
zhēn zhī chǎnɡ
  • Knitting factory;knit goods mill;knitted goods mill
  1. 因为家境贫寒,他读完初中就辍学到哈尔滨市第五针织厂当工人,franklinmarshall。

    Due to his needy family , he had to drop out from middle school and became a worker in a knitting factory .

  2. 今年8月推出的首个系列的T恤衫的布料由老织布机纺出,由ColonialGoods与LeeKungMan联手推出,LeeKungMan是一家创建于1923年的针织厂。

    For its first collection of T-shirts spun from a vintage loom , which will be released in August , Colonial Goods teamed up with Lee Kung Man , a knitting factory established in 1923 .

  3. 针织厂的实时监控、计划及质量控制

    Real Time Monitoring , Planning and Quality Control for the Knitting Plant

  4. 针织厂织布工计件制工资分配方式的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Piece Rate Wage System for Knitters in Knitting Mill

  5. 针织厂计件工资管理系统

    Piecework Wage Management System of a Knitted Sweater Plant

  6. 欢迎光临佛山市回龙针织厂()。

    Welcome to Foshan factory Huilong () .

  7. 2006年底,针织厂破产了,陈勇军和王莉都失业了。

    At the end of2006 , the factory went bankrupt and both of Chen and Wang were out of work .

  8. 王海是南阳城里很有名的人物,他开了个针织厂,身家数百万。

    Wang is a famous figure in Nanyang city , he opened a knitting mill , a net worth of millions .

  9. 王大妈为家境所迫,十二岁就到上海一家针织厂作童工。

    Granny Wang was forced by familv circum-stances to enter a knitting mill in Shanghai as a child labourer at the age of twelve .

  10. 本文用统计分析方法分析了针织厂原产品质量检验方案,指出了其不合理性;

    In this paper we analyse the quality test plan of original products in the textile factory and point out its unreasonable part by statistical method ;

  11. 我国自1984年河北省保定市的保定纺织机械厂并购保定针织器材厂第一例并购案例开始,全国各地相继出现了不同类型的企业并购重组案例,并购重组规模、范围日益扩大。

    Baoding , Hebei Province in China since the 1984 acquisition of Baoding , Baoding Textile Machinery Knitting Equipment Factory began the first case of M A cases around the country have suffered different types of M A cases , M A scale , scope expanding .

  12. 在张槎针织城我们厂的质量和服务是有口皆碑的。

    We Zhangcha knitting factory in the city of quality and service are legendary .

  13. 本企业是一家专业生产加工针织服装的制衣厂。

    We have our own garment factory in Hong Kong .