
  • 网络Seasonal rivers;seasonal stream;ephemeral stream;Wadi
  1. 人为季节性河流的初步研究

    A preliminary study of man-induced seasonal rivers : examples from China

  2. 一种建立北方季节性河流水体净化模型的新方法

    A new method of setting up self-purification model of seasonal river in north China

  3. 城市季节性河流景观恢复性规划设计方法研究

    Study on the Ecology Restoration in Landscape Planing and Design of Urban Season Rivers

  4. 浅谈城市季节性河流滨水景观规划

    Waterfront landscape planning of seasonal river in city

  5. 数条季节性河流注入此海湾,各条河流的水质以及携带物的情况不同。

    Some seasonal streams empty into the bay with varying water and sediment loads .

  6. 半干旱区季节性河流流域的土地荒漠化成因及其治理研究

    Research of the Mechanism and Prevention and Cure of Desertification in Semi-arid Seasonal River Drainage Area

  7. 沂源县虽河流众多,但多数为季节性河流。

    Although there were numerous rivers in Yiyuan County , many of them were seasonal rivers .

  8. 根据河川的经流,河流通常可分为三种类型:季节性河流、间歇性河流和常流河。

    In terms of stream flow , there are three general types of streams : ephemeral , intermittent , and perennial .

  9. 虽然,国内对河流生态修复已有较多的研究和论述,也有一些成功的工程实例,但针对我国北方地区季节性河流的生态修复技术研究成果尚不多见。

    Though , there have been some research and successful engineering practices in China , relative research on northern seasonal rivers are less .

  10. 研究区属滇西横断山系的南部,地势总体上北高南低,主要山脉和水系呈近南北向延伸,主要地貌类型为怒江峡谷深切地貌和季节性河流侵蚀地貌。

    The main mountain range and the water are of north-south extended and the main landscape types are the Nujiang deep canyon topography and the seasonal river erosion landform .

  11. 针对辽河流域季节性河流的特点,提出了枯水季节最小流量法的枯季河道生态需水计算方法。

    Aimed at the characteristic of Liaohe River Basin as a seasonal river , the minimum flow method is developed to calculate the eco-water requirement for river channels in dry seasons .

  12. 分别阐述了与城市季节性河流景观恢复性规划设计相关理论和实际案例,确定了该理论在论文研究中所适用的范围,以及在实际案例中所获得的经验。

    It explains the relevant theories and real cases of the planning and design methods of urban seasonal river landscape restoration . It also confirms this theory applicable range among thesis research , and the experience winning in actual cases .

  13. 针对中国北方季节性河流的特点,为了达到河流生态修复与水质净化的双重目的,在山东省南水北调沿线小沙河污染控制区的某条重点河流内,建设了橡胶坝。

    According to the characteristics of the seasonal river in northern China . In order to achieve the dual purpose of river ecological restoration and water purification . The government had constructed the rubber dam in the river of the pollution control area of the south-to-north water diversion project .

  14. 季节性河流的形成除了受自然条件的影响,更多的受制于人类干扰方式和程度,不当的开发和利用加速了河流生命的终结,导致许多季节性河流的形成。

    In addition to the formation of seasonal rivers by natural conditions , more types of interference with others the way and extent of the development and use of inappropriate speed up the end of the river of life , resulting in the formation of a number of seasonal rivers .