
  • 网络Skilled Migration;Skilled worker;gsm
  1. 我先前的申请被封顶和停签了,我还能再次申请境外一般技术移民签证吗?

    Q8 Can I apply again for an offshore GSM visa even though my previous application has been capped and ceased ?

  2. 更多信息见“常见问题”中的《满足澳大利亚学习要求的境外技术移民签证申请申请方面的变化》一文。

    Further information can be found in the FAQ , Changes to offshore GSM applicants seeking to meet the Australian study requirement .

  3. 然而,以上学生签证的持有者可以按照新的SOL表内的职业来申请技术移民永居签证。

    However these student visa holders will be required to have an occupation on the new SOL to apply for a permanent GSM visa .

  4. 英国政府将关闭允许任何人申请到英国工作的所谓高技术移民(tier1(general))签证,作为2.17万个签证配额的一部分,每年将只接纳1000名“特别有才干”的个人。

    The government is closing the so-called tier 1 ( general ) route that allowed anyone to apply to work in the UK , except that 1000 " exceptionally talented " individuals will be admitted each year as part of the 21700 cap .

  5. 二月八号一个新的MODL被揭晓来用在普通性技术移民规划中的有限数目的子类提出请求。

    A new MODL was introduced on8 February to apply to a limited number of sub classes in the general skilled migration program .

  6. 高级技术移民的人数在本世纪急剧攀升。经合组织(OECD)数据显示,2011年约有2700万受过大学教育的移民定居发达经济体,比十年前增长了70%。

    The number of highly skilled immigrants has increased sharply in this century . About 27m university-educated migrants lived in advanced economies in 2011 , according to the OECD , a rise of 70 per cent in a decade .

  7. 适工程序(JRP)确保技术移民签证申请人拥有澳大利亚工作单位所需专业工作的技术与知识。

    The JRP ensures that applicants for skilled migration have the skills and knowledge to perform their nominated occupation within the Australian workplace .

  8. 对于接受纳税人资金援助的金融机构来说,如果它们最近裁减了美国员工,7870亿美元经济刺激方案会增加它们为技术移民申请H1-B签证的难度。

    The $ 787bn stimulus bill makes it difficult for financial institutions receiving taxpayers ' funds to apply for H1-B visas for skilled immigrants if they have recently made US workers redundant .

  9. 以下信息涉及到政府的最新决定,该决定与新的技术移民选择体系有关,该体系将立足于移民意向申请书(EOI)和移民申请邀请函。

    The following information relates to the government 's decision to implement a new skilled migrant selection model based on an Expression of Interest ( EOI ) and invitation to apply .

  10. 英国移民部长利亚姆伯恩(liambyrne)表示:“我们的新积分制度意味着英国求职者会优先得到工作,而且只有我们真正需要的技术移民才能进入英国。”

    Liam Byrne , immigration minister said : " our new points system means that British jobseekers get the first crack of the whip and that only the skilled migrants we actually need will be able to come . "

  11. 最近通过的7870亿美元经济刺激法案意味着,凡是接受政府问题资产救助计划(Tarp)的金融机构,若近期刚裁减了美国员工,就不能为高技术移民申请H1-B签证。

    The recently passed $ 787bn stimulus bill in effect prevents financial institutions that have received money from the government 's troubled asset relief programme from applying for H1-B visas for highly skilled immigrants if they have recently made US workers redundant .

  12. 对于在澳洲的技术移民申请人,将引入上岗前测试;

    A job-readiness test will be introduced for onshore skilled applicants ;

  13. 亚太地区技术移民的增长

    The Growth of the Skilled Migrants in the Asia-Pacific Region

  14. 企业和政府间在技术移民配额方面的紧张关系并不新鲜。

    Tension between business and government over skilled immigrant quotas is nothing new .

  15. 想申请加拿大技术移民,应考虑哪些问题?

    Want to apply for Canadian technology immigrant , what issue should consider ?

  16. 高级技术移民的人数在本世纪急剧攀升。

    The number of highly skilled immigrants has increased sharply in this century .

  17. 目前,商业移民和技术移民是移民的主要趋势。

    At present , business migration and skilled migration is a major migration trends .

  18. 澳大利亚技术移民面试要点

    Essentials of Australia technique emigrate 's interview

  19. 之前几年,技术移民代理占据这些机构业务量的很大一部分。

    In previous years , skill immigration took up a large portion of their business .

  20. 宽松的技术移民政策也是旨在吸引其他国家的优秀人才。

    The loose technological immigrant policy also aimed at collection of excellent talents from countries .

  21. 一般技术移民签证的关键目标是为澳大利亚雇主提供“适工”的申请人。

    A key aim of the GSM program is to provide'job ready'applicants to Australian employers .

  22. 台湾政府计划允许拥有高资历的人办理投资或技术移民。

    The government is proposing to allow immigration via investment or employment for highly qualified people .

  23. 请问还有哪个技术移民有理由跳楼?

    Compared with my experience , did any skilled immigrant have reason to jump from high-rise ?

  24. 技术移民已成为美国革新和经济力量的来源。

    Skilled immigrants have been a source of innovation and economic strength for the United States .

  25. 最重要的是,技术移民为他们移居的城市注入经济活力、创造工作机会,推动当地兴旺发展。

    Above all , skilled migrants boost their host cities by encouraging economic activity and job creation .

  26. 发达国家技术移民政策及其影响&以美国和加拿大为例

    The Skilled Migration Polices and Their Influences in the Developed Country : Taking America and Canada as Examples

  27. 发达国家需要所有它们能够获得的人才,因此它们应解除对技术移民的限制。

    Advanced nations need all the brains they can get and thus should lift caps on skilled immigration .

  28. 同时美、加技术移民政策产生了双重影响。

    Meanwhile , we can see that the skilled migration polices of America and Canada have dual influences .

  29. 使用我们的签证服务或技术移民点的计算器下面的文章,了解您是否符合标准。

    Use our visa services or the skilled migrant point 's calculator below to find out if you qualify .

  30. 商务技术移民计划鼓励成功商业人士前来澳大利亚永久定居,并在此开发新的商机。

    The business skills programme encourages successful business people to settle permanently in Australia and develop new business opportunities .