
  • 网络Forestry Ecological Engineering
  1. 晋西黄土丘陵区林业生态工程优化规划

    Optimum Program of Forestry Ecological Engineering in West Shanxi Loess Hills

  2. 河北省林业生态工程建设与技术创新

    Achievements of Hebei province forestry ecological engineering construction and technical innovation analysis

  3. 构建基于GIS技术的林业生态工程项目风险预警模型可为风险监测发挥重要作用。

    Especially , the authors adopt the GIS technology to set up the risk warning model which would play an important role in the risk monitoring .

  4. 森林资源与林业生态工程信息网格中空间处理服务的构建与应用

    Construction and Application of Spatial Processing Service in Digital Forestry Grid

  5. 塔里木河流域林业生态工程建设规划

    Program of Construction of Forestry Ecological Project in Tarim River Basin

  6. 陕西吴旗县林业生态工程实施方法和对策

    Strategy and Methods on Forestry Eco-engineering Construction in Wuqi County of Shaanxi

  7. 世界林业生态工程对比研究

    The Comparison Study on Forestry Ecological Projects in the World

  8. 林业生态工程信息管理网络初探

    Preliminary Study on Information Management Network of Forestry Ecological Engineering in China

  9. 国家重大林业生态工程监测与评价技术研究

    Monitoring and Assessment Techniques for State Key Forestry Ecological Projects

  10. 论主要林业生态工程对社区经济发展的影响

    Analysis of Influence on Community Economic Development from Major Forestry Ecological Projects

  11. 论林业生态工程建设项目风险监测

    Study on the Risk Monitoring of Forest Ecological Construction Projects

  12. 引入后评价机制加强政府投资林业生态工程的监管

    Introducing Post-evaluation Mechanism to Strengthen Regulation on Forestry Ecological Projects Invested by Government

  13. 黑河地区林业生态工程构建技术

    Constructing Technology of Forest Ecological Project in Heihe Region

  14. 钱塘江流域林业生态工程建设规划总体思路

    General Thought For Construction Plan of Forestry Ecological Project in Qiantang River Valley

  15. 山西省太行山林业生态工程混交林建设探讨

    Mixed Forest Construction of Forestry Ecological Engineering in Taihang Mountain in Shanxi Province

  16. 对林业生态工程实施监理制的思考

    Consideration of Implementing Supervision System in Forestry Ecological Engineering

  17. 林业生态工程建设与黄河三角洲可持续发展

    Forestry Ecology Project Construction and the Sustainable Development of the Huanghe River Delta

  18. 浅淡封山育林在林业生态工程建设中的应用

    Enclosure of the Hillside for Regeneration in the Application of Forest Eco-engineering Construction

  19. 中国林业生态工程建设的世纪回顾与展望

    Review and Outlook of Forestry Ecological Engineering of China

  20. 林业生态工程10种森林生态效益计量理论和方法

    The Measurement Theory and Method of 10 Forest Ecological Benefits for Forestry Ecological Engineering

  21. 但侵蚀沟干旱瘠薄,植被恢复与重建困难,已成为该地区林业生态工程建设区的典型困难立地。

    However , arid barren gully erosion , vegetation restoration and reconstruction is difficult .

  22. 黄河中游的生境与林业生态工程

    Ecological Environment and Forestry Ecology Projects in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River

  23. 中国林业生态工程后评价理论与应用研究

    Study on Post-evaluation of Theory and Application of the Forestry Ecological Engineering in China

  24. 我国政府投资林业生态工程项目管理模式研究

    Study on Project Management Model of the Forestry Ecological Engineering with Government Investment in China

  25. 第一,建立了林业生态工程项目管理理论基础。

    The theoretical foundation of the Project Management Model of Forestry Ecological Engineering is established .

  26. 林业生态工程项目施工信息的管理

    Information Administration of Forestry Ecological Project Implementation

  27. 黑河中游绿洲林业生态工程体系框架设计

    Framework Design of Forestry Ecological Engineering System of Oases in Middle Field of Heihe River

  28. 三北平原林业生态工程建设中存在的问题及对策分析

    The Existing Problems of Forestry Ecological Engineering Construction in the Three North Plain and Countermeasure Analysis

  29. 林业生态工程技术体系

    Technology System of Forestry Ecological Engineering

  30. 开展林业生态工程项目设计监理的必要性及工作方法

    The Necessity For the Forestry Ecological Engineering Project Design and Supervision and Methods of the Work