
  • 网络lynnwood;lynwood;Ringwood
  1. 辩护律师说,伍尔福克正在他们位于林伍德的家中照顾病危的母亲,精神紧张。律师还补充说,伍尔福克认为结婚30年的丈夫有婚外情,打算飞往亚特兰大和情人约会。

    Woolfolk is caring for her dying mother in the couple 's Lynwood home and it has been stressful , the lawyer said , adding she also believes her husband of 30 years is having an affair and was flying to Atlanta to meet the woman .

  2. 但通过对岩石的研究,他发现地幔的林伍德石里面也藏有水,这一发现表明或许在N个世纪之前,海洋是从地球内部自己慢慢溢出来的。

    But by studying rocks , which allow scientists to peer back in time , he discovered water hidden inside ringwoodite , which lies in the Earths mantle , and which suggests that the oceans gradually made its way out of the planets interior many centuries ago .

  3. 陨石中高压相矿物多形态林伍德石的电子显微研究

    On TEM Method for Studying Ringwoodite with High-pressure Phase Minerals in Naturally Shocked Meteorites

  4. 陨石中有利于林伍德石保存的淬火时间仅为数秒到十多秒。

    Time duration of up to ten seconds was estimated to be necessary for the quenching of ringwoodite .