
yuán zhōu lǜ
  • pi;diameter;ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter;circular constant
圆周率 [yuán zhōu lǜ]
  • [pi] 圆周长度与圆的直径长度之比。约等于 3.1415926

  1. 世界各地会在每年的3月14日庆祝圆周率日。

    Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th ( 3 / 14 ) around the world . For example :

  2. 有些示例展示了如何将Workers用于执行密集的数学计算,比如计算1万位数的圆周率。

    Some Worker examples show Workers being used to perform intense mathematical computations , like calculating ten-thousand digits of pi .

  3. QT3.14是用数学俚语指代某个可爱又迷人的家伙,这里的QT其实就是cutie(可爱)的缩写,而3.14则代表pie(招人喜欢的人),与该数字原本代表的数学概念Pi(圆周率)同音。

    QT3.14 is mathematics slang for cutie pie , that is , a cute , attractive person . QT means cutie , and 3.14 means pie ( with same pronunciation with Pi ) .

  4. 这也是记忆一长串数字的好方法,比如记忆圆周率的n位数字。

    This is also an excellent way to remember long sequences like pi to n digits .

  5. 计算机算出pi圆周率小数点后有1万多亿。

    Computers have calculated Pi to over one trillion digits .

  6. 通过圆周率!计算和梅森素数搜索的实验证明,CGrid具有很好的可用性和较好的实时性。

    The tests of computation algorithm of and Mersenne Prime Search show that C_Grid is not only practical , but also real-time .

  7. MH:我常常半开玩笑的把自己叫做”反圆周率领袖“。

    MH : I sometimes half-jokingly refer to myself as " the world 's leading anti-pi propagandist " .

  8. 采用的测试程序基于计算圆周率的BBP算法。

    The adopted testing program is based on BBP algorithm for pi .

  9. 用Java程序计算圆内随机点的点数与正方形内随机点数之比,得到正方形和其内切圆的面积比,计算出圆周率。

    With Java program computation stochastic points in circular domain and square ratio of the stochastic points , this paper obtains the square and its inscribed circle area ratio , and calculates the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter .

  10. 采用精度敏感的圆周率计算BBP算法验证了CCRG编译器在扩展双精度浮点运算上的正确性。

    The precision-sensitive BBP algorithm for the computation of Pi is used to verify the CCRG compiler . 2 .

  11. 1988年,在旧金山科学博物馆举办了第一届圆周率日。

    Pi Day started in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploratorium .

  12. 李俨与中国古代圆周率

    Li Yan and the π in the History of Ancient Chinese Mathematics

  13. 圆周率的平方根的二分之一是多少?

    How much is one over two times the square root of pi ?

  14. 几个圆周率的级数恒等式

    Several series identities about the ratio of the circumference

  15. 圆周率已经有4千年历史了啦。

    D : Yes , and it has been for over 4000 years .

  16. 圆周率?那时他想让我们知道的?

    It 's pi ? That 's what you wanted us to figure out ?

  17. 爱情就象圆周率&自然、非理性,却至关重要。

    Love is like pi ¬ & natural , irrational , and VERY important .

  18. 他认为圆周率特别美丽。

    He says Pi is particularly beautiful .

  19. 这是一个圆周率计算源码,可以作为初级入门学习之用。

    This is a calculated pi source can be used as the primary portal learning .

  20. 圆周率日会在每年的3月14日庆祝。

    Pi Day is on March 14 .

  21. 贝拉:我不是想知道圆周率的平方根。

    Bella : I don 't want to know what the square root of pi is .

  22. 背圆周率?我记得在7年级学几何时背的。

    Y : Memorize pi ? Oh yeah , I remember that from 7th grade geometry .

  23. 它听起来很简单,圆的直径除以周长就等于圆周率。

    It sounds simple : Pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter .

  24. 我们需要讲述故事,否则我们的人生就会像圆周率一样,只是永不停歇的继续着。

    We need storytelling . Otherwise life just goes on and on , like the number Pi .

  25. 圆周率是数学史上最吸引人的数字。

    D : It 's only one of the most fascinating numbers in the history of mathematics .

  26. 每天只需要记住4位数字,你就能记住圆周率小数点后很多位数字。

    Taking just four extra digits a day you can easily remember pi to many decimal places .

  27. 远在1500多年前,祖冲之就计算出了精确的圆周率。。

    Dated as far back as 1500 years ago , He worked out an accurate value of pi .

  28. 谭米特保持着圆周率背诵的欧洲纪录,他在短短五个多小时内将圆周率背诵到小数点后22514位。

    Tammet holds the European record for memorising and recounting pi to 22514 digits in just over five hours .

  29. 任何学过几何学的人都知道圆周率这个数值的重要性。

    Anyone who has ever studied geometry knows the importance of the quantity known as " pi " (π) .

  30. 圆面积公式与圆周率究竟是怎样推求的

    How to Calculate the Area of Circle and Ratio of the Circumference of to Its Diameter ITO formula of a function of