
shè huì huó dònɡ jiā
  • social activist;public figures;public man
  1. 让-保罗·萨特(Jean-PaulSartre,1905&1980)二十世纪法国思想文化界最为瞩目的哲学家、文学家和社会活动家。

    Jean-Paul Sartre ( 1905-1980 ) was the most remarkable philosopher , writer and social activist in French cultural circles in 20 century .

  2. 社会活动家AjayDubey成功的将这个提议推上了国家高级法庭,并表示这个大型的猫科动物(老虎)应该得到保护。

    Social activist Ajay Dubey managed to push the proposal all the way to the nation 's highest court , saying the big cats need protection .

  3. 上个星期五,世界卫生组织再会见了Uige的传统社会活动家以后报道了进展。

    This past Friday , the W.H.O.reported progress after meetings with traditional community leaders in the city of Uige .

  4. J.M.贝彻,美国社会活动家

    J. M. Bacher , American social and activist

  5. 《世界发展报告》编写组组长之一SarahCliffe表示,本次活动为在冲突易发国家开展工作的社会活动家和创新者发表意见提供了一次机会。

    For WDR Co-Director Sarah Cliffe , the event provided an opportunity to sound out social activists and innovators working in countries vulnerable to conflict .

  6. 布莱恩·史蒂文斯(BryanStevenson)斯皮格尔与格劳出版社(Spiegel&Grau),28美元。一个社会活动家律师描述一个被错判谋杀的男人的故事,读来像是在号召人们采取行动。

    By Bryan Stevenson . ( Spiegel & Grau , $ 28 . ) An activist lawyer 's account of a man wrongfully convicted of murder reads like a call to action .

  7. 在成为拉丁美洲一名社会活动家之前曾是一名在马萨诸塞州科技学院的学生的巴瑞松在秘鲁的一辆公共汽车上因为被控告属于MRTA而被捕。

    A student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before becoming a social activist in Latin America , Berenson was arrested on a bus in Peru in1995 and charged with belonging to the MRTA .

  8. 社会活动家艾琳·费尔南德斯表示这使得他们变得极度弱势。

    Social activist Irene Fernandez said this made them extremely vulnerable .

  9. 茅盾是集社会活动家、学者、作家三重角色于一身的现代著名作家。

    Mao Dun was a social activist , scholar and a writer .

  10. 梁漱溟先生是我国著名思想家、哲学家和社会活动家。

    Liang Shuming is a famous thinker , philosopher and social activist .

  11. 摘要楚图南是著名的文学家、教育家、社会活动家。

    Chu Tunan is a famous litterateur , educator and social activist .

  12. 19世纪美国聋瞎的作家、教育家、慈善家和社会活动家。

    19th century American deaf-blind writer , educator , philanthropist and social activist .

  13. 社会活动家卡马尔说,政府应该更加负责。

    Meattle , the activist , said the government needs to be more responsive .

  14. 威尔成了热情的社会活动家。

    Will became an ardent public man .

  15. 家之一,披头士乐队的灵魂人物,诗人,社会活动家,反战者。

    Home , one of the beatles'soul , poet , social activist , anti-war person .

  16. 安东·鲁宾斯坦,俄罗斯杰出的钢琴家、作曲家、指挥家及音乐社会活动家。

    Anton Rubinstein , an outstanding Russian pianist , composer , conductor and music community activist .

  17. 现代儒商应是商人、学人和社会活动家的完美统一。

    Modern Confucianist businessman should be a perfect unification of merchant , scholar and social activist .

  18. 梁漱溟是20世纪中国伟大的思想家、教育家和社会活动家。

    Liang Shuming was a great Chinese thinker , educator and social activist in the 20th century .

  19. 他不仅是一位杰出的音乐教育家、社会活动家,更是一位伟大的作曲家。

    He was not only an outstanding music educator and social activist , but a great composer .

  20. 杨东莼先生是我国著名的马克思主义学者、历史学家、教育家和社会活动家。

    Mr. Yang Dongchun is the famous Chinese Marx doctrine scholars and historians , educator and social activist .

  21. 王正廷是民国时期著名的政治家、外交家和社会活动家。

    C.T.Wang is the well-known politician , diplomat , and social activist during the Republic of China Period .

  22. 艾格尼丝·史沫特莱,美国著名记者、作家和社会活动家,也是一位杰出的女性。

    Agnes Smedley was a well-known American journalist , writer , and social activist , and an outstanding woman .

  23. 茅以升不仅是一位杰出的桥梁专家和社会活动家,而且是一位著名的教育家。

    Mao Yisheng was not only an outstanding bridge engineer and a social activist , but also a famous educator .

  24. 林生祥是一位客家社会活动家和音乐家,他曾参与20世纪90年代的一场有影响力的社会活动。

    Lin is a Hakka social activist and musician who was involved with an influential social movement of the 1990 's.

  25. 和科学家、政治家一样,社会活动家并不期待科学能减少他们的生活之网的复杂性;

    Activists as well as scientists and politicians do not expect science to decrease the complex web of their lives .

  26. 但社会活动家们担心它将破坏亚马逊雨林的原貌,对数百个土著社区产生影响。

    But campaigners are concerned it might destroy untouched parts of the Amazon rainforest , affecting hundreds of indigenous communities .

  27. 梁漱溟是现代新儒家文化哲学的开创者,又是一个非常现实的社会活动家。

    Liang Shuming is not only a pioneer for new Confucian cultural philosophy , but also a very realistic activist .

  28. 在修炼道场的外围地区,他建立营地,年轻人在那里被鼓舞成为社会活动家;

    On the outlying fields of his ashrams he held camps where the young were inspired to be social activists ;

  29. 陈立教授是我国现代教育家和社会活动家,也是我国心理学的一代大师。

    Professor Chen Li , an educator and social activist in contemporary China , is a great master of Chinese psychology .

  30. 夏鼐(1910~1985年),温州人。考古学家、社会活动家,中科院院士。

    Xia Nai ( 1910-1985 ), born in Wenzhou , archaeologist , social activist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences .