
  • 网络Conductive Pathway;Conduction path;new;Tract
  1. 感觉传导路各断面实物标本图片上的Flash动画演示

    Flash Demonstration of Images of the Physical Specimen at all Sections of the Sensory Pathway

  2. 目的观察参与细胞发育分化和细胞非对称性分裂的notch信号传导路的分子Numb在体外培养的神经干细胞内的分布和表达,以期为在体外控制神经干细胞的分化提供新的线索。

    Aim To determine the expression and distribution of morphogen molecule - Numb participating in notch signal conduction in asymmetric cell division in cultured neural stem cells in vitro and provide new clues for differentiation controlling of neural stem cells in vitro .

  3. 结论:PRVEP可检测糖尿病大鼠视觉传导路的异常,为临床糖尿病性神经病诊断及预后提供可靠的电生理指标。

    CONCLUSION : PRVEP can detect the abnormality of visual pathway in diabetic rats , and provide reliable electrophysiological indexes for the clinical diagnosis and prognosis of diabetic neuropathy .

  4. 目的:研究腹腔痛觉的中枢传导路。

    Objective : to study the central conduction pathway of abdomino-pain .

  5. 它的图形直观,能客观地反映视觉传导路的功能变化。

    The mapping is easy to read and could objectively reflect the functional change of visual pathway .

  6. 并且,如果你对信号传导路有着足够好的理解,你就可以创造出安全有效的治疗方法在合适的时间通过正确的方式刺激和抑制免疫反应。

    And if you understand the signaling pathways well enough , you can stimulate or suppress the immune response in the right way at the right time to create safe and effective therapies .

  7. 前庭核是前庭系统上行传导路中二级神经元胞体所在的部位,在接受前庭器官传入、整合信号和传出调节机体的活动中起着关键性作用。

    The vestibular nuclei are the sites of the secondary neurons receiving the vestibular primary afferents , and integrate the information from the vestibular organ and other afferents , and regulate the body motions through the efferent projections .

  8. 【结论】应用BAEP对HCMV感染患儿的检测,可早期发现患儿听力障碍的程度和性质,对协助推断听觉传导听路病毒侵犯的部位具有重要的价值。

    【 Conclusion 】 Applying BAEP to examine the patients infected by HCMV , the degree and quality of hearing impairment can be discovered in the early period , the site attacked by virus on the auditory conduction pathway can be infered .

  9. 一般内脏感觉传导径路的形态学研究

    A morphological study of general visceral afferent pathways

  10. 研究结果支持头皮针刺信号是通过三叉神经传导径路入脑并发挥效应;

    The signs of acupuncture at scalp enter the brain to exert effects through transmitting pathway of the trigeminal nerve .

  11. 这些结果说明:大白鼠海马结构内部各亚区间存在一条有方向性的传导径路,而内嗅皮质则向海马结构各亚区发出多层次的纤维投射。

    The results indicate that there is a polar transport path within the hippocampal formation and that the entorhinal cortex projects to various subfields in the hippocampal formation .

  12. 为什么反刍动物对针刺镇痛比其他动物效果好,是由于神经递质的种类和含量不同,中枢神经系统的镇痛核团不同,还是神经传导经路不同引起的,这些问题尚不清楚。

    Why the effects of acupuncture analgesia on ruminants is better than other animals ? Is it due to the types of neurotransmitters , or different analgesia nucleus in central nervous system , or different nerve conduction pathway .