经营绩效,而且托宾Q值远远大于其他持续性经营指标,这说明在高管变更中企业绩效改善主要来源于市场绩效的提高和从线下项目获得。

    In the corporate of controlling shareholder turnover , Tobin 's Q was larger than other sustainable operating indices and enterprises ' performance improving was the results of better market performance and items under the lines .

  26. 患者,男,21岁,因阵发性意识不清伴全身强直发作半年,持续性严重头痛5d于2002年4月30日入院。

    On April 30 2002 , a 21-year-old male was admitted for paroxysmal unconsciousness with generalized tonic seizure and continuous severe headache .

  27. 目的:用CAPD(即非卧床持续性腹膜透析)方法治疗尿毒症达到减轻病人痛苦,延长晚期尿毒症病人生命的作用。

    The therapy of CAPD is used to treat the patients suffering from chronic renal failure in uremia phase to prolong their lives .

  28. 目的探讨持续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)在肝肾联合移植术中的应用效果。

    Objective To investigate application and clinical effect of continuous renal replacement therapy ( CRRT ) in combined liver and kidney transplantation .

  29. VD以记忆和认知功能缺损为主,或伴有语言或视空间技能及情感或人格障碍的获得性智能障碍的持续性损害。

    VD is a kind of continous impairment of acquired mental retardation based on memory and cognitive impairment or accompanying language or visual spatial skills and emotional or personality disorder .

  30. 对这次地震作者通过监视卫星遥感信息,曾注意到震前数月以来,印度洋东北部地区出现持续性的长波辐射(OutgoingLongwaveRadiation,简称OLR)通量增强的现象。

    Some months ago this earthquake , by satellite remote sensing we had noticed that there existed a sustaining intensification of OLR ( Outgoing-Longwave-Radiation ) message in the Northeast Indian Ocean .