
  • 网络technical refresh;update;technology update
  1. 应用3S技术更新土地利用数据的探索

    Exploration of Applying 3S Technology to Update Land Use Data

  2. 经过研究,利用3S技术更新县级土地利用现状数据是可行的。

    Using " 3S " technology to update land use is possible .

  3. 降低DH型压缩机轴振动的技术更新与改造

    Technical Renewal & Transformation of Reduce Shaft Vibration for DH Compressor

  4. 技术更新:在BPEL模型中对技术属性做出更新,同时集成开发人员负责完成实现。

    Technical update : Updates are made to technical attributes in the BPEL model while the integration developer completes the implementation .

  5. 介绍了负荷管理系统的功能及如何利用光纤通道、CISCO路由器和同步调制解调器对现有的负荷管理系统广城网进行技术更新。

    Introduces the function of load management system and how to used optical fiber chunnel , CISCO and synchronization modem to update existing load management system basing wide area network .

  6. 论文研究对象GCE公司,主要产品为家电控制器,工业伺服控制器,公司处于产品竞争激烈,技术更新快的电子制造行业。

    The main products of GCE Corporation are home appliance controllers and industrial server controllers . Electronic manufacturing industry , the area GCE belongs to , is filled with keen competition .

  7. 西方发达国家经过30多年的研发、考核、技术更新,已经完成了机车车辆直流传动向交流传动的产业升级,IEC、新干线、TGV成为这些国家铁路现代化和国家综合实力的重要标志。

    Locomotive DC dive upgrading to AC drive has been completed after 30 years of research , assessment , technology updating in western developed countries . IEC , Shinkansen , TGV have been the important symbol of railway modernization and comprehensive national strength in those countries .

  8. 高科技BtoB市场以往较多以关系管理为营销范式,随着竞争的全球化和技术更新速度的加快,该模式越来越难以满足高科技BtoB市场的竞争要求。

    In the past , BtoB market usually used the relations management as its marketing paradigm , with competition globalization and accelerating pace of technological updating , this model is increasingly difficult to meet the high-tech BtoB market competition .

  9. 碱浸钨矿工艺、设备与技术更新

    Alkali leaching tungsten ore process , equipments and renewal of Technology

  10. 应用热管技术更新电厂部分换热设备的探讨

    Discussion on applying heat pipe technology to renew some exchangers in powerplant

  11. 交通路网数据自动增量识别与技术更新

    An Automatic Incremental Recognition and Updating of Transportation Road Network

  12. 介绍了其技术更新与改造的措施。

    The measure of technical renewal and transformation is introduced .

  13. 运用现代信息技术更新德育信息传递手段

    Use Modern IT to Update the Information Transmitting Method of Moral Education

  14. 拉幅定形探边传动机电一体化的技术更新

    Technical Renewal for Edge-Feeler Drive of Stenter Through Electromechanical Integration

  15. 该系统可应用于配电间的技术更新和改造。

    This system can be used in the technical retrofit of existing switchgear room .

  16. 适应气候的建筑及其传统建筑技术更新

    Climate-adaptable Architecture and Regeneration of Traditional Architectural Technology

  17. 第二,产品生命周期的缩短,要求企业必须加速技术更新。

    Shortening period of product life cycle requires companies to accelerate their technological upgrading .

  18. 技术更新周期长(5~10年);电泳所需时间短;

    Shorter period of refresh technology ; ( 5 ) shorter time for electrophoresis ;

  19. 香格里拉传统闪片房的建造与技术更新实践

    Construction and the Application of the Technique Innovation of House with Wood Block Tile in Shangri-la

  20. 最后,介绍了数字管道的未来发展趋势与技术更新的方向。

    Finally , this paper points out the developing trend of digital pipeline in the future .

  21. 维修技术更新实例

    Example for Update Maintenance Technology

  22. 现阶段,随着技术更新的加快和市场竞争的加剧,企业的发展面临着越来越大的不确定性,这使得投资决策要承担更大的风险。

    Nowadays , with the improvement of technology and exacerbation of competition enterprises are facing much more uncertainties .

  23. 基因领域是高科技领域,发明创造层出不穷,技术更新瞬息万变。

    Gene area is high-tech field , the inventions are one after another , and technology changes rapidly .

  24. 针对技术更新和后期更新场景指出的所有局限性也适用于往返更新场景。

    All of the limitations noted for the technical update and late update scenarios apply to the round-trip scenario .

  25. 随着信息化及全球化浪潮的到来,我国企业正面临着技术更新加快和日益加速的工业化的挑战。

    With the development of information technology and economic globalization , Chinese companies are facing more and more challenges .

  26. 对于技术更新迅速的IT业企业来说,创新是在企业中占据至关重要的地位。

    For technical updates quickly , IT industry enterprises , innovation is to occupy a crucial position in the enterprise .

  27. 运用现代教育新技术更新现代学校教育环境是对教师的新的要求。

    Finally it puts forward some requirements for teachers to improve educational environment in schools by using modern educational technology .

  28. 通信行业由于其技术更新快,业务创新能力强而使其具有与其他行业显著不同的特点。

    For its rapid technological update and strong business innovation ability , the communications industry has significantly different characteristics to other industries .

  29. 它还推出了独具创意的“技术更新”计划,该计划可自动更新客户的资产,并可处理过时的技术。

    It also offers innovative " technology refresh " programs that will automatically upgrade a customer 's assets and the obsolete technology .

  30. 在进行技术更新和完善服务的过程中,通信企业的项目管理能力和水平是一项重要的因素。

    In the process of updating technology and improving service , the capability and level of project management is a very important factor .