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shuǐ shēnɡ kūn chónɡ
  • aquatic insect
  1. 食性以底栖动物、水生昆虫以及鱼类幼体为主。

    The fish feed on benthos , larva of aquatic insect and other fishes .

  2. 似鮈为杂食性鱼类。其食物主要为水生昆虫幼虫。

    The fish is an omnivorous fish , the diet consists mainly of aquatic insect lavra .

  3. 体长大于130mm时,以虾为主食,兼食水生昆虫和鱼类,其中太湖新银鱼在食物中仅出现2次,出现频率为0.45%。

    Individuals over 130 mm SL feed mainly on shrimps as well as aquatic insects and little fishes ( the salangid fish has occurred only for 2 times , occurring frequency being 0.45 % ) .

  4. 中国北方中生代晚期水生昆虫群落演替与环境变迁

    Aquatic community succession and environmental changes of Late Mesozoic in northern China

  5. 辽北地区水生昆虫与水质监测试验

    Application of Aquatic Insects at water Monitoring

  6. 山林水环境水生昆虫丰富度及多样性初探

    A Preliminary Study on Species Abundance and Biological Diversity of Aquatic Insects in Mountain forest Water Environment

  7. 中国中生代晚期蜉蝣目化石研究及水生昆虫群落演替分析

    Taxonomy of Fossil Ephemeroptera from Late Mesozoic in China , with Comments on Succession of Aquatic Insect Community

  8. 结果表明,■河底栖动物共9属.其中环节动物3属,水生昆虫6属;

    A total of 9 genera of benthos were found including 3 genera of annelid , 6 genera of hydra-insects .

  9. 新桥河大型底栖无脊椎动物主要由水生昆虫、软体动物、甲壳动物和寡毛类等4大类群组成,其中水生昆虫个体数量最高。

    Benthic macroinvertebrates of Xinqiao stream were composed of aquatic insects , molluscas , crustaceans and oligochaetes , among them aquatic insects had the highest abundance .

  10. 介绍常见水生昆虫的类群及其作为指示生物在水质监测中的应用,综述国内外利用水生昆虫监测和评价水质的研究与应用进展。

    This paper introduces aquatic insects as bio-indicators in monitoring and assessing water quality and reviews the proceedings in monitoring and assessing water quality by using aquatic insects .

  11. 密度为315.5个/平方米,水生昆虫占50.8%。寡毛类45.4%;

    The density of zoobenthos is 315 . 5 / m2 . in which aquatic insect is 50 . 8 % , and oligochaeta is 45 . 4 % ;

  12. 水生昆虫作为水环境的指示生物,不仅种群动态的变化对于水质监测具有重要的意义,形态上的变化也有助于分析水质。

    Population changes of aquatic insects regarded as bioindicators are not only important to assess water quality , but also their morphological changes are helpful to analyze water quality .

  13. 蝾螈以水生昆虫、小鱼及甲壳纲动物为食,在最近,它们可没办法愉快地生活了。

    Even so , the axolotl , which feeds on aquatic insects , small fish and crustaceans , doesn 't have a lot to be happy about these days .

  14. 水生昆虫中的摇蚊幼虫在富营养湖泊中的密度大,能摄食消化大量的沉积有机碎屑,成虫羽化后离开水体飞往陆地。

    The density of Chironomid larvae in the eutrophic lake is high . They can consume a large amout of organics detritus before the adult emergence and fly away to land .

  15. 底栖动物共有12种,绝大多数为水生昆虫,占到种类数的75%,其余为环节动物、软体动物和甲壳动物。

    The benthos altogether have 12 species , the overwhelming majority were the aquatic insects accounting for 75 % of the total species , others are annulata , mollusk and crustacean .

  16. 浮桥河水库底栖动物的平均密度为529.1ind/m2,平均生物量为3534.1mg/m2,均以水生昆虫占优,其时空变化主要受水生昆虫控制。

    The density and biomass of zoobenthos in the reservoir were 529.1 ind. / m 2 and 3534.1mg/m 2 , respectively , and both dominated by Insecta . The spatiotemporal change of the zoobenthos standing crops was mainly related to Insecta .

  17. 共观察到4科7属底栖动物,其中:软体动物为1科1属,环节动物为1科2属,水生昆虫为1科3属,甲壳动物为1科1属;

    In total , 4 families 7 genera of zoobenthos were observed , of which , 1 family 1 genus was mollusca , 1 family 2 genera were annelidan , 1 family 3 genera were aquatic insect , 1 family 1 genus was crustacean .

  18. 已知的水生昆虫约30000种,而在海洋生活的昆虫仅为250~300种。根据在海洋中的栖息地不同,海洋昆虫一般可分为远洋昆虫、潮池昆虫和海滨昆虫。

    Of the approximately ( 30 ? 000 ) known species of aquatic insects , only about 250 ~ 350 species are marine insects , which include species living in open oceans , tide pools , rocky shore , beach , salt marshes and estuaries .

  19. 表明天然水域中斑鳠主要以甲壳类、昆虫类、鱼类、环节动物、植物碎屑等为食,其中甲壳类的出现频率高达78.6%,水生昆虫的出现频率为45.8%。

    The investigation result shows that the feed of Mystus guttatus in the Pearl River are crustaceans , insect , annelida , fish and pieces of plant . Among them , the crustaceans and insects are the main feed , the emergence frequency is 78.6 % and 45.8 % respectively .

  20. 荆州城郊水生蝽类昆虫调查

    Study on Aquatic True Bugs of Five Kinds of Waters in Suburban of Jingzhou Town

  21. 水生双翅目昆虫是监测水体重金属污染的理想对象。

    We describe the influence of heavy metal pollution on the morphological and internal structural changes of aquatic Dipteral insects .

  22. (关于具有水生初期阶段的昆虫)经历与成虫不相似的不完全变态的幼虫期的。

    ( of an insect with aquatic young ) undergoing incomplete metamorphosis in which the young does not resemble the adult .