
zhēn jiao
  • Pin;stitch;suture
针脚 [zhēn jiǎo]
  • [suture; stitch] 缝线所缝出的线头

针脚[zhēn jiao]
  1. 钮孔和针脚的平衡被厉害地调节。

    The balance of a buttonhole and stitch are badly adjusted .

  2. 成对角缝在边上的针脚。

    A stitch passing over an edge diagonally . triangulate the angle .

  3. 针脚要尽量缝得小而直。

    Try to keep the stitches small and straight .

  4. 边上的针脚磨得已经开始脱线了。

    The stitching had begun to fray at the edges

  5. 用1.5厘米的针脚将它们暂时缝上。

    Tack them together with a 1.5 cm seam

  6. 针脚很匀。

    The stitches are neat .

  7. 这件棉衣针脚做得真密实。

    This padded jacket is sewn tightly with small stitches .

  8. 她缝纫时,针脚总是很密。

    When she sewed she always uses close stitches .

  9. 这些针脚必须连接到外部地面作为ESD保护电路。

    These pins must be connected to external ground as the ESD protection circuit .

  10. W成形术对顺皮纹的线状瘢痕及早期缝合不佳留有针脚的瘢痕较适宜。

    " W " plasty is preferred for the linear scars with cleavage lines and scars with remnant stitches due to earlier faulty suture .

  11. 以中央核处理器(CPU)这一典型的金含量高的电子废弃物为实验对象,采用油浴离心分离法、熔锡法及真空热解法对CPU进行预处理以实现针脚的分离。

    Central processing unit ( CPU ), a significant electronic component with a high gold content , was taken in experiment . CPU was pre-processed by centrifugal separation , solder smelting and vacuum pyrolysis to separate the pins from the base plates .

  12. 婴儿的衣服用“细”“针脚”缝着漂亮的褶裥。

    The baby 's dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches .

  13. 他们说针脚或者太密或者太稀。

    They said the stiches are either too thick or too thin .

  14. 确保针脚-a-插入到孔-b-中。

    Make sure that pins-a-are inserted into the bores-b - .

  15. 如可能,应修理损坏或腐蚀的针脚,否则应予以更换。

    Repair damaged or corroded pins if possible , otherwise replace them .

  16. 覆盖在两条水平线和两条垂直线上的花边针脚。

    Needlepoint stitch covering two horizontal and two vertical threads .

  17. 我妈妈在把袖子缝好之前,先用大针脚把它缝好。

    My mother tacked the sleeves on before sewing them .

  18. 我外套下摆的针脚松开了。

    The stitching along my coat hem is coming undone .

  19. 基于模板匹配的电子元器件针脚检测方法

    PIN detection of electronic components based on template matching

  20. 一种包边直线的针脚,尤其是对比鲜明的颜色里。

    A decorative overcast or running stitch , especially in a contrasting color .

  21. 缝在包装图案上的镶边的针脚的花边。

    Worked with a needle in a buttonhole stitch on a paper pattern .

  22. 支持的针脚,可以从函数的针脚的压力减少影响。

    The supporting pins can reduce the influences from stresses on the function pins .

  23. 针脚86s断开后2小时。

    2 hours after pin86s is switched off .

  24. 用大针脚宽松地缝在一起。

    Sew together loosely , with large stitches .

  25. 这件衣服是用密针脚缝上的。

    The dress was sewn with small stitches .

  26. 衣服已经被清洗、熨烫好,衣服破损处有人用细密、精巧的针脚缝补好了。

    They had been washed and pressed and mended with tiny , exquisite stitching .

  27. 她做针线活时针脚很大。

    When she sews she makes long stitches .

  28. 对针脚的操作可能会导致接触不良!

    Operations on pins can cause contact problems !

  29. 我的针脚如此的小以至于察觉不到

    My stitches were so small and undetected .

  30. 用暗针脚把一部分和另一部分缝制起来;用于书本。

    Sew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next ; of books .