
  • 网络Eland
  1. 巨大角斑羚呈浅红褐色,颈部灰黑色,全身有垂直的白色斑纹,角比大角斑羚的更笨重,分叉更多。

    The giant , or Derby , eland is reddish Brown with a Blackish neck and vertical white stripes and horns heavier than those of the common eland .

  2. 偶蹄目牛科大角斑羚属2种容易驯化的牛形羚的统称,成群栖息在非洲中部和南部的开阔平原或有少量树木的地区。

    Either of two species of easily tamed , oxlike antelope ( genus Taurotragus ) found in herds on the plains or in lightly wooded areas of central and southern Africa .