
zhěn yiè
  • occipital lobe
枕叶[zhěn yiè]
  1. 结果:4年后精神分裂症患者NSS总分及顶叶、额叶、枕叶因子分均明显增加;

    NSS total scores and factor scores in parietal lobe , frontal lobe and occipital lobe increased significantly in deficit type schizophrenia .

  2. 结论:CRD儿童存在多方面的认知功能缺陷,CRD儿童左右半球功能不平衡,儿童脑功能缺陷涉及左、右两个半球的不同脑区、以额叶、枕叶功能障碍多见。

    CONCLUSION : CRD children have multidimensional cognitive deficiencies . Functional imbalances of left and right hemispheres exist in CRD children , their brain functional deficiencies are involved in the different brain areas of left and right hemispheres , especially in frontal lobe and occipital lobe .

  3. 枕叶出血40例临床与CT分析

    Occipital Hemorrhage : A Clinical and CT Analysis of 40 Cases

  4. 枕叶出血的临床与CT

    Clinical and CT of occipital hemorrhage

  5. 这个分离的结果在枕叶EEG/ERP的结果中被发现了。

    This dissociation was found in EEG / ERP results at occipital sites .

  6. 视差诱发了枕叶皮层的负波N2。

    Disparity induced a large N2 in occipital region .

  7. 结果病人组左额叶及两侧枕叶CT值显著高于对照组;

    Results ( 1 ) The CT values of left frontal lobe and bilateral occipital lobes of patients ' group are markedly higher than those of control group .

  8. 这些结果表明整合和物体表征是可分离的,他们分别与枕叶的induced和evoked活动有关。

    These results suggest the dissociable binding processing and the object representation , which are respectively represented by the induced and evoked activities at occipital sites .

  9. Octopus联合视野检查在枕叶病变中的应用

    Application of Octopus combined with perimetry in occipital lobe lesion

  10. 聋人枕叶视皮层对频率刺激反应规律的事件相关fMRI研究

    Study on the Visual Cortical Response to Stimulus Frequency in Deaf with Event Related fMRI

  11. CT及MRI提示重要的特征是中脑或丘脑梗塞合并其他部位梗死,如枕叶、小脑、颞叶。

    CT and MRI showed that the most important feature of TOBS was infarction in both sides of thalamencephalon or midbrain accompanied by infarctions in cerebellum , occipital and temporal lobes .

  12. 结论①HIE病灶首先累及双侧额叶,其次为顶叶、颞叶、枕叶。

    Conclusion ① HIE was prior to involving bilateral frontal lobes , and then parietal , temporal and occipital lobes .

  13. AD组扣带束前部、胼胝体膝部、胼胝体体部、内囊前后肢、枕叶白质各参数值与NC组比较无统计学差异。

    All parameters of anterior cingulate , genu of corpus callosum , corpus callosum body , anterior limbs of internal capsule , occipital lobe for both group show no significant difference .

  14. 多奈哌齐所致DLB患者枕叶rCBF改变与幻视的关系

    Correlation of visual hallucinations with occipital rCBF changes by donepezil in DLB

  15. 其中一例患者MRA、SPECT显示正常,口服乙酰唑胺后SPECT检查及PET检查显示有颞枕叶缺血。

    One patient with normal MRA and ordinary SPECTexainination , was found to suffer from occipital and temporal lobesischemia after acetazolamide SPECT examination and PET scan .

  16. 结果在fMRI实验中,双侧枕叶有较明显的激活,双侧距状回则更加明显,激活最强点位于右侧距状回。

    Results In the fMRI test , the bilateral calcarine gyri were activated and the strongest area was located in the right hemisphere .

  17. PET显像特征:①对称性双侧颞顶叶及海马伴额叶或枕叶代谢减低占9例(9/13);

    The characteristics of PET imagines of AD patients had three patterns : ( 1 ) bilateral parietal , temporal , hippocampus and forntal or occipital lobe symmetrical hypometabolism in 69.23 % AD cases ;

  18. PKC阳性细胞主要分布在大脑的额叶、顶叶、颞叶和枕叶的II、III和IV层,在杏仁海马移行区和杏仁梨状皮质移行区也有分布。

    The PKC positive cells were mainly distributed in the II , III and IV layers of the frontal lobe , parietal lobe , temporal lobe and occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex .

  19. 最近的DTI研究发现额枕叶的联系也是异常的,与前后部的协调性减弱相一致。

    The latest DTI finding shows that some of the frontal-posterior communication fiber tracts are abnormal , consistent with the lower degree of frontal-posterior coordination .

  20. 整合记忆表征形成时的注意效应表现为左侧顶枕叶晚期负慢波SW波幅增大,时间窗口约为45小80Oms。

    The amplification of negative slow wave SW with time window between 450 ~ 800ms at left occipital-parietal scalp indicated the spatial cueing effect during formation of integrated representation .

  21. Gastaut型儿童枕叶癫痫临床及脑电图特点分析

    The clinical and electroencephalographic features of childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut

  22. 应用头颅CT对51例窒息新生儿检查,结果缺氧缺血性脑病的发生率为98%,以额叶受累最多见,其次为顶叶和颞叶,枕叶受累最少。

    Fifty-one asphyctic neonates have been examined by skull CT . The results showed that the incidence of hypoxic-ischemic encephalic injury was 98 % , among of them the frontal lobe was the most common , parietal lob and temporal lob were second , occipital lob was the least affected .

  23. 10次卒中样发作颅脑MRI发作期常规T1、T2加权相表现为颞顶枕叶皮质及皮质下白质长T1、T2异常信号,2例弥散加权成像表现为相应部位脑回样高信号。

    10 stroke-like episodes presented long T1 long T2 signals in the cortex and subcortical white matter of temporal , parietal , and occipital lobes , and 2 presented high signals in diffusion weighted images in periods of attacks .

  24. 暴露控制法治疗慢性精神分裂症长期幻听的对照研究多奈哌齐所致DLB患者枕叶rCBF改变与幻视的关系

    Controlled study of exposure control in treating long-term auditory hallucinations in patients with chronic schizophrenia Correlation of visual hallucinations with occipital rCBF changes by donepezil in DLB

  25. 对正常和AD大鼠在额叶皮层、枕叶皮层和海马(颞区)等认知相关脑区的自发脑电进行功率谱分析,以研究AD大鼠的脑电频率特性。

    The EEG in the brain areas related with cognitive function ( frontal lobes , occipital lobes and temporal area ) were recorded in both normal and AD rats , to analyse the power spectrum and to study the AD EEG frequency feature of the AD model rats .

  26. 在11例高位视路损伤者中,8例为枕叶皮层损伤,闪光VEP表现为双眼P1波潜伏期轻度延长,波幅基本正常;

    Out of 11 cases with cortical blindness , occipital cortex were injured and the flash VEP demonstrated the slight prolongation of the latent period of the PI wave of both eyes , while the PI amplitudes were normal .

  27. 结果电针刺激右侧光明(GB37)及外关穴(SJ5)可使受试者双侧大脑枕叶距状沟附近的视觉皮质及顶下小叶皮层区的fMRI信号显著增加。

    Results Electroacupuncture stimulation of Guangming ( GB37 ) and Waiguan ( SJ5 ) acupoints produced prominent increases of fMRI signals in visual cortex and inferior parietal lobule .

  28. 精神分裂症患者比有血缘关系的同胞存在双侧颞上回区、枕叶,左侧前额叶、顶叶和胼胝体相关脑区FA值降低(P0.001,未校正)。

    Patients had white matter FA values reduction in the bilateral temporal on the back area , occipital lobe , the left prefrontal lobe , parietal lobe and corpus callosum compared with siblings relation to enrolled patients ( P0.001 , uncorrectoin ) .

  29. 成像1h内观测到一系列诱导CSD波(14±3次),CSD波局限于顶-枕叶皮层中央区域扩展,以光强的显著下降为特征;

    A series of induced CSD waves were observed for 1 h during imaging ( 14 ± 3 times ) . The CSD waves were restricted in the medial parietal-occipital cortex , and were characterized with the obvious decrease of OIS .

  30. 结果1.ALD以顶枕叶白质受累为主,MLD除累及顶枕叶外,额叶受累的机会也较多,而CD和PMD则累及全脑叶,AD以先累及额叶为主。

    Results 1.There were dominant signs of involving parietal and occipital lobes in ALD , besides the two lobes , the frontal lobe was also involved easily in MLD . All lobes were involved in CD and PMD , and frontal lobe was involved in AD early .