
huán jìnɡ wēi hài
  • environmental hazards
  1. 在运输过程中,在海洋或海岸的NF3泄露的环境危害是最小的。

    The environmental hazards of an NF3 leak at sea , or in coastal waters during shipment , are minimal .

  2. 儿童一般比成人更容易受到环境危害带来的影响。

    Children are generally more susceptible to environmental hazards than adults .

  3. 它对环境危害较小。

    It 's less harmful to the environment .

  4. 农田塑料薄膜(地膜)污染对土壤环境危害很大,覆膜灌溉技术可能会增加其复杂性。

    The plastic sheeting used in farmland extremely pollutes and sabotages the soil environment .

  5. 但是BP石油公司和美国海岸警卫队相信,与潜在的环境危害相比,这次行动是值得的。

    But BP and the US Coast Guard believe it 's worth the potential environmental damage .

  6. 钻具失效诱因及湿H2S环境危害探讨

    Discuss of Effectiveness Lose Inducement and Damage to BHA in Wet H_2S Environment

  7. DTP生物降解性能的研究意义不仅在于它是PET生物研究最合适的模拟物,更在于可以解决由这种化工原料所导致的环境危害问题。

    Not only for DTP is one best of simulacrum for the biodegradation study of PET , but also for it is environmental pollutant as a chemical engineering raw material .

  8. 乳品生产废水具有COD、BOD、SS浓度高、可生化性好、水质水量变化大、不含对微生物有毒害作用的物质等特点,是一种对环境危害较大的有机废水。

    Dairy production wastewater is harmful to environment with a high concentration of COD , BOD , SS and it is well biodegradable without toxic substance . The dairy production wastewater is also fluctuant in quantity and characteristic .

  9. 西欧工业化早期的开采业和工业产生了大量的废地(wasteland),其中绝大多数都靠近人口密集区,给人们的日常生活造成巨大的环境危害。

    Because of early industrialization , Western Europe has a large legacy of wasteland produced by mining and industry . Most of this is close to centres of population , and constitutes a serious environmental threat to ordinary people .

  10. 迄今为止有报道发现的Tl矿物有53种,其中多数为Tl的硫化物矿物和硫盐矿物,在表生地球化学作用下Tl很容易被释放出来,而成为一种潜在的环境危害。

    There are a total of 54 Tl-bearing minerals already identified in the world , and most of them are Tl-sulfide minerals and Tl-sulfosalt minerals . Thallium is easy to release in the process of supergene geochemistry and would become a potential damage to the environment .

  11. ValeriePeters教授讲授这门课程,她的学生帮她研究FincalaBella地区的咖啡农场,该地区的农民同意用对环境危害小的方式进行可持续的咖啡种植。

    Professor Valerie Peters teaches the class . Her students help her study coffee farms in an area called Finca la Bella . Farmers in this area agreed to grow their coffee , using methods that do less harm to the environment .

  12. 矿产资源开发利用对环境危害的货币化研究

    Study on value of environmental harm in utilization of mineral resources

  13. 石油开发中污水的环境危害

    The Environmental Hazard Caused by Waste Water in Oilfield Exploitation

  14. 柴油车尾气残余物有机污染特征及其环境危害

    Research of Organic Pollution Characteristics for the Residue of Diesel Vehicle Discharges

  15. 避免环境危害,减少对氡、石棉和大气污染的接触。

    Avoid environmental hazards such as radon , asbestos and air pollution .

  16. 煤矸石的环境危害及综合利用研究

    Research on environmental effect and comprehensive utilization of coal-waste rocks

  17. 危险废物对环境危害的长期性和潜在性,正引起高度重视。

    Dangerous wastes have been regarded seriously about longer and potential harm of environment .

  18. 石油类污染场地因其严重的环境危害而备受关注。

    Petroleum hydrocarbons-contaminated sites are highly of concern for their serious disturbance to environment .

  19. 中国核电工业环境危害评价

    Environmental impact of nuclear power industry in China

  20. 饲料污染造成的食源性疾病和环境危害,是我国饲料安全和环境生物安全中最突出的问题。

    The major issues are food-origin disease and environmental hazard caused by feeds contamination .

  21. 土法炼锌的环境危害及废弃矿区环境评价

    The Environmental Hazards of Indigenous Zinc Smelting and Environmental Assessment in Abandoned Mine Areas

  22. 对此类化合物的环境危害和人类健康危害进行评价是非常必要的。

    The evaluation of environmental hazards and human health hazard of such compounds is necessary .

  23. 土壤生物可以作为化学物质对土壤环境危害的有价值的指示生物。

    Soil organisms can provide valuable indicators for the risks of chemicals in soil environment .

  24. 污泥中重金属对环境危害的大小,很大程度上取决于其形态分布。

    The negative impact of heavy metals in sludge is largely determined by its morphology distribution .

  25. 由于核能生产所产生的废料具有放射性,对人类和环境危害极大,因而限制了其大规模实用。

    The nuclear energy has great harm to human beings and environment because of its radioaction .

  26. 分析了国内废旧电脑的环境危害、立法和回收利用现状。

    The current legislations on obsolete computers recycle , system and its environmental hazard in China have been discussed .

  27. 传统的阻燃体系中含卤阻燃剂阻燃效果比较好,但由于在火灾中会放出腐蚀性、有毒的气体,对环境危害较大。

    Traditional halogen-based fire retardant systems will release corrosive and toxic gases in fire and do harm to environment .

  28. 柴油机排气微粒对环境危害严重,研究开发排气过滤技术是解决问题的有效措施之一。

    One effective way to abate particulate pollution is to research and develop filtration techniques for particulates from diesel emission .

  29. 这4种酚类内分泌干扰物环境危害较大,对动植物和人类的健康具有潜在的威胁。

    These four kinds of phenols endocrine disrupting chemicals have great environmental harmfulness and potential threat to human and wildlife .

  30. 重金属元素的环境危害性大小在很大程度上取决于重金属元素的存在形态。

    The danger of largely heavy metal elements in the environmental depends on the existing form of the heavy metal element .