
  • 网络Cold period;cold spell
  1. 那时英国有一段可怕的寒冷期。

    At that time there was a frightful cold spell in britain .

  2. 寒冷期多层围护结构瞬态温度响应的新等效理论解

    New Solution of Transient Temperature Response of Building Envelope in the cold Spell of Winter

  3. 还有一种被称为“太平洋十年涛动”(Pacificdecadaloscillation)、周期更长的海水冷热更替现象,现在可能正从寒冷期转入温暖期。

    And a longer-term cycle of heating and cooling known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation may be switching from a cooling phase to a warming phase .

  4. 长期湿润环境不适于种子安全度过寒冷期。

    Perennial moist environment was not suitable for seed living through cold period safely .

  5. 北方的寒冷期通常会为非洲的撒哈拉地区及印度带来乾旱。

    Cold times in the North typically brought drought to Saharan Africa and india .

  6. 温暖期气候为温干偏湿,寒冷期气候为温凉干旱。

    The climates were warm-dry-slightly damp during warm periods and warm-slightly cold and dry during cold period .

  7. 多巴火山爆发的时间也正是千年寒冷期的开端。

    The eruption also seems to have coincided with the start of a1000-year period of even colder temperatures .

  8. 如果每一条曲线的平均值相同,那么这种平滑过程也就意味着地球上的寒冷期和炎热期的出现次数都会增加。

    If the mean of each curve were the same , such flattening would imply both more cold periods and more hot ones .

  9. 寒冷期长度和炎热期长度都显著减少,分别通过99%和95%的显著性水平检验。

    The variation periods of both hot days and cold days were shortened significantly ( at 99 % and 95 % confidence level , respectively ) .

  10. 所有战争“异常高发期”的四个十年,以及绝大多数战争“高发期”阶段均与气候的寒冷期一致。

    All four decades of " very high " warfare , as well as most periods of " high " conflict , coincided with cold phases .

  11. 但由于这些曲线的平均值在增加,因此地球上寒冷期的出现次数会减少,而炎热期的出现次数则会增加。

    But because the mean is rising , the effect at the cold end of the curves is diminished , while that at the hot end is enhanced .

  12. 从东汉至隋唐的这一时期为中国历史上的第二寒冷期,是一个气候异常期。

    From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang dynasties is the cold period of the second in Chinese history , and is a period of abnormal weather .

  13. 寒冷期,气候剧变引起经济衰退,游牧民族南侵,农民起义,国家分裂,经济文化中心南移等。

    During cold periods , climatic change led to the economic deterioration , nomadic inversion , peasant rebellion and even led to the economic and central shift from north to south .

  14. 从新石器时代至清朝,中国气候温暖期与寒冷期周期性变化的过程,是游牧文明与农耕文明两种生态环境较量与整合的过程。

    From Neolithic Age to Qing dynasty , the process of climatic change periodically between warm periods and cold periods was the one that nomadic and sedentary peoples conflicted and united .

  15. 由于种种原因,此关系目前进入了一个相对的寒冷期,严重影响着医患双方的行为,进而影响卫生事业的发展和人民群众的生命健康。

    However , this relationship is going into a relatively cold period , which greatly influences behaviors of doctor and patient and further influences development of health service and people 's health .

  16. 政治、经济中心也由黄河流域逐渐转移到了长江流域。(3)490~520AD,即南北朝寒冷期。

    Farming industry , the economic center gradually shifted from the Yellow River Basin to the Yangtze River basin . ( 3 ) 490 ~ 520AD , the Southern-Northern Dynasty cold period .

  17. 11个沉积旋回中,凡寒冷期沉积的碳和氧同位素都偏重,极值都是转冷的跃(突)变点,或沉积间断面。

    The carbon and oxygen isotope from the cold deposit stalagmites in 11 depositional cycles are a heavy or positive trend and the maximum value point is an abrupt point of transferring cold or depositional hiatus surface .

  18. 但由于这些曲线的平均值在增加,因此地球上寒冷期的出现次数会减少,而炎热期的出现次数则会增加。最终导致的结果就是各地出现炎热天气的次数越来越多。

    But because the mean is rising , the effect at the cold end of the curves is diminished , while that at the hot end is enhanced . The upshot is more hot periods of local weather .

  19. 寒冷干旱期的7月平均气温比今低2~3℃,年均降水量比今少约40~120mm。

    Mean July temperature was 2 ~ 3 ℃ lower and annual precipitation were 40 ~ 120 mm less than those of today during the cold and dry periods .

  20. 东北地区4季变化明显,冬季寒冷,冰冻期较长,渗滤液的产生具有明显的不连续性。

    Leachate production is evidently discontinuous in the chilly northeast areas because of the distinct 4-seasons conversion and long frozen time .

  21. 但在寒冷的小冰期中也有过温暖时期;而且干冷,暖湿相联。

    But during the cold Little Ice Age there were some warm periods , dry - cold , warm - damp .

  22. 之后进入了寒冷的冰川期,遗传多样性降低;到了冰川末期约18000年前,东部种群又开始逐步扩张,并向中西部地区扩散。

    Then the genetic diversity has decreased when the glacial period came . At the late glacial period about 18000 years ago , the eastern populations started to expand to the center and western China .

  23. 利用碎石掺加石粉料满足冬季施工的经验解决了寒冷地区施工期短的难题,该经验具有普遍的适应性。

    Utilization of experience that lime dusts are mixed with macadam to satisfy winner construction , difficult problem of short construction stage in the cold area can be solved , this experience has the popular adaptability .

  24. 结合我国北方寒冷地区冬期施工的特点,对冬期施工提出了养护期不加热法、外部加热法、调整配合比法、外加剂法四种方法,对冬期施工有一定的指导意义。

    According to the construction characteristics in winter in northern cold area , discussion is made on the construction maintenance in four aspects of non-heating , outer heating , ratio adjustment and additive which are available for the construction .

  25. 寒冷地区延迟播种期与插秧期对水稻产量及品质的影响

    Effects of Delayed Sowing and Transplanting Time on Yield and Quality of Rice at the Cold Area

  26. 有些物种受平均温度影响,有的物种也许只受极端的温度影响,例如寒冷的短冷期。

    Some species are influenced by average temperatures , whereas others respond only to extremes , such as cold snaps .

  27. 北方地区气候寒冷,植物生长期短,温室栽培是提高植物成活率和生长质量的有效途径。

    In northern area of China The climate is cold , and the growth period of plants is short . The greenhouse can be use as the effective way for plants to improve the survival rate and the quality of the growth .

  28. 干旱寒冷地区因气候寒冷、生长期短、降雨量少。梨树的生长、结果受到很大的影响。

    It has short growth period , less rainfall and cold winter in the arid and cold region , thereby the growth and development of pear tree have been greatly affected .

  29. 西安市地处关中平原中部偏南,在热工分区上属于我国北方寒冷地区,冬季相对较长且寒冷干燥,供暖期比较长。

    Located in the south central part of Guanzhong Plain which is part of north cold area , Xi ' an has long heating period .

  30. 这次寒冷事件结束了秦朝的统治。(2)200~230AD,即东汉末寒冷期。

    The cold climate ended the rule of Qin Dynasty . ( 2 ) 200 ~ 230AD , the cold period , end of the Eastern Han Dynasty .