
hán jià
  • winter vacation
寒假 [hán jià]
  • [winter vacation] 学校中冬季的假期,在一、二月间

寒假[hán jià]
  1. 我们必须决定寒假期间是回家还是留校。

    We must decide between going home and staying at school during this winter vacation .

  2. 去年寒假,一组美国学生和我们一起呆了几天。

    Last winter vacation a group of American students stayed with us for a few days .

  3. 去年寒假,我参观了一个只有11家住户的村庄。

    Last winter holiday , I visited a village with only 11 houses .

  4. 我并不觉得过去有哪些工作很无聊,不过,如果我必须选择一个的话,那可能就是我高中寒假时在邮局的那份工作。

    I don 't really think I 've ever had a boring job , but if I have to choose one , it would probably be the winter job I had at a post office when I was in high school .

  5. Gettingaworkout积极锻炼身体还有一些学生,他们决定利用寒假时间来进行一些体育锻炼,19岁的大一新生南至超就是其中一位。

    Some students , like 19-year-old freshman Nan Zhichao , have decided to use the winter holiday to get some exercise .

  6. 寒假快结束了,Ben跟往年一样总是在最后一刻才赶工写作业,Ben的母亲Gina在晚饭后关心Ben的作业进度。

    Ben is writing his homework at the very last moment , like always . Ben 's mother Gina is asking about his progress after dinner .

  7. 你还会发现由于今年的J学期或寒假,大家可以早点返回校园,这会带来各种机会。

    And you 'll find too because of J term this year or winter break where you guys can finally come back onto campus a bit early for various opportunities .

  8. 一次寒假里在意大利的全家旅行让Mika想出了这个计划。

    Mika told police he instigated the plan having been inspired by a winter holiday with his family in Italy .

  9. 丹阿克兰(DanAcland)和马修利维(MatthewLevy)后来的一项研究发现,学生们也存在类似的习惯形成效应,不过遗憾的是,好习惯往往不能延续到寒假以后。

    A later study by Dan Acland and Matthew Levy found a similar habit-forming effect among students , although , alas , the good habits often failed to survive the winter vacation .

  10. 放寒假的时候,Carcassonne教授回家乡去看他的母亲。不久以后,他回到了西奈山,第二次被授予了十诫。

    When winter vacation came , Prof. Carcassonne went home to visit his mother . Soon after , he went back up Mount Sinai and was given a second set of the Ten Commandments .

  11. 我会怀念这寒假里制作花灯的经验。

    I will miss the special experience in this winter vacation .

  12. 我们计划到海南度寒假。

    We are planning to go to Hainan for winter holiday .

  13. 真的?我去年寒假却了中国!

    Oh , really ? I went to China last winter !

  14. 但是我在寒假一定要念好英文啊!

    But after all I gotta improve my English in feb !

  15. 我在想怎么度过这个寒假。

    I am wondering how I 'll spend the winter holidays .

  16. 爱丽斯原打算在澳大利亚度寒假。

    Alice planned to have spent the winter holidays in Australia .

  17. 等待好久的寒假快要到啦。

    Now the long awaited winter vacation is near at hand .

  18. 寒假我和祖母住在一起。

    I put up with my grandmother during the winter vacation .

  19. 寒假期间你去什么地方了吗?

    Did you go to any where in the winter holiday .

  20. 你打算在寒假里干些什么?

    What are you going to do during the winter vacation ?

  21. 他们将远道来海南过寒假。

    They will come over to Hainan for the winter vocation .

  22. 每年寒假,我们都举行高中同学聚会。

    We have a senior high school reunion every winter holiday .

  23. 都要为了在鄱阳湖过寒假而跋涉9000公里的往返旅行

    make a 9000km round trip to spend the winter at Poyang

  24. 我也很期待寒假的到来。

    I 'm looking forward to the winter break , too .

  25. 让听的您寒假我的故事。

    Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday .

  26. 寒假时,工作人员的人数会上升至约1.3万人。

    During the winter holidays , about 13000 people work there .

  27. 我们有整个寒假可以做

    But we do have the whole school break to do it

  28. 美国的寒假就是在感恩节结束后开始的。

    The American winter holiday season begins when thanksgiving ends .

  29. 约翰的寒假工作是侍候一患病者。

    John has a winter job waiting on an invalid .

  30. 今年寒假他想去某个暖和的地方。

    He wants to go somewhere warm this winter vacation .