
hán tǔ
  • dry frozen ground
寒土[hán tǔ]
  1. 季节冻土区寒土土体温度场的计算模型

    Model to Calculate Temperature of the Seasonally Frozen Soil

  2. 中国各土壤类型中,寒漠土稳定性指数值最大,为0.4524,其斑块镶嵌结构稳定性最高,灰褐土斑块镶嵌结构稳定性最低,稳定性指数值为0.0013;

    The stability of spatial structure is the highest with the cold desert soil and the smallest with the gray-cinnamonic soil .

  3. 草毡寒冻雏形土土壤CO2释放量估测方法初探

    Methods of estimating co_2 emission from mat cryo-sod soil

  4. 退化草地暗沃寒冻雏形土CO2释放的日变化和季节动态

    No-hair day diel and seasonal changes of carbon dioxide emission from mollic-cryic Cambisols on degraded grassland

  5. 寒冻雏形土不同地形部位0cm~50cm层次地温均表现较低的水平,且南坡>滩地>北坡。

    The ground temperature is low at the depth of ? 0 ~ 50cm in the different topographic area of the Mat Cryic Cambisols , and southern slope fields > valley plain > northern slope fields .