
chuán bō
  • propagate;spread;disseminate;transmissions;publicize;transmit;diffuse;broadcast;carry;circulate;disperse;contagion;permeate
传播 [chuán bō]
  • (1) [transmit]

  • (2) 传送或散布

  • 传播知识

  • (3) 传染

  • 虱子传播疾病

  • (4) [disseminate]∶广泛散布

  • 负责传播书籍的图书馆员及出版者

  • (5) [broadcast]∶使普遍知道

  • 传播关于最新科学发明的情报

传播[chuán bō]
  1. 通讯社收集和传播信息。

    The agency would collect and disseminate information .

  2. 绿色数字(DigitalGreen)项目一个使用数字视频来向农民传播培训技能的项目获得了文化领域的奖励。

    Digital Green a project that uses digital video to disseminate training techniques to farmers won the culture category .

  3. 电视广告传播着理想家庭的一种假象。

    Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family .

  4. 蕨类植物、苔藓和真菌通过孢子传播蔓生。

    Ferns , mosses and fungi spread by means of spores .

  5. 美国流行音乐已传播到世界各地。

    American pop music has been exported around the world .

  6. 我们希望能够减缓疾病的传播速度。

    We hope to slow the spread of the disease .

  7. 壁虱可传播危害人类的严重疾病。

    Ticks can carry a nasty disease which affects humans .

  8. 声音在水中比在空气中传播得快。

    Sound travels better in water than in air .

  9. 种子和花粉是随风传播的。

    Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind .

  10. 这个谣言已传播多年了。

    This rumour has been bruited about for years .

  11. 这些种子是由风传播的。

    The seeds are transported by the wind .

  12. 他被指控犯传播毒品罪而遭逮捕。

    He was arrested on drug distribution charges .

  13. 声比光传播得慢。

    Sound travels more slowly than light .

  14. 他们的研究成果已经广为传播。

    Their findings have been widely disseminated .

  15. 这种疾病通过蚊子传播。

    The disease is spread by mosquitoes .

  16. 如今消息传播得很快。

    News travels fast these days .

  17. 这种疾病容易传播。

    The disease spreads easily .

  18. 这种疾病能够在不同的哺乳类物种之间传播。

    The disease can spread from one mammalian species to another .

  19. 他贪污的恶名已经四处传播开了。

    His noisome reputation for corruption had already begun to spread .

  20. 许多人对空气传播的污染物过敏,比如花粉。

    Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen .

  21. 不存在通过手术传播这种传染病的风险。

    There was no danger of transmitting the infection through operations .

  22. 有关街头骚乱的消息迅速传播开来。

    Word has been spreading fast of the incidents on the streets

  23. 艾滋病病毒大半是经异性性接触传播的。

    Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission .

  24. 据说黑客们已经开始传播一种新的电脑病毒。

    Hackers are said to have started a computer virus .

  25. 植物传播孢子的方法各不相同。

    Plants have different mechanisms of dispersal for their spores .

  26. 寄生虫传播的一种方式是通过排泄物。

    One of the ways the parasite spreads is through fecal matter .

  27. 该疾病传播到人类身上的几率微乎其微。

    The chances of the disease being transferred to humans is extremely remote

  28. 当声音在水中传播时,可能会发生奇怪的现象。

    When sound travels through water , strange things can happen

  29. 这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。

    The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease .

  30. 青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。

    Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases .