
zhuàn jì
  • biography
传记 [zhuàn jì]
  • (1) [biography]

  • (2) 记录某人生平事迹的文字

  • (3) 一般传记性著作,尤指作为一种类型的这类著作

  • 传记类著作领域

传记[zhuàn jì]
  1. 她同意与他合作撰写她的传记。

    She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography .

  2. 这部传记有时混淆了事实和虚构。

    This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction .

  3. 这部传记把爱因斯坦一生的各个方面编纂成书。

    The biography weaves together the various strands of Einstein 's life .

  4. 纳尔逊∙曼德拉是一本新传记的传主。

    Nelson Mandela is the subject of a new biography .

  5. 传记刻画出了他的正面形象。

    The biography shows him in a favourable light .

  6. 他的传记只不过是自命不凡的一派胡言。

    His biography is nothing but self-regarding nonsense .

  7. 他的传记特别安排在他的70寿诞庆典时出版。

    Publication of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations .

  8. 她写了一部莫扎特的传记。

    She wrote a life of Mozart .

  9. 从两部新传记的出版可以看出,人们对她的生活和工作越来越感兴趣。

    There has been increasing interest in her life and work , as witnessed by the publication of two new biographies .

  10. 客观来说,这部传记很是令人气愤。

    It is , in its way , a maddening biography .

  11. 他很久以来一直都想创作一部关于约翰·保罗·琼斯的传记作品。

    A life of John Paul Jones had long interested him .

  12. 他刚刚出了一本传记来纪念他的队长。

    He has just published a memoir in honour of his captain .

  13. 他写了一篇关于克里斯托弗·马洛的推测性传记。

    He has written a speculative biography of Christopher Marlowe .

  14. 一个经纪人购买了他的传记的出版权。

    An agent bought the rights to his life

  15. 这本传记并不惹人厌,可爱德华爵士不喜欢它。

    It is not an unsympathetic biography , but Sir Edward has taken against it .

  16. 传记必须在一定程度上描绘人物。

    Biography must to some extent delineate characters

  17. 该传记出自一位著名作家之手。

    This biography was written by a famous author .

  18. 他正在为写一部传记收集素材。

    He is now collecting material for a biography .

  19. 这是一本很权威的传记。

    It is an authoritative biography .

  20. 他正在为写陶渊明传记搜集材料。

    He is now collecting material for a biography of Tao Yuanming .

  21. 他读了林肯的传记后,能讲出许多关于这位总统的故事。

    After reading a biography of Lincoln he was able to tell many stories about the President .

  22. 自传往往不如传记来得真实。

    Autobiography is often less truthful than biography .

  23. 但这幅画的传记作者唐纳德·萨松冷静地指出:"实际上,任何肖像都可以获得这种效果。"

    But as the painting 's biographer , Donald Sassoon , dryly notes , " In reality the effect can be obtained from any portrait . "

  24. 鲍斯韦尔为怀特博士写过一本著名传记。

    Boswell wrote a famous biography of Dr.White .

  25. 以男性为主角的战争片和传记片也属于男性催泪影片。

    War movies and biographical films of a male character tend to also be guy-cry films .

  26. 除了保持动画简单,沃尔特迪斯尼告诉他的传记作者鲍勃托马斯,手套的存在是出于另一个原因:人性化鼠标。

    Besides keeping the animation simple , Walt Disney told his biographer , Bob Thomas , that the gloves exist for another reason : to humanize the mouse .

  27. 然后是一些有关物品的传记信息,包括标题、URL和摘要。

    There is then some biographic information about the article including the title , URL , and summary .

  28. 我还读过儿童版的小马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKingJr.)传记。

    I also read a biography about Martin Luther King Jr. , written for children .

  29. 范欧弗托弗尔德将这位主角的学术和个人传记,融入到芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)经济系和商学院的历史中加以描写。

    Van overtveldt presents potted intellectual and personal biographies of the main protagonists , fitted into a history of the University of Chicago economics department and School of business .

  30. 据Deadline网站报道,派拉蒙公司已经击败环球影业,斥资7位数获得该传记的改编权。

    According to Deadline , Paramount has beaten out Universal for the rights to the adaptation , spending into seven figures .