
  • 网络scranton;Scranton, PA;scranton,PA
  1. NBC电视台老牌喜剧《办公室》演员在斯克兰顿的欢送会中受到英雄一般的欢迎。

    And the cast of NBC 's long-running comedy " The Office " received a hero 's welcome on their farewell visit to Scranton .

  2. 宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿大学(UniversityofScranton)的心理学教授约翰•诺克罗斯(JohnNorcross)说,实现新年决心不是百米冲刺,而是一场马拉松。

    ' Keeping a resolution isn 't a100-yard dash . It 's a marathon , 'says John Norcross , a psychology professor at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania .

  3. 正是这个梦想让来自斯克兰顿的工人阶级成为了我后盾。

    That dream is why a working class kid from Scranton can stand behind me .

  4. “丹莫尔:美国宾夕法尼亚州东北部城区,为斯克兰顿的工业郊区.”

    " Dunmore : a borough of northeast Pennsylvania , an industrial suburb of Scranton . "

  5. 乔·拜登,从斯克兰顿的一个爱打架的孩子成长为特拉华州最爱的儿子。

    To Joe Biden , the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware 's favorite son ,

  6. 现在,我要带你们做一趟小小旅程-从宾州的斯克兰顿出发。

    Now , I 'm going to take you on a little journey here . I started off in Scranton Pennsylvania .

  7. 在宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿大学的研究人员称,与其他的坚果相比,核桃油被发现有更多、更好的抗氧化剂。

    When Vinson analyzed the amount of antioxidants found in walnuts and a variety of other nuts , walnuts came out on top .

  8. 奥巴马说,拜登仍然是那个来自斯克兰顿不畏艰险、斗志昂扬的孩子,是个专注家庭的男人,是个虔诚的天主教徒;

    He is still that scrappy kid from Scranton who beat the odds ; the dedicated family man and committed Catholic who knows every conductor on that Amtrak train to Wilmington .

  9. 乔·拜登,从斯克兰顿的一个爱打架的孩子成长为特拉华州最爱的儿子。你是我最早提名的内阁成员,也是最好的。

    To Joe Biden -- -- the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware 's favorite son -- you were the first decision I made as a nominee , and it was the best .

  10. 小时候,弟弟和我常去爷爷的老家住,每年的8月多半消磨在爷爷1921年所建的度假小屋里,小屋位于斯克兰顿西北二十英里左右,四周是波科诺山,可俯瞰维诺拉湖。

    Each summer , as children , my brother and I spent most of August at the cottage Grandpa Rodham had built in 1921 about twenty miles northwest of Scranton in the Pocono Mountains overlooking Lake Winola .