
  • 网络LINCOLN;lincoln university;the university of lincoln;University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  1. ReverendCampbell表示,他希望将更多宗教带到克莱蒙特-林肯大学,包括巴哈教。

    Reverend Campbell says he hopes to bring more religions to Claremont Lincoln , including the Bahai faith .

  2. 加州克莱蒙特-林肯大学是一所新成立的宗教教育研究生学校。

    Claremont Lincoln University in California is a new graduate school for religious education .

  3. DavidLincoln是克莱蒙特-林肯大学校董会主席。

    David Lincoln is chairman of the board of Claremont Lincoln .

  4. 内布拉斯加州林肯大学的研究员ReedJohnson表示,该研究表明,在蜜蜂受到攻击时,损坏的蛋白质不能做出有效反应。

    Researcher Reed Johnson , now at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln , says the study suggests that the damaged proteins are unable to respond

  5. 在林肯大学

    Here at the university of Lincoln ,

  6. 克莱蒙特-林肯大学由三个机构联合组建。

    Three institutions ed Claremont Lincoln .

  7. 林肯大学的兽医行为医学专业教授、丹尼尔·米尔斯教授说,

    Professor Daniel Mills , Professor of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine at the University of Lincoln , said :

  8. 美国林肯大学

    Lincoln University of America

  9. 2012年凯莉从内布拉斯加州林肯大学毕业,获得导演和舞台管理学位。

    Kelly graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2012 with a degree in directing and theater management .

  10. 林肯大学学生汤姆·里奇维尔制做的这条短片出现了恐龙、僵尸以及一个燃烧的演讲厅。

    Tom Ridgewell 's advertisements for the University of Lincoln feature dinosaurs , zombies and a burning lecture hall .

  11. 此项研究是在林肯大学研究人员公布其结果一个月后得出的。此前,林肯大学的研究人员发现,猫不像狗那样需要从人那里获得安全感。

    The study comes a month after researchers at the University of Lincoln found cats , unlike dogs , do not need humans to feel protected .

  12. 对澳大利亚南十字星大学和英国林肯大学体育旅游专业的学位课程进行了较为深入的研究。

    This paper is a deep study of degree courses for sports tourism major at Southern Cross University in Australia and Lincoln University in the United Kingdom .

  13. 1967年,她获得韩国中央大学授予的荣誉文学博士学位,以及位于旧金山的林肯大学授予的荣誉学位。

    She received an honorary Doctor of Literature Degree from Chungang in Seoul , Korea in1967 , and an honorary degree at Lincoln University in San Francisco .

  14. 通过实地考察,对林肯大学环境工程学科建设、教学模式、课程设置、实验室运行等情况进行了简要介绍。

    The investigation has been in progress by way of briefing to circumstances such as university environmental engineering branch of learning construction and teaching model , course installation and laboratory operating , etc.

  15. 林肯大学的兽医行为医学专业教授、丹尼尔·米尔斯教授说,我们选择了那些稳定的家庭还进行此项研究,研究结果的确出乎意料。

    Professor Daniel Mills , Professor of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine at the University of Lincoln , said : We chose stable households to look into this question and were quite surprised by the results .

  16. 这个惊人的结论来自一项由英国林肯大学、巴西圣保罗大学、澳大利大兽医大学共同合作的研究项目,该项目旨在更好的了解猫是如何处理与身边的人类、以及同居一室的其他猫的关系的。

    The surprise conclusion arose in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Lincoln , UK , University of Sao Paulo , Brazil , and University of Veterinary Medicine , Austria , which aimed to better understand how cats cope with living alongside humans and other felines in a single household .

  17. 在沃顿学习了两年后,巴菲特转学到其父母的母校&林肯的内布拉斯加大学,在那儿修完了大学最后一年的课程。

    After two years at Wharton , Buffett transferred to his parents'alma mater , the University of Nebraska in Lincoln , for his final year of college .