
kǒu qì
  • instrumenta cibaria;partes oris;trophi;mouthpart
口器 [kǒu qì]
  • [trophi;mouthpart] 节肢动物口两侧的器官,有摄取食物及感觉等作用

口器[kǒu qì]
  1. 转Bt基因棉花对刺吸式口器害虫种群的影响

    Effects of Bt-transgenic cotton on population of the piercing-sucking mouthparts insects

  2. 昆虫口器及其进化简史

    A brief introduction to insect mouthparts and their evolutionary history

  3. 刺吸电波图(EPG)是用于研究刺吸式口器昆虫取食的电生理技术。

    EPG is an electrical physiological technology which is used to study the probing and feeding behavior of piercing sucking insects .

  4. 零口器和非口器在变压器等效电路中的应用

    The Application of Nullators and Norators to Equivalent Circuits of Transformers

  5. 它的口器工作原理就像注射器抽血。

    Its proboscis works like a syringe to draw out blood .

  6. 有适于咀嚼的口器和四个网状的大膜翅膀的昆虫。

    Insect having biting mouthparts and four large membranous wings with netlike veins .

  7. 它们的口器变得更锋利,有点像牙齿。

    Their mouthparts are sharper , sort of tooth-like .

  8. 昆虫的口器大概可分为两类。

    There are basically two kinds of insect mouths .

  9. 有吸口器的桡足动物;寄生于鱼上。

    Copepods with suctorial mouthparts ; parasitic on fishes .

  10. 管道气动内对口器研究与应用

    Research and application of pipeline pneumatic internal clamp

  11. 软体小昆虫,有善于咀嚼的口器,没有翅膀也没有双对。

    Small soft-bodied insect with chewing mouthparts and either no wings or two pairs .

  12. 口器形态的研究可以为研究昆虫取食机制提供思路。

    Research on mouthpart morphology could provide insight on the feeding mechanism of insects .

  13. 我们在昆虫的口器构造中也看到这一伟大的法则。

    We see the same great law in the construction of the mouths of insects .

  14. 深色的小蛾子,有善于咀嚼的口器。

    Small dull-colored moth with chewing mouthparts .

  15. 不同的环境,对物种有不同要求,从而产生了不同的基因和不同形状的口器。

    Different niches , having different requirements , result in different genes and different shaped mouthparts .

  16. 因为成虫没有发展完好的口器,因而不吃东西。

    Because these adults do not have fully developed mouth parts , they do not feed .

  17. 有象成体一样不起作用的口器的蛾子;幼虫吃树叶并结鸡蛋形的蚕茧。

    Moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adults ; larvae feed on tree foliage and spin egg-shaped cocoons .

  18. 管道气动内对口器是管道施工中实现管口组对的一种专用机具,可为施工现场提供快速、准确的管口组对。

    Pipe pneumatic inner aligning device is a special machine used to implement fast and accurate pipe connection .

  19. 目前对叶蝉科昆虫口器的形态和超微结构研究很少。

    Whereas studies on the mouthpart morphology and the fine structures of the mouthparts in Cicadellidae are relatively few .

  20. 褐飞虱栖息于稻丛基部,以刺吸式口器吸食韧皮部汁液,严重时稻田成片枯萎,造成减产甚至失收。

    Insects of brown planthopper gather at the base part of rice plant and suck assimilates from the phloem .

  21. 如果你在睡觉的时候磨牙,戴护口器可以保护牙釉质。

    If you grind your teeth in your sleep , wearing a mouth guard can help protect your enamel .

  22. 低、无毒农药防治花灌木主要刺吸式口器害虫

    Use of low - toxic and nontoxic pesticides against important pest insects with piercing and sucking mouthparts in flower shrubs

  23. 中国异跗节类昆虫的科级阶元与部分种类的口器表征(鞘翅目:多食亚目)

    Study on the Family Category of Heteromera and Mouthpart Structure of Some Species from China ( Coleoptera : Polyphaga );

  24. 蚜虫是一类刺吸式口器的小型昆虫,孤雌生殖、世代周期极短、繁殖率高,这使得蚜虫种群增长迅速。

    Aphids are small sap-sucking insects whose parthenogenetic reproduction and short generation time allow them to increase population size rapidly .

  25. 典型的白蚁特徵是灰白色、无翅、体柔软,有咀嚼式口器以及短触角。

    The typical features of Termites are grayish white , no wings , soft body with mouth and short feeler .

  26. 柑桔吸果夜蛾的头部内骨骼、肌肉系统和口器构造与成虫取食习性的关系

    Studies on the cephalic endoskeleton , musculature and proboscis of citrus FRUIT-PIERCING noctuid moths in relation to their feeding habits

  27. 避免做出任何揉搓动作,那样可能会损伤蜱插入皮肤的口器,而这部分口器可引发人的感染。

    Avoid any twisting motion that may break off the mouth parts in the skin , which can cause an infection .

  28. 转录编码的多样性的消化酶类与吮吸式口器昆虫明显不同。

    There were transcripts coding for diverse putative digestive proteases , which is different from other plant-sucking insects such as aphids .

  29. 花保是一种无公害的触杀剂,对多种刺吸式口器害虫如蚜虫、蝉、红蜘蛛、介壳虫等有较强的触杀作用。

    Huabao is a pollution free insecticide which has strong contact poisoning function on aphids , cicadas , mites and scales .

  30. 它们主要以刺吸式口器吸取植物的汁液为食,对寄主植物造成危害。

    They live on plant juice with their sucking mouthpart piercing into leaves of branches , which cause harm to the host .