
  • 网络Environmental Pollution Chemistry
  1. 土壤环境污染化学与化学修复研究最新进展

    New researching progresses in pollution chemistry of soil environment and chemical remediation

  2. 开拓核分析技术在环境污染化学种态及其效应研究中的能力;

    The ability of nuclear analytical techniques in study of chemical speciation and its effects of pollutant should be made of use ;

  3. 介绍了重金属镉的环境污染化学性质,自然界存在的形态;

    This text introduces the chemistry of the environment pollution property of the heavy metals cadmium , such as existent appearance of nature .

  4. 红树林湿地环境污染地球化学的研究评述

    Advances of studies on biogeochemistry of environmental pollution in mangrove wetlands

  5. 重庆市环境污染地球化学调查

    A Geochemical Survey for Environmental Pollution in Chongqing City

  6. 恶性肿瘤已经成为继心脑血管疾病后威胁人类生命健康的第二大杀手,它是由多种因素引起的,主要包括环境污染、化学污染、电离辐射、微生物及其代谢毒素、遗传特性、内分泌失衡等。

    Cancer has become the second killer of humen health following the heart disease . It is caused by diverse reasons which include environmental pollution , chemical pollution , ionizing radiation , microorganism , hereditary capacity , unbalance of internal secretion .

  7. 溴、碘是大气中的痕量元素,作为大气中活性卤素,参与大气中众多环境污染物质的化学反应,大气气溶胶中痕量元素Br、I引起了各国学者们的关注。

    Bromine and iodine are trace elements in the atmosphere , as the atmosphere of active halogen , to participate in the many environmental pollutants in atmospheric chemical reactions .

  8. 由人类活动引起的环境污染与地球化学循环变化;

    Environment contamination caused by human activities and the change of geochemistry cycle ;

  9. 环境污染和大气化学工作组

    Working Group on Environmental Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry

  10. 近年来,由于环境的污染,化学废料及物理因素等的影响,使得患血液疾病的人数日益增多,因此计算机辅助细胞图像的分类识别对血液病的早期诊断和鉴别具有十分重要的意义。

    As environmental pollution , chemical waste and the effects of physical factors , the number of people suffering from blood diseases has been increasing in recent years . So using computer-aided recognition is of great significance for the early diagnosis and classification .

  11. 传统的化学工业被视为污染严重的行业,环境污染已成为化学工业可持续发展的制约因素,而解决这一问题的关键就是坚定不移地研究和实施绿色化学及技术。

    The traditional chemistry industry was thought the serious pollution field and the contamination have become a limited factor of the sustainable development of the chemistry industry . The key to solve the issue is to research green chemistry and technologies and put them into reality .

  12. 保护环境、防止污染是化学工作者非常关心的问题。

    As chemistry researchers , we are very concerned about the problems of environmental protection and prevention of pollution .

  13. 造成环境污染的重要原因之一是化学因素,解决环境污染问题,化学起举足轻重的作用。

    Chemical factor has been incriminated as one of the fundamental causes of environmental pollution , chemical factor occupies a pivotal position in solving environmental problems .

  14. 在不同的环境条件下,如环境污染、化学污染、电离辐射等,都会直接或者间接影响基因的表达。

    Many hostile environmental conditions , such as environmental pollution , chemical pollution , ionizing radiation can affect gene expression .