
shuǐ píng xiàn
  • horizontal line;level;horizon;waterline
水平线 [shuǐ píng xiàn]
  • (1) [level]

  • (2) 水平面垂直切过所有与之相交的铅垂线,因而处处与静水表面相合的一条线或一个表面

  • (3) 地平面或地平面上的一条直线

水平线[shuǐ píng xiàn]
  1. 在水平线那里的地坑里。

    Up there on the horizon 's the China pit .

  2. 你就可以改变事件水平线的大小。

    You can alter the size of its event horizon .

  3. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。

    The vertical line meets the horizontal one here .

  4. 令他们惊讶的是,蜜蜂很快就找到了那条画得更高的水平线并拿到了糖。

    To their surprise , the bees found the higher horizontal line quickly and got sugar .

  5. 研究人员找来一群蜜蜂,教它们分辨哪条水平线比另一条高。

    Researchers found a group of bees and taught them to tell which horizontal linewas higher than the other .

  6. 对于一条给定的与线段相交的水平线,使用X

    For a given horizontal line that intersects the segment , use X

  7. 点击Add按钮以为水平线和垂直线添加值,属性描述文本会显示出允许的值。

    Click the Add button to add values for horizontal and vertical , which the attribute description text indicates as the allowed values .

  8. 根据增量水平线原理,利用模板缓冲区进行重叠测试,并采用查询列表方法避免了CPU和GPU互相等待造成的延迟。

    In order to make use of hardware occlusion query , the method uses stencil buffer to perform the occlusion test .

  9. 声带突至假设水平线在喉内的垂直距离为(10.8±1.1)mm和(10.9±1.1)mm。

    The endolaryngeal vertical length of the vocal process to the presumptive horizontal line were ( 10.8 ± 1.1 ) mm and ( 10.9 ± 1.1 ) mm , respectively .

  10. 不同铁、硼、锰水平线辣椒与TMV相互关系研究

    Study on the Relationship of Line Pepper and TMV under Different Iron , Boron and Manganese Supplementation

  11. 当S值呈水平线、直线及二次曲线分布时,可分别选r(t)为常数、线性函数及二次函数;

    When the distribution of S value appears to be a constant , a straight line or a conic curve , the r ( t ) can be chosen correspondingly as a constant , a linear function or a conic function .

  12. 竖轴代表时间,红色的水平线显示MATIP应用程序和MessageBroker消息流之间的数据传输。

    The passage of time runs vertically downwards in the figure , and the horizontal red lines show data transmission between the MATIP application and the Message Broker message flow .

  13. 本文用Snake的内部能量作为图像水平线的先验模型,由它的梯度下降流得到关于图像曲面的演化方程。

    The internal energy of the Snake is used as the prior model of the level lines of the image , and from its descent flow we obtain the evolution equation of the image surface .

  14. 剩下的几个时间框架有很完美的水平线。他们沿着相同斜率运动,他们的kd线距离几乎一致。

    The rest of the time frames have nice parallel lines , they are all moving at the same slope and all have their stochastic lines about the same distance apart .

  15. 这些信息会以UML序列图的方式来展现这些交互,序列图中的垂直线代表Android应用程序之中的元素,而水平线显示了元素之间的操作调用。

    The interactions are captured to a UML sequence diagram in which the vertical lines in the sequence diagram are elements from the Android application , and the horizontal lines show the invocation of operations between elements .

  16. 我记得那天凌晨的时候,我非常疲倦,我的eq不在最高水平线,情绪不稳定。

    I remember , it was very early in the morning * I was tired , my EQ level wasn 't at it 's highest * was quite emotional .

  17. 如果把iPad竖起来放在身前,然后想象着在其屏幕中间画一条水平线,那么7英寸平板电脑的屏幕要比这条中轴线还要靠下。

    If you take an iPad and hold it upright in portrait view and draw an imaginary horizontal line halfway down the screen , the screens on the seven-inch tablets are a bit smaller than the bottom half of the iPad display .

  18. 我也改变了Comco标题的文字颜色为蓝色,并提出了水平线橙色。

    I also changed the Comco header 's text colour to blue , and made the horizontal lines orange .

  19. 本文从点源的Sommerfeld型积分表达式出发,给出了计算在部分烧蚀介质层中或附近的水平线天线辐射场的公式。

    Starting with the sommerfeld 's integral representation for RF field of a elementary current , the formula for calculating radiation properties of horizontal wire antennas in or near partially ablated stratified dielectric structures are presented .

  20. 结果男女大学生分别与小学生比较,胸骨颈静脉切迹与第7颈椎棘突的连线(JC)和颈静脉切迹的水平线(JL)在胸后壁的垂直距离存在着非常显著性差异。

    Result In college students , the distance on the posterior thoracic wall from line between jugular notch and spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebrae ( JC ) to horizontal line of the jugular notch ( JL ) was longer than school children significantly .

  21. 请看下面图片Fig01,一个标记位置,工艺边折断位外形和单只外形没在同一水平线,我们建议拉平它们,请确认。

    Pls see below FIG01 , marked of one position , the breakaway outline and single outline are not in level , we would like to adjust them in level , Pls confirm .

  22. 海底无限长水平线电流源电磁场

    Electromagnetic field by infinite horizontal linear electric current on sea floor

  23. 被定义为贫穷的个人收入水平线。

    A level of personal income defining the state of poverty .

  24. 水平线与字符粘连的切分及字符修补

    Separating of horizontal line from characters and patching of the characters

  25. 标了数字和文字的水平线叫做消息。

    The horizontal arrows with numbered text are called messages .

  26. 在同一铅垂面内,当视线在水平线上方时,视线与水平线的夹角。

    Trying on drilling with high water level and large elevation angle ;

  27. 组成五线谱的五条水平线的任何一条。

    Any of the 5 horizontal marks comprising a staff .

  28. 问题是这样的,哪条水平线更长一些呢?

    The question is , which of these horizontal lines is longer ?

  29. 覆盖在两条水平线和两条垂直线上的花边针脚。

    Needlepoint stitch covering two horizontal and two vertical threads .

  30. 历史学家在日期上画了一条水平线来记住这天。

    The historian drew a horizontal line on the date to remember it .