
chuán gǎn qì
  • sensor;transducer;pickup;sensing element
传感器[chuán gǎn qì]
  1. 传感器沿光导纤维输送光信号。

    A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre .

  2. 温度传感器发给计算机的信息为发动机是冷却的,可实际上它的温度很高。

    The temperature sensor is making the computer think the engine is cold when , in fact , it 's hot .

  3. 日本的最新真空吸尘器配有可探测灰尘多少和地板类型的传感器。

    The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor .

  4. 另一种空气温度传感器是充气波纹管。

    Another ambient temperature sensor is the vapor-filled bellows .

  5. 许多机器人配备有高科技传感器和复杂的学习算法,以避免伤害到与其并肩工作的人类。

    Many robots are equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms to avoid injuring humans as they work side by side .

  6. 这些机器人装备有许多传感器来识别环境、牛群和食物的状况,使用热传感器和视觉传感器来检测体温变化。

    The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment , cattle and food , using thermal and vision sensors that detect changes in body temperature .

  7. 机体里,这些卫星能容纳传感器和通信接收器(转换器),这使得操作人员能够从太空中研究地球和地球周围的宇宙空间。

    Within their compact bodies these minute satellites are able to house sensors and communications receivers / transmitters that enable operators to study Earth from space , as well as space around Earth .

  8. 研究人员已经开始在社会科学研究中使用智能手机,要么用于定期询问正常生活期间的人们,要么使用智能手机的内置传感器记录活动。

    Researchers have already begun to use smartphones in social scientific research , either to query people regularly as they engage in their normal lives or to record activity using the device 's built-in sensors .

  9. 悉尼大学的萨拉·苏卡瑞将在新南威尔士中部的几个农场进行试验,她说:“你还可利用颜色、质地和形状传感器来俯视地面,检查牧场的质量。”

    " You 've also got color , texture and shape sensors looking down at the ground to check pasture quality , " says Salah Sukkarieh of the University of Sydney , who will carry out trials on several farms in central New South Wales .

  10. 所有的研究都认为,到2020年,将有近250亿个设备、物品和传感器互联,顺便说一下,在这一年,千禧一代预计会占据我们总劳动的75%,并且完全互联的家庭会成为全世界大多数人所面临的现实。

    All researches agree that close to 25 billion devices , things and sensors will be connected by 2020 which incidentally is also the moment that Millennials are expected to make up 75 percent of our overall workforce , and the fully connected home will become a reality for large numbers of people worldwide .

  11. 使用无线设置,你可以将电池供电的传感器安置在家里的各个地方,保持对窗户,门以及所有活动的监视。

    With a wireless setup , you stick battery-powered sensors up around your home that keep an eye on windows , doors , motion , and more .

  12. 超声波传感器会发出不同的声音。

    And the ultrasonic sensor makes different kinds of sounds .

  13. 当传感器前有人经过时灯就会亮。

    When somebody passes in front of their sensors , the lights turn on .

  14. 手套背面装有带电池的超声波传感器。

    An ultrasonic sensor with a battery is put on the back of the glove .

  15. 我们将用这笔钱开发一种更小更轻的超声波传感器。

    We ' re going to use the money to develop a smaller and lighter ultrasonic sensor .

  16. 其中一位设计师说,"现在手套上的超声波传感器相当大了。"

    One of the designers said , " Now the ultrasonic sensor on the glove is quite large . "

  17. 给你的机器人安装上传感器:光传感器(眼睛)、触觉传感器(手)、化学传感器(鼻子)、听觉传感器(耳朵)和味觉传感器(舌头)。

    Give your robot sensors : light sensors ( eyes ) , touch sensors ( hands ) , chemical sensors ( nose ) , hearing sensors ( ears ) and taste sensors ( tongue ) .

  18. 它是通过光电传感器来采集信息再由PLC控制系统来实现控制的

    It gleans information through infrared sensing units . It is controlled by PLC system .

  19. 温度传感器密封在保护套管中。

    The temperature sensor is enclosed in a protective well .

  20. 他把传感器插进电源插座。

    He plugged the sensor into a outlet .

  21. 小电器传感器放置在您的头皮和对每个耳垂。

    Tiny electrical sensors are placed on your scalp and on each ear lobe .

  22. 当传感器检测到障碍物时,就会通过连接的扬声器警告佩戴者。

    When it detects an obstacle , it warns the wearer via the connected speaker .

  23. 科学家会通过传感器定期查看团队的睡眠模式、社交互动和认知功能。

    They would regularly check the team 's sleeping patterns , social interactions , and cognitive .

  24. 这款名为InnoMake的智能鞋旨在替代几十年来全球数百万人赖以安全活动的拐杖。目前能买到的这款鞋子依靠传感器来探测障碍物,并通过蓝牙智能手机发出振动和铃声来警告穿着者。

    Known as InnoMake , the smart shoe aims to become an alternative to the decades-old walking stick that millions of people around the world depend on to get around as safely as possible . The currently available model relies on sensors to detect obstacles and warns the wearer via vibration and an audible alert sounded on a Bluetooth-linked smartphone .

  25. 嵌入式Web传感器技术研究

    Embedded WEB Transducer Technique Research

  26. 新型CO2传感器快速检测结核杆菌

    A New Type Of CO_2 Sensor For Rapid Detection Of M.Tuberculosis

  27. 用CAD技术设计传感器弹性体

    Using CAD technique to design sensor elastic body

  28. 应用Matlab拟合传感器特性曲线

    Application of Matlab to Fitting Sensor Characteristic Curves

  29. 光学DNA生物传感器

    Opticas DNA Biology Sensors

  30. 化学修饰GOD传感器

    Chemically Modified GOD Sensor