
  • 网络Euphorbia;Euphorbia L;Euphorbiaceae;spurge
  1. 大戟属植物中二萜酯和倍半萜甙结构的2DNMR研究

    2D NMR studies on diterpene ester and sesquiterpene Glucoside from the genus Euphorbia

  2. 本文首先综述了涉及安徽有资源分布的大戟属(Euphorbia)植物的研究进展,主要包括植物化学、生药学等方面的研究;

    The progress of researches was summarized in Euphorbia which mainly involved plant chemistry and pharmacognosy and so on .

  3. 江苏3种大戟属野生植物总脂含量及脂肪酸组分分析

    Analysis of Total Lipid Contents and Fatty Acids Composition of Three Species of Euphorbia in Jiangsu Province

  4. 甘遂乳汁管的分布、发育与超微结构以及6种大戟属植物的比较研究

    The Distribution , Development and Ultrastructure of Laticifers in Euphorbia Kansui and the Comparative Studies of Six Euphorbia Species

  5. 大戟属植物多达数百种,包括橡胶树、各种产蓖麻油和桐油的树木,以及木薯这类块根作物等。

    There are hundreds of related plants , including rubber trees , trees that produce castor and tung oil , and the cassava , a root crop .

  6. 比较研究结果表明6种大戟属植物的各器官结构、叶表皮特征、叶片及果实表皮微形态和傅里叶变换红外光谱均存在不同程度的差异。

    The comparative anatomy results revealed that various degrees of differences existed in the structure of organs , the micromorphology of leaves and fruits , and the FTIR spectra .

  7. 木薯(ManihotesculentaCrantz)为大戟科木薯属植物,是热带地区重要的粮食作物,具有典型的高产、抗逆特征。

    Cassava ( Manihot esculenta crantz ) is the Manihot in Euphorbiaceae . It is a important food crops , its high productivity and its ability to withstand a variety of environmental conditions ( including significant water stress ) in typical tropical area .

  8. 大戟科&新属和萝藦科植物新命名

    A new genus of Euphorbiaceae and some new nomenclatural combination of the asclepiadaceous plants

  9. 一种装饰性欧洲大戟植物(续随子大戟属),它所含的一种乳液据认为是一种潜在的碳氢化合物的来源,可转化成燃料。

    An ornamental European spurge ( Euphorbia lathyris ) having a latex considered to be a potential source of hydrocarbons that can be converted into fuel .