
  • 网络Dadonghai;Big East China Sea
  1. 29岁的布伦达·谢里丹(BrendanSheridan)来自美国,如今在大东海海滩经营着一家只有一个房间的小店,出售、出租冲浪板,他说,让中国人去冲浪很难。

    Getting Chinese to try the sport can be a challenge , says Brendan Sheridan , a29-year-old American who sells and rents surfboards from a one-room shop near Dadonghai Beach .

  2. 在大东海进行日光浴是最好的选择。

    Dadong Sea is your best choice to take a sunbath .

  3. 我和老婆在大东海租了一个房子。

    My wife and I rent an apartment in Dadonghai .

  4. 三亚海滩文化缘起于大东海,大东海是三亚市区附近一处拥挤、狭长的沙滩。

    Sanya 's beach culture originated at Dadonghai , a congested strip of sand near the city center .

  5. 明珠海景酒店座落于素有东方夏威夷之称的海南三亚大东海之滨,斜倚风光绮丽的鹿回头风景区,为大东海区首家四星级海滨园林度假酒店。

    The Sanya Pearl Sea View Hotel is a4-star hotel located on the seashore in Da Dong Hai within the scenic zone of Luhuitou .

  6. 大东海海边的小山头上,礁石奇异,浪花飞溅,有混凝土小道盘绕直上山顶。

    The East China Sea a sea of heads of hills , rocks singular , spray flying , straight on the concrete trail coiled Peak .

  7. 酒店一楼设有银行、商场,相邻的大东海明珠广场有大型的美食广场和百货商场。

    The first floor is complete with bank and shops , while by the Pearl Square next to the hotel there are large fine food eateries and department stores .

  8. 牙龙湾、大东海、天涯海角、鹿回头等著名景点,每天都吸引众多的国内外游人。

    Many famous scenic spots such as Tooth Dragon Bay , Great East Sea , End of the Earth and Deer Looking Back , attract thousands of visitors every day .

  9. 大东海位于三亚市东面约二公里处,在鹿回头和榆林港之间,是个呈弓型的海湾。

    The East China Sea in the east of Sanya City , about two kilometers , and Yulin Gang in the Luhuitou between the arch is a type of the Gulf .

  10. 根据《人民日报》网昨日报道,上周日晚上6点左右,一群游客在大东海海岸附近发现这只搁浅海豚。大东海是地处中国最南端海南省的著名旅游景点。

    The dolphin was found near the shore in Dadonghai , a top resort in the southernmost Hainan Province , at around 6pm on Sunday by the group of tourists , the People 's Daily website reported yesterday .

  11. 日本的海外游客数量一直在增长,但是由于日本大东海地震以及2011年3月宫城县、岩手县和福岛县等沿海地区发生的海啸,日本东北六县的旅游业一直停滞不前。

    Overseas traveler numbers have increased around Japan , but tourism in the six Tohoku prefectures has remained stagnant since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami hit the coastal regions of Miyagi , Iwate and Fukushima prefectures in March 2011 .

  12. 8·25上海大暴雨与东海气旋的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis of the 25 August 2008 Heavy Rainfall in Shanghai with the Cyclone in the East China Sea

  13. 除台湾、海南、崇明岛三大岛屿外,东海岛在我国众多的海岛当中,轮资排行第五。

    East Island of Zhanjiang is the fifth among the islands of China , after Taiwan 、 Hainan and Chongming islands , the three largest islands .