
zhěn jīn
  • pillow towel;pillow cover;a towel used to cover a pillow
枕巾 [zhěn jīn]
  • [a towel used to cover a pillow] 铺在枕头上的织品

枕巾[zhěn jīn]
  1. 该列车共配有376条印有HelloKitty图案的枕巾。

    The train was installed with a total of 376 headrest covers with Hello Kitty patterns printed on them .

  2. 每条枕巾的成本约为新台币50元。

    Each headrest cover cost some NT $ 50 .

  3. 主打产品:硅胶牙刷,毛巾被,浴巾,枕巾。

    Main products : silicone toothbrush , towels , bath towels , pillow covers .

  4. 客房的温度、湿度、枕巾、床单平均合格率较低,分别为26.28%、4.38%、71.85%、71.43%。

    The average qualified percentage of temperature , humidity , corbel and bedsheet was 26.28 % , 4.38 % , 71.85 % , 71.43 % respectively .

  5. 而列车当天完成从台北至台东的往返运行时,乘务员发现只剩下48条枕巾,其余全部被偷。

    But when the train finished its round trip from Taipei to Taitung on Monday , the train attendants found that all but 48 headrest covers were stolen .

  6. 夜里想着自己心爱的人就要远赴北京了,晨丽的眼泪就无声无息地流出来了,枕巾被打湿了一大片。

    At night , thinking that her lover would leave for Beijing , Chen Li 's tears fell down her cheeks silently , making her pillowslip wet all over .

  7. 毛巾公司主要产品:毛巾,浴巾,毛巾被,餐巾,地巾,枕巾等巾类产品的生产与销售。

    Towel company main products : towels , bath towel , towel , napkins , and towels , towel used to cover pillow towel products , such as the production and marketing .

  8. 幸福就是半夜被噩梦困扰,大汗淋漓地惊醒后发现枕巾都被侵湿了,月光如水一样静静透过窗户流淌进来。

    Happiness is in the middle of the night by a nightmare distress , sweating to awaken after found were invaded wet towel , moonlight like water flowing quietly through the window .

  9. 铁路公司表示多准备了120条枕巾备用,但没想到列车首航会有328条(超87%)枕巾被盗。

    The train company said it prepared 120 extra covers just in case but did not expect that 328 pieces , or more than 87 % , would be stolen on the train 's maiden trip .