
niú ròu tānɡ
  • beef soup
  1. 也许您想喝点牛肉汤吧。

    Perhaps you 'd like beef soup .

  2. 牛肉汤对皮肤好

    Beef Soup for skin

  3. 她用牛肉汤作基料做成肉汁。

    She made gravy with a base of beef stock .

  4. 那牛肉汤味道很好。

    That 's a nice beef broth .

  5. 往汤里加少许雪利酒由伏特加酒和牛肉汤或肉煮的清汤制成的酒。

    Doctor the soup with a dash of sherry . vodka and beef bouillon or consomme .

  6. 我特别喜欢他们的牛肉汤河粉和黄咖哩鸡烩饭。

    I particularly love their Rice Noodle Soup , and the Panang Curry chicken over rice .

  7. 牛肉汤的清与浊是检验牛肉面是否正宗的秘籍之一。

    The clarity of the beef broth is the way to check if the beef noodles are authentic .

  8. 牛肉汤或牛肉原料,用黄油、面粉糊使之变厚,用香草或伍斯特郡等多种香料调味。

    Bouillon or beef stock thickened with butter and flour roux and variously seasoned with e.g. herbs or Worcestershire .

  9. 一碗典型的兰州拉面中有牛肉汤、牛肉片、香菜和小葱。

    A classic bowl of hand-pulled noodles comes with beef broth , slices of beef , coriander and spring onions .

  10. 这道由西贡流传而来的牛肉汤中有进口薄牛肉片、牛肉球和豆芽。配有泰式宽河粉。

    Thai rice noodle in beef broth with sliced imported beef fillet , beef balls and bean sprouts originated from Saigon .

  11. 由伏特加酒和牛肉汤或肉煮的清汤制成的酒。牛肉或羊肉跟蔬菜、珍珠大麦一起煮成的浓汤。

    Vodka and beef bouillon or consomme . a thick soup made from beef or mutton with vegetables and pearl barley .

  12. 剩下的部分可以加入鸡肉或牛肉汤里制成小方冰块。

    Leftover parsley can be added to chicken or beef broth that has been diluted and put in your ice cube tray .

  13. 例如,每周五当我准备美味菜炖牛肉汤以供第二天坡道滑雪享用时,就会感觉置身于美妙的厨房时光中。

    For example I find myself caught in a fantastic kitchen moment every Friday while preparing a delicious goulash soup to bring to the slopes the following day .

  14. 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。由伏特加酒和牛肉汤或肉煮的清汤制成的酒。

    Behind the vermilion gates meat and wine go to waste while out on the road lie the bones of those frozen to death . vodka and beef bouillon or consomme .

  15. 据新浪微博账号“河南考古”表示,这些骨头经确认为牛骨,这使得专家们确信他们发现的是一鼎牛肉汤。

    The bones were identified as those of oxen , which led experts to believe they had stumbled pot of beef soup , according to Sina Weibo account " Henan Archaeology . "

  16. 菜单上的菜都来自田里:蒸榆钱、炒青豆、蒸南瓜片以及现做的面条和牛肉汤。

    The menu came from the fields : elm tree seeds coated in flour and steamed ; stir-fried green beans ; steamed pumpkin slices ; and soup with freshly made noodles and veal .

  17. 最近在华中地区出土了一鼎2000多年的牛肉汤--这是考古学家们挖掘出的多种食物之一,并且在2000多年过后,其中一些食品仍然保持原样。

    A pot of 2000-year-old beef soup has been unearthed in Central China - one of many ancient dishes discovered by archaeologists who proved that after two millennia , some foods haven 't changed .

  18. 在法国,高汤有严格的分类——清淡小牛肉汤、浓郁小牛肉汤、生鸡汤和烤鸡汤——但是依照法国传统,完美的肉汤必须十分清澈,清澈得足以看清锅底硬币上的日期。

    In France , there are strict separations among stocks - light veal , dark veal , raw chicken , roasted chicken - but all of them are ideally of a perfect clarity , clear enough to read the date on a coin at the bottom of the pot , according to French tradition .

  19. 我想要一碗牛肉萝卜汤。

    I want a beef and carrot soup .

  20. 在苏格兰周围,这一天有不同的名字,比如燕麦饼之夜、牛肉麦片汤、忏悔之夜。

    Around Scotland the day had different names such as Bannock Night , Beef Brose and Shriften E'en .

  21. 看!豌豆,胡萝卜,牛肉和西红柿汤。

    Look ! Peas , carrots , beef and tomato soup .

  22. 芝麻凉面沙拉、香辣泰国牛肉卷、汤,还有意式宽面!

    Sesame noodle salad . Spicy Thai beef wrap . Soup . Lasagne !

  23. 面条汤,意大利面条、螺丝面、馄饨以及米线配上鸡肉、牛肉或者海鲜汤,这该是寒冷冬季温暖身体最好的办法了吧!

    NOODLES IN THE SOUP , spaghetti , spirals , wontons and rice noodles with chicken , beef or seafood in a delicious broth , the best way to warm yourself on a cold day .

  24. 歌诗达游轮全年提供各种主题游轮,如海上威尼斯提供包括蔬菜炖牛肉和威尼斯豆汤的意大利菜并且复制了具有面具和阅兵元素的威尼斯狂欢节。

    Costa offers themed cruises throughout the year , such as Venice at Sea , which serves Italian dishes including braised beef ragout and Venetian bean soup , and replicates Venices carnival with masks and a parade .

  25. 清澈的汤,通常是炖牛肉、小牛肉或鸡肉的汤。

    Clear soup usually of beef or veal or chicken .

  26. 牛肉拉面里头有牛肉片、牛肉块或者牛肉粒,汤老鲜的,是中国最好的“安胃”食物。

    Boasting braised slices , cubes , or minced pieces of beef , this soup is Chinese comfort food at its best .

  27. 现在,王老板选取的牛肉都是从日本、澳大利亚、美国和巴西等国家进口而来的。每块牛肉都以特定方式精心处理,而牛肉汤共有六种不同的口味,牛肉也分别取自牛身上的不同部位。

    Now , all the beef Wang uses is imported from Japan , Australia , the U.S. , Brazil etc. Each cut of beef gets trimmed in a certain way , and the soup Wang uses has six different flavors , all prepared from different body parts of the cattle .