
kǒu tóu zhènɡ jù
  • oral evidence;parol;parol evidence
  1. 违反法定程序获取口头证据,刑讯现象时有发生,严重侵犯当事人的合法权益;

    Obtain the oral evidence in illegal ways ;

  2. 口头证据不能用来否认书面契约条款的规则。

    A rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract .

  3. 除非有局面合同,否则不得适用口头证据规则。

    There can be no application of the parole evidence rule unless there is a written contract .

  4. 口头证据规则适用于确定合同的明示条款的证据。

    The parol evidence rule applies to evidence as to what the express terms of a contract are .

  5. 口头证据规则仅阻止当事人以外在证据对抗书面合同的明示条款。

    The parol evidence rule only prevents a party from relying on extrinsic evidence as to the express terms of a written contract .

  6. 口头证据规则仅适应于在书面合同履行之前或履行之时作出的陈述。

    The parol evidence rule only applies to evidence of statements made before or at the time of the execution of the written contract .

  7. 在苏格兰的法律诉讼中,凡涉及汇票、银行支票、本票有关之事实,并和票据责任有关者,得由口头证据证明。

    Legal proceedings in Scotland , involving money orders , bank checks , promissory notes relevant facts and notes relating to the responsibility , and who may be authorized by the oral evidence .

  8. 法官可以负责审问,而在审问时任何一方或双方都可提出书面或口头的证据来证明他们的论点。

    Indeed , the Code established the position of judges who might preside over hearings at which both documentary and oral evidence might be presented by either or both sides to prove their arguments .

  9. 此外,没有关于该岛之旧时记录文书以及显示属我国领有的文字或口头传说的证据。

    In addition , there exist no old records related to the said island or folklore and legends demonstrating that the island belongs to our country .

  10. 该规则防止买方依靠所谓的“口头担保”为证据。

    The rule prevents a buyer from relying on evidence of so-called " oral warranties " .