
  1. 新疆是我国大风灾害比较严重的地区之一。

    XinJiang is one of the most grievous areas suffered from gale disaster in China .

  2. 杭州市地处浙江东北部沿海,是我国大风灾害的重要影响区域。

    Hangzhou which is located in the northeast coast of Zhejiang is one of the most serious Strong wind disaster areas in China .

  3. 大风灾害是全球发生频率高、影响严重的灾害类型,大风常造成人员伤亡、房屋倒塌和农田受灾严重制约了社会经济发展及资源环境保护。

    Strong wind disaster is the global high frequent and serious influence . Strong wind often causes casualties , farmland disaster and the Houses collapsed . Hence , it seriously restricts the development of social economy and the protection of environmental resources .

  4. 风荷载是引起温室设施发生破坏的常见自然灾害之一,不同形式的温室建筑对风荷载的敏感程度有很大差异,确定温室风压力指标是对大风灾害防御和设施结构优化设计的前提。

    Wind load is one of common disasters caused greenhouse damaged . Wind load in the greenhouse is the premise for gale disaster prevention and design of facilities ' structural optimization , because wind load of different roof forms is different on sensitivity .

  5. 合理透彻地分析波浪和风暴潮流特征对于寒潮大风期间的灾害预防措施制定、海岸工程防护具有重大的实践意义。

    Reasonably thorough analysis of characteristics of wave and storm tide during the cold wind making disaster prevention measures , on coastal protection works of great practical significance .

  6. 冰雹发生的高风险区位于盐城、宿迁、连云港等城市,其中盐城各级冰雹日风险值均大于其它城市,可见,相关部门应注重沿海地区大风和冰雹灾害的防范工作。

    The high risk area of hail is located in Yancheng , Suqian , Lianyungang and other cities , of which the hail value-at-risk of Yancheng is greater than other cities .

  7. 大风、寒潮等灾害性天气对第1层温跃层的深度影响较大,但对强度和厚度的影响不明显;

    The effect of the disastrous weather such as gale and cold wave on the depth was very strong while on the intensity and thickness was not obvious .